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Most accomplished head coach at the University

Posted on: August 2, 2016 at 06:13:12 CT
samclemens MU
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26.03 yrs
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Great news. He's the Bobby Knight of Mizzou softball and that style is always going to have him on the edge of propriety and political correctness. He's shown that he's learned from it and taken proactive actions. Good for him. Good for the team.
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     GREAT news (nm) - MUGuy2004 STL - 8/2 21:18:04
     Might as well he will be working for all new bosses(nm) - Erwin Fletcher STL - 8/2 10:01:59
     He will probably be back but with no athletic director - alstl MU - 8/2 08:36:15
     here is what was actually reported yesterday... - bluetiger_ MU - 8/2 07:33:31
          I'm so glad Mack is gone. Good riddance (nm) - MKrip MU - 8/3 18:57:51
          firing him with no violations would result in not good.(nm) - SuperTone MU - 8/2 08:17:57
          RE: here is what was actually reported yesterday... - sYsTiger MU - 8/2 07:51:30
               Great news. No offense but.... - bluetiger_ MU - 8/2 14:18:28
                    RE: Great news. No offense but.... - sYsTiger MU - 8/2 15:27:52
                         Cant wait to see it. And I hope... - bluetiger_ MU - 8/2 16:00:41
                              RE: Cant wait to see it. And I hope... - sYsTiger MU - 8/3 07:21:54
          He's not going anywhere, but good riddance to the quitters.(nm) - Uncle John MU - 8/2 07:43:55
     AWESOME NEWS if true............. - DeltfromSTL MU - 8/2 06:29:33
     Most accomplished head coach at the University - samclemens MU - 8/2 06:13:12
          ...is Brian Smith. - Gary P. MU - 8/2 09:59:20
               Yes; he's done an oustanding job - samclemens MU - 8/3 07:42:08
                    Try telling J'Den Cox or Ben Askren that wrestling is gay - Bobk MU - 8/3 09:34:07
                         RE: Try telling J'Den Cox or Ben Askren that wrestling is gay - sarasotatiger MU - 8/7 19:44:54
          You must not follow wrestling(nm) - alstl MU - 8/2 08:36:50
               Too close to call, EE has been to the WCWS, Smith has placed - MU-TULSA MU - 8/2 15:03:41
          HCEE - sYsTiger MU - 8/2 07:19:03
               RE: I hope he learned a lesson from this - missinglink MU - 8/2 12:49:02
                    Yes he should invest in a safe place for his players and - TigerFan92 MU - 8/2 20:46:01
                    RE: I hope he learned a lesson from this - sYsTiger MU - 8/2 15:36:46
                    I'll try and keep this brief.... - bluetiger_ MU - 8/2 14:29:04
                    Your post is so yesterday............ - DeltfromSTL MU - 8/2 14:16:14
                    RE: I hope he learned a lesson from this - GulfportTiger MU - 8/2 14:09:40
                    Saying so yesterday is so yesterday - DollarSigns MU - 8/2 13:12:37
                         RE: Actually, I've done both.... - missinglink MU - 8/3 11:32:39
                              Intense, focused, negative feedback. - RayKinsella1922 SEC - 8/3 11:34:51
                         RE: Saying so yesterday is so yesterday - Commonsense MU - 8/2 18:20:42
                              Fail nm - DollarSigns MU - 8/2 18:31:43

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