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First of all, direct statements to a person about an event

Posted on: September 29, 2019 at 19:58:48 CT
Mo Texan MU
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21.17 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
Have always been accepted so I actually don’t know what change you mean. But if something was changed to specifically allow this complaint what do you think that does to stop the investigation?

Edited by Mo Texan at 19:59:12 on 09/29/19
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     RE: Trump the Worm is squirming on Twitter tonight - MOCO SON MU - 9/29 19:51:36
     Bring the vote(nm) - tman MU - 9/29 19:19:31
          Bold - Ace A - 9/29 19:35:21
               Bring it, Schiff has stated for 18 months he has the - tman MU - 9/29 19:52:23
                    You’re scaring me - Ace A - 9/29 20:05:59
          He will be impeached in the House, rightly so - raskolnikov MU - 9/29 19:22:14
               RE: He will be impeached in the House, rightly so - MOCO SON MU - 9/29 19:53:39
               Oh so yer smarter now ?? LMAO !! - Uncle Fester USMC - 9/29 19:34:26
               BOOKMARKETED (nm) - Fourth and Long MU - 9/29 19:31:57
               He keeps looking better and better when you see the dems... - Logan BAMA - 9/29 19:27:36
                    Money doesn't win it friend. Votes do (nm) - raskolnikov MU - 9/29 19:30:10
                         And yer making sure the Deplorables come out in FORCE - Uncle Fester USMC - 9/29 19:35:39
                              Yep, all 35% of them(nm) - raskolnikov MU - 9/29 19:37:10
                                   You think the tattooed tye dye multi gender Freaks outnumber - Uncle Fester USMC - 9/29 19:54:19
                                        No, I think normal, hard-working middle class americans like - raskolnikov MU - 9/29 20:06:25
                                             Yer a Radical Marxist Xtremist Pedo Satan Supporting Freak - Uncle Fester USMC - 9/29 20:09:26
                                                  Pretty average middle American. That that does not fit your - raskolnikov MU - 9/29 21:40:12
                                   Amazing...it carried him to victory last time. - Logan BAMA - 9/29 19:38:59
                                        No, it didn't(nm) - raskolnikov MU - 9/29 19:39:27
                                             So hes not the President ? LOL - Uncle Fester USMC - 9/29 19:41:00
                                                  Deplorables had a big heaping of help from two groups - raskolnikov MU - 9/29 19:47:50
                                                       The 'Give him a chance crowd" Are pretty damn happy - Uncle Fester USMC - 9/29 19:50:59
                                                            No worries then. Trump will be around forever, it is great(nm) - raskolnikov MU - 9/29 19:53:00
                                                                 You will probably git Rand, Don Jr or Ivanka next - Uncle Fester USMC - 9/29 19:56:40
                                                                      While Daddy is doing time? Bring them on(nm) - raskolnikov MU - 9/29 20:05:19
                                                                           Daddy will be golfing while yer heroes rot in GITMO - Uncle Fester USMC - 9/29 20:07:21
                                                                                You're going to put Bill Bradley and Nader in Gitmo? Huh(nm) - raskolnikov MU - 9/29 21:48:40
                         I guess Hildebeast found that out huh... - Logan BAMA - 9/29 19:32:17
               No. Then comes a trial in the Senate and dems - tman MU - 9/29 19:27:06
                    Read my post (nm) - raskolnikov MU - 9/29 19:30:32
               impeached for what? (nm) - Sal CMSU - 9/29 19:22:52
                    BECAUSE WE HATE HIM!!! - TIGERROAR MU - 9/29 19:36:46
                         right now, that's about all they have (nm) - Sal CMSU - 9/29 19:38:21
                              Extorting a foreign leader w/US money for personal gain - raskolnikov MU - 9/29 20:07:13
                                   As of right now that's yet to be proven - Sal CMSU - 9/29 20:09:28
                                        It is in black and white, brought the complaint - raskolnikov MU - 9/29 21:41:29
                    I guess we will have to see, won't we?(nm) - raskolnikov MU - 9/29 19:31:18
                         well that's not very specific (nm) - Sal CMSU - 9/29 19:32:04
                              Kelly Ann was brilliant, I have said that dozens & dozens - raskolnikov MU - 9/29 19:36:44
                                   that's an odd "answer" (nm) - Sal CMSU - 9/29 19:38:04
          Exactly ... get on with it (nm) - Sal CMSU - 9/29 19:20:16
     Vote for Pocahontas then....she seems your type. - Logan BAMA - 9/29 19:19:29
     It's kind of odd that Pelosi is slow walking it - Sal CMSU - 9/29 19:11:54
          After WB testimony each person who provided the info to - Mo Texan MU - 9/29 19:26:58
               The ICIG also needs to testify - Sal CMSU - 9/29 19:28:16
                    Most certainly the IG will be called, but the change you - Mo Texan MU - 9/29 19:41:26
                         Well, if the change was done to accommodate the current - Sal CMSU - 9/29 19:43:54
                              Not sure why you think that. The horse is out of the barn on - Mo Texan MU - 9/29 19:49:14
                                   B/c the change was literally just made - Sal CMSU - 9/29 19:52:07
                                        First of all, direct statements to a person about an event - Mo Texan MU - 9/29 19:58:48
                                             You seem pretty clueless - Sal CMSU - 9/29 20:00:07
                                                  As I asked previously- even if true how does that - Mo Texan MU - 9/29 20:05:46
                                                       How does it stop the impeachment investigation? - Sal CMSU - 9/29 20:08:12
                                                            Again, even if true the info is out and it can’t be be - Mo Texan MU - 9/29 20:18:28
          She's stalling in hopes somebody finds something. - RHAYWORTH MU - 9/29 19:14:44
               Pretty much. Here's a - GA Tiger MU - 9/29 19:21:53
               And they don't want the GOP to have full - Sal CMSU - 9/29 19:16:36

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