I don't have any connections to the athletic department, but I would recommend they give a listen to Charlie Tuna's show this evening on 590 The Fan in St. Louis when he had Maurice Scott of the St. Louis American on. I happened to turn it on when I was coming home from a softball game tonight. Charlie Tuna said something along the lines that he has heard multiple stories of KA or those close to him saying racist things and they proceeded to blast the University for being racist for about 10 minutes. I don't typically care if someone is being critical of KA, but to imply that he is a racist likely crosses the line (assuming he is not). I doubt many St. Louisans listen to Tuna's show or read Maurice Scott in the St. Louis American, but to have anyone in the local media spewing nonsense like that is concerning. Here is the link for anyone who wants to listen, it was in Segment 1 beginning around the 18:50 mark:
http://insidestl.com/radio-shows/the-charlie-tuna-showEdited by TheLegend at 22:25:38 on 10/26/16