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Wrong. The NCAA has more leverage than you think....

Posted on: October 1, 2019 at 21:09:26 CT
zounami MU
Member For:
10.89 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
let's pretend the Supreme Court would agree with California and forbid non-profit universities from having amateur sports teams that students can volunteer to play for as amateurs, in exchange for an athletic scholarship. I think there's no chance that our right-leaning SCOTUS would decide that way, but let's pretend for a moment they would...

There are only going to be a handful of ultra-liberal states that pass legislation like this, possibly only California & New York. You'll see some far-left state reps propose it in other states, but it will never get through their state legislatures.

The vast majority of states will preserve the long-standing tradition of athletic amateurism at their prestigious non-profit universities.

The NCAA will carry on as usual, without the CA and NY schools. Honestly, no one watches the Pac-12 anyway... that's why their TV network is basically worthless.

The show will go on, and the states that made it illegal to comply with the NCAA's amateurism rules will start feeling enormous pressure from their constituents to abolish those laws so they can once again participate in NCAA sporting events.

As I said, the NCAA (and the states that support it) have far more leverage than you seem to think.

It doesn't matter though since the SCOTUS will nullify these laws before they take effect.
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“Image Rights” & live game broadcasts - ScottsdaleTiger MU - 10/1 18:48:41
     NCAA is an organization you volunteer to join - samclemens MU - 10/2 05:43:04
          Federal and State law control and take precedence - ScottsdaleTiger MU - 10/2 10:55:45
               That's when the courts comes into play.... - zounami MU - 10/2 11:30:31
               This is why the porschee is an early 80s 928.(nm) - RayKinsella1922 SEC - 10/2 11:05:25
          Correct, and non-profit organizations have a right to - zounami MU - 10/2 07:47:20
               Laughable - ScottsdaleTiger MU - 10/2 11:00:16
                    what's laughable is your incessant need to post info that - zounami MU - 10/2 11:28:17
     l can’t wait this is so great - Genco98 MU - 10/1 20:28:40
          The corruption would be rampant, but fortunately it's - zounami MU - 10/1 20:55:05
     doesn't matter... the law will get struck down by the - zounami MU - 10/1 20:02:51
          It won’t even get close to that point - zodiac6 JC - 10/1 20:17:00
               Wrong. The NCAA has more leverage than you think.... - zounami MU - 10/1 21:09:26
                    The California law doesn't forbid amateur sports. - zodiac6 JC - 10/1 21:18:34
                         The schools are non-profit organizations.... - zounami MU - 10/1 21:35:17
                              We’ll see. - zodiac6 JC - 10/1 21:43:00
                                   They are absolutely volunteers of non-profit organizations. - zounami MU - 10/1 21:55:47
                                        That doesn’t answer the question. - zodiac6 JC - 10/1 22:03:47
                                             The SCOTUS would rule that non-profit organizations have the - zounami MU - 10/1 22:25:24
                                                  Employers can set nondiscriminatory parameters, too. - zodiac6 JC - 10/2 00:14:26
                                                       First of all, athletes volunteering for non-profit teams.... - zounami MU - 10/2 07:37:46
                                                  They should rid them of 501c3 status - meatiger MU - 10/1 22:28:40
                                                       I disagree, but that's a different discussion... - zounami MU - 10/1 22:31:41
                                                            What is their charity? - meatiger MU - 10/1 22:33:50
                                                                 The same as every public high school... - zounami MU - 10/1 22:40:54
                                                                      Do public high school - meatiger MU - 10/1 22:44:01
                                                                           college professors make more than high school teachers... - zounami MU - 10/1 22:50:43
                                                                                Damn - meatiger MU - 10/1 22:55:18
                                                                      ...plus research (nm) - zounami MU - 10/1 22:41:27
                                             They are intefering with a private contract - meatiger MU - 10/1 22:10:20
                                                  Lots of laws do that.(nm) - zodiac6 JC - 10/1 22:24:49
                                                       Yeah - meatiger MU - 10/1 22:29:32
                                                  NCAA rules aren't "contracts". What about walk-ons... - zounami MU - 10/1 22:12:11
                                                       There are rules of participation - meatiger MU - 10/1 22:14:35
                                                            Correct, but those are not contracts. (nm) - zounami MU - 10/1 22:25:43
                                                                 de facto they are - meatiger MU - 10/1 22:27:30
                                   It is a consensual contract - meatiger MU - 10/1 21:54:33
                                        it's a non-profit volunteer job w/ eligibility requirements - zounami MU - 10/1 22:06:29
                                        You could theoretically agree to work a job for $1/hr - zodiac6 JC - 10/1 22:02:20
                                             those laws don't apply to volunteers of 501c3 organizations - zounami MU - 10/1 22:10:39
                                                  That would be a valid point if the law required schools to - zodiac6 JC - 10/1 22:24:05
                                                       NCAA amateurism rules are simply eligibility requirements... - zounami MU - 10/1 22:31:08
                                             I don’t get why you are so obsessed with it - Genco98 MU - 10/1 22:07:39
                                                  Weird response considering how much you also talk about it.(nm) - zodiac6 JC - 10/1 22:12:47
                                             Well..what they get is not even comparable(nm) - meatiger MU - 10/1 22:06:38
                                                  Legally, that doesn’t matter. - zodiac6 JC - 10/1 22:11:42
     You don't need to wonder - zodiac6 JC - 10/1 19:30:32
          Is school selling player's image rights in a tv broadcast? - ScottsdaleTiger MU - 10/1 21:01:48
               Keep in mind, none of the Pac-12 schools, including the - zounami MU - 10/1 21:10:25
                    You're on the wrong side of history - ScottsdaleTiger MU - 10/1 21:33:04
                         does the scholarship contract - meatiger MU - 10/1 21:47:05
                              Not expressly, see the linked example - ScottsdaleTiger MU - 10/2 11:06:21
                         By the way, a "free market approach" doesn't involve - zounami MU - 10/1 21:45:21
                         I'm on the side of non-profit organizations and their right - zounami MU - 10/1 21:38:33

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