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What bothers me about SEC

Posted on: July 21, 2016 at 16:00:32 CT
cal MU
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24.76 yrs
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Is the blatant bias in coverage from writers and analysts. It gets old hearing excuses and dismissive takes from so called professionals, but to a large degree we got that while in the Big 12 too. Players left off all conference teams, blatant snubs for post season, and analysts openly rooting against the Tigers, especially during one of their finest seasons.....2007. Now some of that faded after 2007 until we left, but the point is that no matter where we go our history of Charlie Brown is part of our identity and until we win a conference championship we will always be viewed as an outlier. It seems that instead of the two East titles bolstering our reputation in SEC territory, it had the opposite effect. Folks seem more determined to see and write the worst case scenario when it comes to predictions and analysis.
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If Mizzou spends 10 yrs being irrelevant in the SEC - slamduncan NWMSU - 7/21 07:02:21
     No. Just no. (nm) - Tigers_Roll_On MU - 7/22 00:23:56
     Do you travel to away games? - El Zorro MU - 7/21 15:05:55
          RE: Do you travel to away games? - slamduncan NWMSU - 7/21 18:16:36
     Irrelevant? 2 out of our 4 years we played to win - Diamond Dave MU - 7/21 10:06:18
          RE: Irrelevant? 2 out of our 4 years we played to win - slamduncan NWMSU - 7/21 12:30:14
               What bothers me about SEC - cal MU - 7/21 16:00:32
                    After winning the SEC East twice.... - tgrfan1 SEC - 7/21 18:26:28
                         That's good, difficult to gauge with fans - cal MU - 7/21 20:08:19
          RE: we are doing the same thing, recruiting, that we did in Big - slamduncan NWMSU - 7/21 12:33:38
               Hasnt emerged - cal MU - 7/21 15:02:08
          RE: we are doing the same thing, recruiting, that we did in Big - CPA MU - 7/21 09:58:33
     They all said it would take us 10 hears to even compete - Truthful KC - 7/21 09:01:30
     let us know when the 10 year window starts.(nm) - SuperTone MU - 7/21 09:00:42
     Is that an adjustment? - bornoncampus MU - 7/21 08:54:42
     We are what we are - MakeShift MU - 7/21 08:49:56
          RE: We are what we are - slamduncan NWMSU - 7/21 12:44:30
     lol(nm) - Ragnar Danneskjold MU - 7/21 08:47:42
     irrelevant? - pfann4mizzou MU - 7/21 08:44:59
     You are being silly. - catbirdseat MU - 7/21 08:33:56
     RE: If Mizzou spends 10 yrs being irrelevant in the SEC - sarasotatiger MU - 7/21 08:33:21
     How many years was Mizzou irrelevant in the Big 8? (nm) - mizzou john MU - 7/21 08:33:08
          We were irrelevant in the Big8 from about 1984-1995 - Truthful KC - 7/21 08:47:49
               No kidding. it was a rhetorical question. (nm) - mizzou john MU - 7/21 09:43:34
          RE: How many years was Mizzou irrelevant in the Big 8? (nm) - sarasotatiger MU - 7/21 08:35:32
          * - bornoncampus MU - 7/21 08:53:29
               Nationally we were relevant in 2007 and 2013, but - Truthful KC - 7/21 08:55:56
     The State of MO doesn't want to fund Mizzou enough(nm) - tigersailor MU - 7/21 08:24:53
          no, it's the fans in this case. - FootballRefugee MU - 7/21 09:24:09
          The state of MO does not fund athletics at all. - catbirdseat MU - 7/21 08:35:10
               RE: The state of MO does not fund athletics at all. - sarasotatiger MU - 7/21 08:41:58
     Football is the least of Mizzou's problems - mu7176grad MU - 7/21 07:06:31
          Uh.. We don't currently have any of those leadership - catbirdseat MU - 7/21 08:36:18
               How did those positions come to be open - mu7176grad MU - 7/21 08:40:09
                    RE: How did those positions come to be open - sarasotatiger MU - 7/21 08:44:29
                         RE: How did those positions come to be open - CPA MU - 7/21 09:02:08
                         There is certainly systemic over-reaction to - tigersailor MU - 7/21 08:58:23
          Who was the last qualified UNC president?(nm) - tigersailor MU - 7/21 08:29:18

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