RE: You should follow ku, then you would know the answer (nm)
Posted on: September 21, 2016 at 12:31:15 CT
BuckTurgidson KU
Member For:
12.64 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
What in the world???
Oh, my! You can't give an explanation to ANY of my questions with regard to something you claim exists?
Not one?
Let me ask you, beg you, implore you -- I need to know how this 'decided officiating advantage' works. Otherwise I'll go on thinking our superior record of achievement in conference play and our dominance over your boys in head-to-head competition is the residue of nothing other than superior hard work and skill on the part of our coaches and players. And you wouldn't want ANYONE to think that would you?
So read over my previous post again and answer my questions, if you would. Please! What else do you have to do?
And in addition to those, tell me who it was that thought up 'the decided officiating advantage' back in 1997 and had the authority and power to see that the practice was implemented and kept going all these years? Give me her/his name. Or is it something that 'just happened' by itself?
And in the 20 seasons of Big 12 play has there ever been one guy that officiated a Big 12 game who put his foot down and said 'No, I'm not going to do this. It's wrong!' Or have all the guys who have worked as Big 12 referees just blindly acquiesced and did what they were told?
I'll be waiting.
Thank you.