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Regardless, Sal wouldn't care

Posted on: November 13, 2018 at 15:22:14 CT
MrBlueSky MU
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his trumpology is strong.
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What is the democrat fetish over Drumpf's tax returns? - Ragnar Danneskjold MU - 11/13 14:40:37
     A few reasons - Knucklehead MU - 11/13 15:42:08
          If he is going light on the Russians, it doesn't show. - Coors4bob MU - 11/13 16:59:49
     Jealousy, voyeurism, etc. (nm) - ummmm MU - 11/13 15:38:52
     Why do r's not feel the need to hold trump to his word - playhard NWMSU - 11/13 15:07:38
          Because I don't give a $hit about his taxes - Ragnar Danneskjold MU - 11/13 15:11:34
               You misspelled - mizzoumurfkc KC - 11/13 15:18:07
                    By not releasing them it also looks like he's trying to - playhard NWMSU - 11/13 15:21:42
                         He has shown no favors to anyone. - Coors4bob MU - 11/13 17:00:40
                         post your tax returns for the board to see (nm) - Sal KC - 11/13 15:22:56
                              If he didn't want to release them he shouldn't have - playhard NWMSU - 11/13 15:28:12
                                   Put aside what he said - Sal KC - 11/13 15:33:17
                                        I'd like to know who they owe money to, if someone say owes - playhard NWMSU - 11/13 15:37:25
                                             You eon find that information there(nm) - tman MU - 11/13 17:35:14
                                             No you wouldn't - Sal KC - 11/13 15:38:12
                                                  I would have voted for Rubio or Bush over Hillary - playhard NWMSU - 11/13 15:46:33
                                                       I would have voted for a dead monkey over hillary. - Coors4bob MU - 11/13 17:01:37
                              Is playhard running for president? - mizzoumurfkc KC - 11/13 15:24:09
                                   That shouldn't matter - Sal KC - 11/13 15:25:04
                                        That should matter...that's the issue, Sal - mizzoumurfkc KC - 11/13 15:28:56
                                             sal is hiding behind "it's nobody's business" - playhard NWMSU - 11/13 15:31:37
                                                  it's nobody's business (nm) - 90Tiger MU - 11/13 17:15:09
                                                  Obviously. And - mizzoumurfkc KC - 11/13 15:37:50
                                                  No I'm not - Sal KC - 11/13 15:32:37
                                                       Fine, then don't promise to release them during the campaign - playhard NWMSU - 11/13 15:34:00
                                                            Those are two separate issues - Sal KC - 11/13 15:35:37
                                             Just b/c other presidents did something - Sal KC - 11/13 15:29:40
                                                  Like going outside in the rain? trump certainly isn't - playhard NWMSU - 11/13 15:32:37
                                                       Std out in the rain the other day(nm) - tman MU - 11/13 15:34:11
                                                            After he was shamed in to it(nm) - playhard NWMSU - 11/13 15:47:14
                                                                 but he did stand outside in it? (nm) - Sal KC - 11/13 15:48:47
                                                                      RE: but he did stand outside in it? (nm) - playhard NWMSU - 11/13 15:49:28
                                                                 Yeah ok. (nm) - tman MU - 11/13 15:47:58
                              first he must promise to do so - JG MU - 11/13 15:24:07
               We get it- you don't give a shiite about America - JG MU - 11/13 15:17:24
                    He tries to justify it below by saying tax fraud isnt wrong. - Badird MU - 11/13 15:19:05
                         I would expect Ragliar to say its Trumps duty to commit - JG MU - 11/13 15:20:46
                         lol I said no such thing, damn you're dumb as hell boy - Ragnar Danneskjold MU - 11/13 15:20:33
                              What Trump did is tax fraud, though. Flail away. (nm) - Badird MU - 11/13 15:21:02
                                   What did he do? (nm) - pickle MU - 11/13 15:26:33
                                        Google it, dildo. (nm) - Badird MU - 11/13 15:27:21
                                             I'm asking you. I want to know your thoughts - pickle MU - 11/13 15:40:39
                                             He wants to hear it from you nimrod - Ragnar Danneskjold MU - 11/13 15:32:11
                                             He's specifically asking you - Sal KC - 11/13 15:28:38
                                                  As I have said numerous times in this thread: - Badird MU - 11/13 15:34:31
                                                       That's not fraud - pickle MU - 11/13 15:41:09
                                                       The article itself said "suspect" - Sal KC - 11/13 15:37:26
                                                            Its clear you havent read it. The details are painstaking. - Badird MU - 11/13 15:39:57
                                                                 I have read it - Sal KC - 11/13 15:41:03
                                                                      The Times pc uses tax records, genius. (nm) - Badird MU - 11/13 15:42:18
                                                                           And because his taxbasis went down that is fraud(nm) - tman MU - 11/13 15:47:00
                                                                                A building doesnt lose 83% of its value in 18 days. (nm) - Badird MU - 11/13 15:49:18
                                                                                     No? Then I am sure the IRS will see this obvious - tman MU - 11/13 15:51:40
                                                                                          The IRS has neither the resources nor inclination to - Badird MU - 11/13 15:55:01
                                                                                               The IRS doesn't have the resources - Sal KC - 11/13 15:57:28
                                                                                                    Or the inclination? What of what of you 1%ers - tman MU - 11/13 17:36:53
                                                                                                    Valuation is not a fight the IRS takes, no matter how - Badird MU - 11/13 16:28:00
                                                                           lol (nm) - Sal KC - 11/13 15:42:59
                                   lol you have no idea what you are talking about do you? - Ragnar Danneskjold MU - 11/13 15:23:04
                                        He doesn't. He has read a talking points t(nm) - tman MU - 11/13 17:37:44
                                        "Gaming the system", aka what Trump did to devalue his - Badird MU - 11/13 15:25:11
                                             That's not tax fraud - pickle MU - 11/13 15:39:58
          I hope no candidate releases them ever again (nm) - Sal KC - 11/13 15:08:33
               So do I. Why would anyone care about someone else's - Ferg MU - 11/13 15:10:19
                    He said he would. - MrBlueSky MU - 11/13 15:13:02
                    it's an odd obsession (nm) - Sal KC - 11/13 15:10:34
                         Holding someone to their word is an odd obsession?(nm) - playhard NWMSU - 11/13 15:21:00
                         If his taxes revealed - MrBlueSky MU - 11/13 15:14:16
                              blatant evasion and fraud? You do realize the IRS has his - Ferg MU - 11/13 15:15:44
                                   With real estate especially - MrBlueSky MU - 11/13 15:16:59
                                        And what information will be gained that the IRS doesnt - tman MU - 11/13 15:19:48
                                        lol so no illegal activity - Sal KC - 11/13 15:19:21
                                             I don't practice tax law - MrBlueSky MU - 11/13 15:21:38
                                   don't try to use logic with them (nm) - Sal KC - 11/13 15:16:50
                                        You are wholly unaware of the practices of the Trump Org - MrBlueSky MU - 11/13 15:17:41
                                             Everybody should avoid taxes to the best - Sal KC - 11/13 15:18:53
                              if there is illegal activity, sure - Sal KC - 11/13 15:15:20
                                   Read the NYT article on Trump's tax evasion. - Badird MU - 11/13 15:16:46
                                        No I dont is the IRS incapable of conducting the - tman MU - 11/13 15:23:33
                                             The NYT's was able to uncover something - Sal KC - 11/13 15:24:45
                                                  Yes. Youre starting to get it. (nm) - Badird MU - 11/13 15:25:45
                                                       lol (nm) - Sal KC - 11/13 15:31:41
                                                       Ah. So the detailed returns that the IRS has in its - tman MU - 11/13 15:31:37
                                                            pretty amazing (nm) - Sal KC - 11/13 15:34:10
                                        What illegal activity did the article prove? (nm) - Sal KC - 11/13 15:18:14
                                             Tax fraud, Sal. - Badird MU - 11/13 15:20:41
                                                  Regardless, Sal wouldn't care - MrBlueSky MU - 11/13 15:22:14
                                                       it did! The lock him up and demand he pay - tman MU - 11/13 15:25:06
                                                       You're making a claim then admit - Sal KC - 11/13 15:23:38
                                                            But it shows tax fraud. Just ask him(nm) - tman MU - 11/13 15:25:47
                                                            I didn't write the article in the NY Times - MrBlueSky MU - 11/13 15:25:25
                                                                 So you have nothing. (nm) - tman MU - 11/13 15:27:05
                                                                      You say that as if it were a sigh of relief. - Badird MU - 11/13 15:28:15
                                                                           So are you saying trump followed the laws as written - tman MU - 11/13 15:33:33
                                                                                Tax fraud is illegal, tman. - Badird MU - 11/13 15:36:19
                                                                                     Maybe the Dems should investigate that fact - tman MU - 11/13 15:39:52
                                                                                          Its moot. All of that happened outside of the statute of lim - Badird MU - 11/13 15:40:59
                                                                                               So he just stopped? Also would dems not want - tman MU - 11/13 15:45:10
                                                                                                    OFC they would. The NYT pc is reason enough to demand his - Badird MU - 11/13 15:48:56
                                                                                                         Why? The IRS has them. They are the experts. - tman MU - 11/13 15:53:33
                                                                                                              Yes, Mueller as well. - Badird MU - 11/13 15:55:36
                                                                                                         PS this will be the last I say on the matter: - Badird MU - 11/13 15:53:03
                                                                                                              Doesn't the IRS employ experts - Sal KC - 11/13 15:56:24
                                                                                                         b/c it was an obvious overreach from Mueller - Sal KC - 11/13 15:52:10
                                                                                                              Whether or not Russia laundered money. - Badird MU - 11/13 15:56:03
                         Promise made, promise broken - JG MU - 11/13 15:12:04
                              Did you beloved Obama keep every one of his promises? - Ragnar Danneskjold MU - 11/13 15:18:21
                                   nope and nope - JG MU - 11/13 15:22:04
     I don't care about Gump's tax return or anyone else's - Ferg MU - 11/13 15:01:26
     The fetish is they're terrified that muler won't find - GA Tiger MU - 11/13 15:00:35
     RE: What is the democrat fetish over Drumpf's tax returns? - catbirdseat MU - 11/13 15:00:25
     they want him to refuse and then imply he evaded taxes. - Alferd Packer MU - 11/13 14:52:10
          The buffoon lied about - mizzoumurfkc KC - 11/13 15:02:03
               Like I said - Alferd Packer MU - 11/13 15:35:21
               RE: The buffoon lied about - MOCO SON MU - 11/13 15:07:06
               What obvious reasons are those? (nm) - Sal KC - 11/13 15:04:50
                    Well, mostly they will show - mizzoumurfkc KC - 11/13 15:11:13
                         I'd hope everybody would pay as little taxes - Sal KC - 11/13 15:13:03
                    You will be waiting for a long time for an answer(nm) - tman MU - 11/13 15:05:39
                         Will it be a longer time than it's been - mizzoumurfkc KC - 11/13 15:13:56
                              About the same and why do you care - tman MU - 11/13 15:17:55
          We know he avoided taxes - raskolnikov MU - 11/13 14:59:47
               You are ignorant (nm) - pickle MU - 11/13 15:42:13
               We all avoid taxes as much as legally possible. - RHAYWORTH MU - 11/13 15:32:40
                    Nothing wrong with that and no one saying otherwise - JG MU - 11/13 15:35:27
                         Not true. NYT is claiming legal deduction by trump is fraud - RHAYWORTH MU - 11/13 15:55:40
               Avoided legally or illegally. That would be what an audit - tman MU - 11/13 15:06:52
                    You are a duck in a barrel son - raskolnikov MU - 11/13 15:23:20
                         There is? Do share this evidence. You should also submit - tman MU - 11/13 15:41:40
                              NYT did an exhaustive report on this - look it up(nm) - raskolnikov MU - 11/13 15:42:22
                                   I read it. They speculate in it by their own admission - tman MU - 11/13 15:49:36
               Learn to read. - Alferd Packer MU - 11/13 15:02:22
          Its not likely he hasn't cheated on his taxes - JG MU - 11/13 14:59:00
               If he did, it is the IRS's job to find it and penalize him, - jmlppx MU - 11/13 15:01:53
                    Like I said - Alferd Packer MU - 11/13 15:04:03
                         Unlike simpletons, such as yourself, - JG MU - 11/13 15:05:25
                              yeah, you have evidence that is not available to the IRS - Ferg MU - 11/13 15:08:34
                              It is likely he cheated. Based on what evidence(nm) - tman MU - 11/13 15:07:51
                                   He lies at every turn - JG MU - 11/13 15:10:03
                                        So you have nothing. You can do better or admit you - tman MU - 11/13 15:12:59
                                             I can only admit I was wrong if he releases his taxes - JG MU - 11/13 15:13:55
                                                  You are purely speculating. You are without any basis - tman MU - 11/13 15:36:15
                                                       I didn't speculate anything except - JG MU - 11/13 15:41:45
     He said he would release them - MrBlueSky MU - 11/13 14:44:01
          What Little Jimmie did doesn't constitute a tradition. - Alferd Packer MU - 11/13 14:59:24
               Every president going back to Truman (nm) - MrBlueSky MU - 11/13 15:00:43
                    Nope. - Alferd Packer MU - 11/13 15:05:02
                         You are wrong, as usual - MrBlueSky MU - 11/13 15:06:21
                              That's right. You're wrong... as always. - Alferd Packer MU - 11/13 15:26:25
          RE: He said he would release them - MOCO SON MU - 11/13 14:56:09
     Perhaps when they see all that money fro Russia and - raskolnikov MU - 11/13 14:43:46
     It will provide large roadmaps - JG MU - 11/13 14:43:31
          RE: It will provide large roadmaps - MOCO SON MU - 11/13 14:57:34
               I'll let you know just the very moment - JG MU - 11/13 14:58:26
                    You know enough about tax returns - tman MU - 11/13 15:09:27
                         mainly under sources of income - JG MU - 11/13 15:25:42
                              Really.(nm) - tman MU - 11/13 22:21:20
     Make Bad Orange Man look bad. Make him pay penalty(nm) - dangertim MU - 11/13 14:43:18
          Probably a bigger worry for Trump - MrBlueSky MU - 11/13 14:45:22
               RE: Probably a bigger worry for Trump - MOCO SON MU - 11/13 14:59:33
          People with nothing to hide rarely hide anything. (nm) - Badird MU - 11/13 14:43:47
               So I should just willingly let strangers - Sal KC - 11/13 15:01:26
                    RE: So I should just willingly let strangers - MOCO SON MU - 11/13 15:11:24
                    If you run for POTUS, it would probably be a good idea.(nm) - Badird MU - 11/13 15:02:52
                         Why is it a good idea? - Sal KC - 11/13 15:03:54
                              To prove you arent a human scab, like Trump likely is.(nm) - Badird MU - 11/13 15:04:24
                                   I don't need to see his tax returns to know that(nm) - dangertim MU - 11/13 15:17:13
                                        no kidding (nm) - Sal KC - 11/13 15:20:35
                                   that's p*ss poor reasoning, try again (nm) - Sal KC - 11/13 15:06:06
                                        Not to me and many voters, but feel free to disagree. - Badird MU - 11/13 15:09:36
                                             That is some strange logic (nm) - Sal KC - 11/13 15:10:20
               you're on poor ground here - 90Tiger MU - 11/13 14:59:03
                    I never said privacy wasnt important. - Badird MU - 11/13 15:00:55
                         "he is not a champion of personal rights or privacy" - Sal KC - 11/13 15:07:48
                              You try so hard to connect the dots and fail. - Badird MU - 11/13 15:10:41
                                   So Trump should show he's a champion of privacy - Sal KC - 11/13 15:11:57
                                        lol, you try and fail so hard. - Badird MU - 11/13 15:14:38
                                             I understand it just fine - Sal KC - 11/13 15:16:33
               That why we never saw Obama's college records?(nm) - jmlppx MU - 11/13 14:58:29
               People who guard their privacy - Alferd Packer MU - 11/13 14:56:12
               you call yourself liberal? gtf out of here (nm) - 90Tiger MU - 11/13 14:50:49
                    I do not call myself a liberal. - Badird MU - 11/13 14:51:40
                         your post above is very Brownshirt-esque, but hey, - 90Tiger MU - 11/13 14:52:52
                              WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH - MrBlueSky MU - 11/13 15:00:30
                              Oh come on. You, again, are hyper-dramatic. - Badird MU - 11/13 14:58:16
                                   Hillary's emails weren't private, they were gvmt business - 90Tiger MU - 11/13 15:00:16
                                        What rights am I dumping, fool? - Badird MU - 11/13 15:02:33
                                             Maybe the right to privacy - MrBlueSky MU - 11/13 15:22:57
                                                  Even so, my demands mean nothing. (nm) - Badird MU - 11/13 15:26:52
               Kind of like only guilty people need a lawyer? - dangertim MU - 11/13 14:46:28
                    lol sure, thats what Im saying. - Badird MU - 11/13 14:50:01
                         You are that stupid (nm) - pickle MU - 11/13 15:44:01
                         Then you're a fool in addition to being immoral and - 90Tiger MU - 11/13 15:00:43
                         wow you are a fool(nm) - Ragnar Danneskjold MU - 11/13 14:55:22
               horrible logic and a dangerous way of thinking (nm) - pickle MU - 11/13 14:44:33
     You dont think a majority of the country thinks he should - Badird MU - 11/13 14:43:02
          They are nobody's business (nm) - Sal KC - 11/13 14:55:20
               Agreed, why did Donnie lie about releasing them? - MrBlueSky MU - 11/13 15:08:59
                    no clue, but I hope he doesn't release them (nm) - Sal KC - 11/13 15:11:02
          No I don't give two $hits. Anyone who finds a way out of - Ragnar Danneskjold MU - 11/13 14:51:42
               Hahahaa, as I've stated - MrBlueSky MU - 11/13 14:55:50
                    gaming the system is not tax evasion - Ragnar Danneskjold MU - 11/13 15:01:26
                         Deliberately devaluing properties - MrBlueSky MU - 11/13 15:02:38
                    JFC he just admitted it. (nm) - Badird MU - 11/13 14:58:50
               So you break the law, like Don? - Badird MU - 11/13 14:53:49
                    Gaming the system is not breaking the law(nm) - Ragnar Danneskjold MU - 11/13 14:56:44
                         Tax evasion is a crime (nm) - MrBlueSky MU - 11/13 14:57:28
          Let's stop with the logical fallacies for a moment - pickle MU - 11/13 14:43:55
               I think people being governed have a right to know whether - Badird MU - 11/13 14:48:19
                    You just contradicted yourself - pickle MU - 11/13 15:44:59
               It's not - MrBlueSky MU - 11/13 14:44:38
                    irrelevant (nm) - pickle MU - 11/13 14:45:05
                         Just another Trump lie, I suppose (nm) - MrBlueSky MU - 11/13 14:47:27

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