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Maybe if you gave the P-D your inside scoop they could

Posted on: October 27, 2016 at 14:40:19 CT
Lovely Rita UW
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SLU is cheating and the Post Dispatch will do nothing - Cole Thornton MU - 10/27 10:20:00
     So, GReat recruiting proves cheating - Merlyn MU - 10/27 16:32:22
     Maybe if you gave the P-D your inside scoop they could - Lovely Rita STL - 10/27 14:40:19
     RE: SLU is cheating and the Post Dispatch will do nothing - BuckTurgidson KU - 10/27 14:15:54
     pretty clear missouri isn't cheating(nm) - tmcats KSU - 10/27 13:28:46
     you misspelled"trying" - tigerdb MU - 10/27 12:51:10
     RE: SLU is cheating and the Post Dispatch will do nothing - McLovin SEC - 10/27 12:43:25
          Lol, I've never seen that before. (nm) - FIJItiger MU - 10/27 12:45:05
     Not cheating, more like an administration... - Outsider MU - 10/27 12:23:47
          Well said. (nm) - zounami MU - 10/27 12:32:07
     That's not cheating. That's called hiring a good recruiter. - zounami MU - 10/27 12:19:05
     Eddie Sutton has connections to those schools. Ford - Erwin Fletcher STL - 10/27 11:58:54
          RE: Ford has about 20 million in the bank and - Rabbit Test MU - 10/27 12:06:12
               Just like Eddie would have taught him(nm) - Erwin Fletcher STL - 10/27 12:28:42
     I wish we had him nm - Butman KC - 10/27 11:50:35
     It's a matter of time until the NCAA is on Ford's doorstep. - tjwheeler UI - 10/27 11:41:35
          RE: It's a matter of time until the NCAA is on Ford's doorstep. - WV-MO MU - 10/27 15:59:43
               Edit: Ford has never been caught (nm) - tjwheeler UI - 10/27 16:46:13
                    RE: Edit: Ford has never been caught (nm) - WV-MO MU - 10/27 17:12:59
                         Not sour grapes at all. - tjwheeler UI - 10/27 18:35:35
                              RE: Oh yeah? - missinglink MU - 10/27 19:42:13
                                   RE: Oh yeah? - tjwheeler UI - 10/27 20:13:40
                              RE: Not sour grapes at all. - WV-MO MU - 10/27 19:39:00
                                   .... - tjwheeler UI - 10/27 20:12:30
          You know this how? - Mormad MU - 10/27 12:06:32
               RE: You know this how? - tjwheeler UI - 10/27 13:25:38
               Some guy on the internet said so(nm) - Erwin Fletcher STL - 10/27 12:33:56
                    Those dirty bastages - Mormad MU - 10/27 12:46:07
     Ford is an accomplished recruiter, give me a fvcking break - Jeff85 MU - 10/27 11:39:40
          Tate recruited those guys and the reason SLU got him - alstl MU - 10/27 12:07:05
               That looks to be the case. Not sure why I waste my time - Uncle John MU - 10/27 12:32:40
                    I'm sure you're not alone, we're leaving for - tigersfan MU - 10/27 13:54:47
          RE: Ford is an accomplished recruiter, give me a fvcking break - tgr MU - 10/27 11:50:51
               Quit ruining Jeff's fairy tale. (nm) - Evenflow MU - 10/27 11:53:28
                    said the guy that thinks Ford is a big time recrutier - Jeff85 MU - 10/27 12:13:47
                         I certainly hope we lose enough to get Kim canned. - Evenflow MU - 10/27 12:22:20
                         Uh, he clearly is - FIJItiger MU - 10/27 12:17:23
                    If this was some no-name coach going to SLU and pulling - tgr MU - 10/27 11:58:18
                         1 career ncaa win - Jeff85 MU - 10/27 12:14:31
                              He's gotten probably a dozen 4 or 5 star players and that's - tgr MU - 10/27 12:17:49
                                   and won 1 ncaa game, maybe he needs all 5 stars - Jeff85 MU - 10/27 13:55:00
          edit: Ford is an accomplished cheater.(nm) - tjwheeler UI - 10/27 11:43:51
               agree - Jeff85 MU - 10/27 11:44:55
     If you're not cheating in college basketball recruiting - Eggs MU - 10/27 11:20:05
     RE: SLU is cheating and the Post Dispatch will do nothing - Ragarm MU - 10/27 11:19:56
          you serious?(nm) - ajpe53 MU - 10/27 11:24:26
     You're no better than Charlie Tuna here. Baseless accusatio - 90Tiger MU - 10/27 10:53:19
     Well if we weren't such vag's we'd join the game - Diamond Dave MU - 10/27 10:44:34
          I've been saying this same thing for years. Cheat away, - jrmtiger MU - 10/27 11:21:44
               MU won't get the preferred treatment when they get - Jeff85 MU - 10/27 11:24:49
                    The NCAA is sponsored by and funded by the member - 90Tiger MU - 10/27 11:30:31
                         but MU won't get the Louisville pass when they get - Jeff85 MU - 10/27 11:33:56
     If Missouri didn't have their head so far up their ^$$ - alstl MU - 10/27 10:42:16
          Bingo. (nm) - zounami MU - 10/27 12:23:09
     It's obvious what programs are cheating, - nerdmachine KC - 10/27 10:40:59
          Spot on(nm) - tjwheeler UI - 10/27 21:11:18
          man, you're deluded - southendzone3 SLU - 10/27 14:09:25
               SLU over KU and Illinois? LOL - tjwheeler UI - 10/27 21:12:14
               Choosing SLU over KU... How come McClemore didn't? - nerdmachine KC - 10/27 15:13:05
                    or a million other factors - southendzone3 SLU - 10/27 15:36:39
                         What's dumb is you thinking they weren't paid(nm) - tjwheeler UI - 10/27 21:14:05
                         RE: or a million other factors - WV-MO MU - 10/27 19:48:36
          the blue bloods are the cash cows for the ncaa so they - Jeff85 MU - 10/27 11:22:02
          ^^Thinks Kim Anderson is a really cool guy.^^(nm) - jrmtiger MU - 10/27 11:15:35
          Tate didn't even bring his own family to Columbia when he - tgr MU - 10/27 10:55:41
               Maybe it's not possible to cheat at Mizzou? - nerdmachine KC - 10/27 11:52:08
                    You do realize how often on here you have claimed that - FIJItiger MU - 10/27 11:57:07
                         Haith did cheat, it's just likely not on the scale SLU is - nerdmachine KC - 10/27 12:02:49
                              Yet there is no evidence of that either. Seems like - FIJItiger MU - 10/27 12:06:26
          That is silly, I find it hard to believe you really believe - FIJItiger MU - 10/27 10:48:48
               Howland has already gotten in trouble for cheating before, - nerdmachine KC - 10/27 11:53:29
                    No he hasn't. It is you that is delusional. Can you please - FIJItiger MU - 10/27 11:58:04
          Could be that Tate could get folks to come to Mizzou but, - Evenflow MU - 10/27 10:43:07
               A tool bag huh? When has KA ever shown to be a bad person - nerdmachine KC - 10/27 10:47:14
                    I wish Kim would fail to the level of Ford. - StaleyTiger MU - 10/27 11:01:42
                    You have zero basis for your cheating accusation and ka is - 90Tiger MU - 10/27 10:54:46
                         I named specific examples, I didn't say everyone (nm) - nerdmachine KC - 10/27 11:54:17
                    Wah wah, everyone is cheating. - Evenflow MU - 10/27 10:54:46
          the situations are different between MU and SLU - ajpe53 MU - 10/27 10:42:36
               RE: Mizzou has a negative reputation with STL basketballers - missinglink MU - 10/27 20:38:48
               Excitement? I thought new coaches were at a disadvantage.(nm) - GA Tiger MU - 10/27 10:52:00
                    depends on the coach and the situation(nm) - ajpe53 MU - 10/27 11:16:26
               Ford is cheating, you don't sign top 10 guys over KU - nerdmachine KC - 10/27 10:48:09
                    LOL...you do realize not everyone likes kU don't you?(nm) - tigersfan MU - 10/27 12:15:52
                    whatever you need to tell yourself(nm) - ajpe53 MU - 10/27 10:50:57
               Travis Ford is an accomplished recruiter. - Evenflow MU - 10/27 10:45:28
                    By "accomplished recruiter" do you mean cheater? - nerdmachine KC - 10/27 10:52:53
                         You seem like a Crudup double handle.(nm) - Evenflow MU - 10/27 10:56:05
                              Maybe I'm the only one that sees how absurd it is - nerdmachine KC - 10/27 12:02:13
                                   You're not alone(nm) - tjwheeler UI - 10/27 21:14:39
                    there are many differences. it isn't all tate(nm) - ajpe53 MU - 10/27 10:46:56
                         No, it's Kim vs. Ford. - Evenflow MU - 10/27 10:52:31
                              Because one is paying players and one isn't (nm) - nerdmachine KC - 10/27 10:53:46
                                   Pathetic empty accusation. Ford would outrecruit KA with - 90Tiger MU - 10/27 10:56:53
                                        He out recruited Ford for Puryear so that's not exactly true - Uncle John MU - 10/27 11:57:13
                                             outrecruited OR puryear wanted to be here, which I believe - 90Tiger MU - 10/27 12:37:03
                                                  lol(nm) - Uncle John MU - 10/27 13:13:07
     Ford is no Kim Anderson. - Evenflow MU - 10/27 10:37:32
     They hired these players former AAU coach, and then - FIJItiger MU - 10/27 10:34:27
          +1,000 (nm) - OntheMark MU - 10/27 16:17:04
          Carteare Gordon didn't play for the Eagles, - nerdmachine KC - 10/27 10:38:36
               You are right, mis-statement on my part. My main point - FIJItiger MU - 10/27 10:45:24
                    Or Tate is likely getting to pay players now, - nerdmachine KC - 10/27 12:00:01
                         That seems entirely unlikely, but you are free to hold - FIJItiger MU - 10/27 12:10:25
                         Ford had nothing to lose. - Rabbit Test MU - 10/27 12:04:18
                    3 nba players in 8 years at OSU isn't a track record(nm) - ajpe53 MU - 10/27 10:57:22
                         Yes it is, its 3 players he has put in the NBA (nm) - FIJItiger MU - 10/27 11:47:28
                              While never winning more than 1 NCAA tourney game in a yr(nm) - tjwheeler UI - 10/27 21:35:47
     Gordon had us in his final three - quicksand MU - 10/27 10:25:14
          Because he wanted to stay close to home. That would be a - Uncle John MU - 10/27 10:27:33
     Did they cheat to get Larry Hughes? He wanted to stay home - sprintcar STL - 10/27 10:24:26
     I don't care, the blue bloods cheat all the time so if a - Uncle John MU - 10/27 10:23:40
          I 100% agree. If you aren't cheating in college basketball - StaleyTiger MU - 10/27 10:30:19
               RE: I 100% agree. If you aren't cheating in college basketball - SpaceOddity KU - 10/27 10:52:01
               just don't get caught - wu-tangtiger MU - 10/27 10:47:46
               Missouri probably needs to be on the careful side at this - Uncle John MU - 10/27 10:31:47
          worked well for MU in the past right - Jeff85 MU - 10/27 10:25:07
               Not talking about MU.(nm) - Uncle John MU - 10/27 10:30:27

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