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That is silly, I find it hard to believe you really believe

Posted on: October 27, 2016 at 10:48:48 CT
FIJItiger MU
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22.17 yrs
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that. Tate couldn't sign any players at MU because we are terrible, there is overwhelming apathy surrounding our program, and our staff is known to be short time and has absolutely zero track record of on the court success or player development. He is simply doing the things we expected him to do here had he been hired into a normal situation.

Similarly, Howland has a long track record of success and putting players on the next level and is very good at his job. Its not surprising that what is occurring is playing out in either situation.
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SLU is cheating and the Post Dispatch will do nothing - Cole Thornton MU - 10/27 10:20:00
     So, GReat recruiting proves cheating - Merlyn MU - 10/27 16:32:22
     Maybe if you gave the P-D your inside scoop they could - Lovely Rita STL - 10/27 14:40:19
     RE: SLU is cheating and the Post Dispatch will do nothing - BuckTurgidson KU - 10/27 14:15:54
     pretty clear missouri isn't cheating(nm) - tmcats KSU - 10/27 13:28:46
     you misspelled"trying" - tigerdb MU - 10/27 12:51:10
     RE: SLU is cheating and the Post Dispatch will do nothing - McLovin SEC - 10/27 12:43:25
          Lol, I've never seen that before. (nm) - FIJItiger MU - 10/27 12:45:05
     Not cheating, more like an administration... - Outsider MU - 10/27 12:23:47
          Well said. (nm) - zounami MU - 10/27 12:32:07
     That's not cheating. That's called hiring a good recruiter. - zounami MU - 10/27 12:19:05
     Eddie Sutton has connections to those schools. Ford - Erwin Fletcher STL - 10/27 11:58:54
          RE: Ford has about 20 million in the bank and - Rabbit Test MU - 10/27 12:06:12
               Just like Eddie would have taught him(nm) - Erwin Fletcher STL - 10/27 12:28:42
     I wish we had him nm - Butman KC - 10/27 11:50:35
     It's a matter of time until the NCAA is on Ford's doorstep. - tjwheeler UI - 10/27 11:41:35
          RE: It's a matter of time until the NCAA is on Ford's doorstep. - WV-MO MU - 10/27 15:59:43
               Edit: Ford has never been caught (nm) - tjwheeler UI - 10/27 16:46:13
                    RE: Edit: Ford has never been caught (nm) - WV-MO MU - 10/27 17:12:59
                         Not sour grapes at all. - tjwheeler UI - 10/27 18:35:35
                              RE: Oh yeah? - missinglink MU - 10/27 19:42:13
                                   RE: Oh yeah? - tjwheeler UI - 10/27 20:13:40
                              RE: Not sour grapes at all. - WV-MO MU - 10/27 19:39:00
                                   .... - tjwheeler UI - 10/27 20:12:30
          You know this how? - Mormad MU - 10/27 12:06:32
               RE: You know this how? - tjwheeler UI - 10/27 13:25:38
               Some guy on the internet said so(nm) - Erwin Fletcher STL - 10/27 12:33:56
                    Those dirty bastages - Mormad MU - 10/27 12:46:07
     Ford is an accomplished recruiter, give me a fvcking break - Jeff85 MU - 10/27 11:39:40
          Tate recruited those guys and the reason SLU got him - alstl MU - 10/27 12:07:05
               That looks to be the case. Not sure why I waste my time - Uncle John MU - 10/27 12:32:40
                    I'm sure you're not alone, we're leaving for - tigersfan MU - 10/27 13:54:47
          RE: Ford is an accomplished recruiter, give me a fvcking break - tgr MU - 10/27 11:50:51
               Quit ruining Jeff's fairy tale. (nm) - Evenflow MU - 10/27 11:53:28
                    said the guy that thinks Ford is a big time recrutier - Jeff85 MU - 10/27 12:13:47
                         I certainly hope we lose enough to get Kim canned. - Evenflow MU - 10/27 12:22:20
                         Uh, he clearly is - FIJItiger MU - 10/27 12:17:23
                    If this was some no-name coach going to SLU and pulling - tgr MU - 10/27 11:58:18
                         1 career ncaa win - Jeff85 MU - 10/27 12:14:31
                              He's gotten probably a dozen 4 or 5 star players and that's - tgr MU - 10/27 12:17:49
                                   and won 1 ncaa game, maybe he needs all 5 stars - Jeff85 MU - 10/27 13:55:00
          edit: Ford is an accomplished cheater.(nm) - tjwheeler UI - 10/27 11:43:51
               agree - Jeff85 MU - 10/27 11:44:55
     If you're not cheating in college basketball recruiting - Eggs MU - 10/27 11:20:05
     RE: SLU is cheating and the Post Dispatch will do nothing - Ragarm MU - 10/27 11:19:56
          you serious?(nm) - ajpe53 MU - 10/27 11:24:26
     You're no better than Charlie Tuna here. Baseless accusatio - 90Tiger MU - 10/27 10:53:19
     Well if we weren't such vag's we'd join the game - Diamond Dave MU - 10/27 10:44:34
          I've been saying this same thing for years. Cheat away, - jrmtiger MU - 10/27 11:21:44
               MU won't get the preferred treatment when they get - Jeff85 MU - 10/27 11:24:49
                    The NCAA is sponsored by and funded by the member - 90Tiger MU - 10/27 11:30:31
                         but MU won't get the Louisville pass when they get - Jeff85 MU - 10/27 11:33:56
     If Missouri didn't have their head so far up their ^$$ - alstl MU - 10/27 10:42:16
          Bingo. (nm) - zounami MU - 10/27 12:23:09
     It's obvious what programs are cheating, - nerdmachine KC - 10/27 10:40:59
          Spot on(nm) - tjwheeler UI - 10/27 21:11:18
          man, you're deluded - southendzone3 SLU - 10/27 14:09:25
               SLU over KU and Illinois? LOL - tjwheeler UI - 10/27 21:12:14
               Choosing SLU over KU... How come McClemore didn't? - nerdmachine KC - 10/27 15:13:05
                    or a million other factors - southendzone3 SLU - 10/27 15:36:39
                         What's dumb is you thinking they weren't paid(nm) - tjwheeler UI - 10/27 21:14:05
                         RE: or a million other factors - WV-MO MU - 10/27 19:48:36
          the blue bloods are the cash cows for the ncaa so they - Jeff85 MU - 10/27 11:22:02
          ^^Thinks Kim Anderson is a really cool guy.^^(nm) - jrmtiger MU - 10/27 11:15:35
          Tate didn't even bring his own family to Columbia when he - tgr MU - 10/27 10:55:41
               Maybe it's not possible to cheat at Mizzou? - nerdmachine KC - 10/27 11:52:08
                    You do realize how often on here you have claimed that - FIJItiger MU - 10/27 11:57:07
                         Haith did cheat, it's just likely not on the scale SLU is - nerdmachine KC - 10/27 12:02:49
                              Yet there is no evidence of that either. Seems like - FIJItiger MU - 10/27 12:06:26
          That is silly, I find it hard to believe you really believe - FIJItiger MU - 10/27 10:48:48
               Howland has already gotten in trouble for cheating before, - nerdmachine KC - 10/27 11:53:29
                    No he hasn't. It is you that is delusional. Can you please - FIJItiger MU - 10/27 11:58:04
          Could be that Tate could get folks to come to Mizzou but, - Evenflow MU - 10/27 10:43:07
               A tool bag huh? When has KA ever shown to be a bad person - nerdmachine KC - 10/27 10:47:14
                    I wish Kim would fail to the level of Ford. - StaleyTiger MU - 10/27 11:01:42
                    You have zero basis for your cheating accusation and ka is - 90Tiger MU - 10/27 10:54:46
                         I named specific examples, I didn't say everyone (nm) - nerdmachine KC - 10/27 11:54:17
                    Wah wah, everyone is cheating. - Evenflow MU - 10/27 10:54:46
          the situations are different between MU and SLU - ajpe53 MU - 10/27 10:42:36
               RE: Mizzou has a negative reputation with STL basketballers - missinglink MU - 10/27 20:38:48
               Excitement? I thought new coaches were at a disadvantage.(nm) - GA Tiger MU - 10/27 10:52:00
                    depends on the coach and the situation(nm) - ajpe53 MU - 10/27 11:16:26
               Ford is cheating, you don't sign top 10 guys over KU - nerdmachine KC - 10/27 10:48:09
                    LOL...you do realize not everyone likes kU don't you?(nm) - tigersfan MU - 10/27 12:15:52
                    whatever you need to tell yourself(nm) - ajpe53 MU - 10/27 10:50:57
               Travis Ford is an accomplished recruiter. - Evenflow MU - 10/27 10:45:28
                    By "accomplished recruiter" do you mean cheater? - nerdmachine KC - 10/27 10:52:53
                         You seem like a Crudup double handle.(nm) - Evenflow MU - 10/27 10:56:05
                              Maybe I'm the only one that sees how absurd it is - nerdmachine KC - 10/27 12:02:13
                                   You're not alone(nm) - tjwheeler UI - 10/27 21:14:39
                    there are many differences. it isn't all tate(nm) - ajpe53 MU - 10/27 10:46:56
                         No, it's Kim vs. Ford. - Evenflow MU - 10/27 10:52:31
                              Because one is paying players and one isn't (nm) - nerdmachine KC - 10/27 10:53:46
                                   Pathetic empty accusation. Ford would outrecruit KA with - 90Tiger MU - 10/27 10:56:53
                                        He out recruited Ford for Puryear so that's not exactly true - Uncle John MU - 10/27 11:57:13
                                             outrecruited OR puryear wanted to be here, which I believe - 90Tiger MU - 10/27 12:37:03
                                                  lol(nm) - Uncle John MU - 10/27 13:13:07
     Ford is no Kim Anderson. - Evenflow MU - 10/27 10:37:32
     They hired these players former AAU coach, and then - FIJItiger MU - 10/27 10:34:27
          +1,000 (nm) - OntheMark MU - 10/27 16:17:04
          Carteare Gordon didn't play for the Eagles, - nerdmachine KC - 10/27 10:38:36
               You are right, mis-statement on my part. My main point - FIJItiger MU - 10/27 10:45:24
                    Or Tate is likely getting to pay players now, - nerdmachine KC - 10/27 12:00:01
                         That seems entirely unlikely, but you are free to hold - FIJItiger MU - 10/27 12:10:25
                         Ford had nothing to lose. - Rabbit Test MU - 10/27 12:04:18
                    3 nba players in 8 years at OSU isn't a track record(nm) - ajpe53 MU - 10/27 10:57:22
                         Yes it is, its 3 players he has put in the NBA (nm) - FIJItiger MU - 10/27 11:47:28
                              While never winning more than 1 NCAA tourney game in a yr(nm) - tjwheeler UI - 10/27 21:35:47
     Gordon had us in his final three - quicksand MU - 10/27 10:25:14
          Because he wanted to stay close to home. That would be a - Uncle John MU - 10/27 10:27:33
     Did they cheat to get Larry Hughes? He wanted to stay home - sprintcar STL - 10/27 10:24:26
     I don't care, the blue bloods cheat all the time so if a - Uncle John MU - 10/27 10:23:40
          I 100% agree. If you aren't cheating in college basketball - StaleyTiger MU - 10/27 10:30:19
               RE: I 100% agree. If you aren't cheating in college basketball - SpaceOddity KU - 10/27 10:52:01
               just don't get caught - wu-tangtiger MU - 10/27 10:47:46
               Missouri probably needs to be on the careful side at this - Uncle John MU - 10/27 10:31:47
          worked well for MU in the past right - Jeff85 MU - 10/27 10:25:07
               Not talking about MU.(nm) - Uncle John MU - 10/27 10:30:27

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