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He is full of it

Posted on: July 19, 2016 at 21:15:32 CT
Scav CU
Member For:
19.79 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
No team wants back. Definitely not A&M and Mizzou. SEC vs. Big XII. Yeah, not happening. Nebraska is going to get paid with the new TV contract from the Big 10. CU is never going back. Academic ratings have skyrocketed in the new conference. $180 million in new facilities with donations through the roof. Recruiting starting to come back. Snyder is just feeding the media BS to hype this up.
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     I have a friend that works in the Big 12 office - Jax MU - 7/20 08:40:11
     NU would be the easy one. CU maybe? - SuperTone MU - 7/20 06:37:29
     Snyder should stick to football cause he's great at that but - bcoop199 KC - 7/19 23:59:20
     He's not even sure what year it is. - ERB KC - 7/19 21:58:34
     He is full of it - Scav CU - 7/19 21:15:32
          RE: He is full of it - MUDude MU - 7/20 08:26:49
               RE: He is full of it - Scav CU - 7/20 21:01:24
          Great to hear this about CU - BB63 STL - 7/19 22:16:18
               RE: Great to hear this about CU - Scav CU - 7/19 23:13:35
          My post to myself - slamduncan NWMSU - 7/19 21:22:24
               RE: My post to myself - Scav CU - 7/19 21:25:35
     I would go back - slamduncan NWMSU - 7/19 21:02:22
          Please tell me you're kidding. - tgrfan1 SEC - 7/19 21:59:17
               RE: Please tell me you're kidding. - slamduncan NWMSU - 7/20 06:48:48
                    I'm from KC and yet have to meet someone - Bobk MU - 7/20 09:26:51
               RE: Please tell me you're kidding. - THEGROVE68 MU - 7/20 03:04:59
          RE: I would go back - slamduncan NWMSU - 7/19 21:21:20
               RE: I would go back - Scav CU - 7/19 21:25:12
                    RE: I would go back - slamduncan NWMSU - 7/19 21:30:32
     Rice & SMU(nm) - tigerdb MU - 7/19 20:55:06
     Nebraska and Colorado - Sleepy MU - 7/19 20:47:44
     Keitzman is his source - jlbomega MU - 7/19 20:31:11
          Ding ding ding(nm) - escalade NWMSU - 7/19 20:33:53
     Nebraska for sure - cal MU - 7/19 20:23:48
          Hahaha. Most Think it is missouri and cu..nm - cooper12# NU - 7/19 21:07:42
               NOBODY thinks it's MU - knuckles1975 MU - 7/20 07:47:26
               How can Missouri want back? We have no AD - AWOLTiger KC - 7/19 21:48:01
                    True. Ha. I am sure it's just talk - cooper12# NU - 7/19 21:53:22
               RE: Hahaha. Most Think it is missouri and cu. - cooper12# NU - 7/19 21:10:29
     He probably thinks we do. - zodiac6 JC - 7/19 19:57:20
          Actually - cooper12# NU - 7/19 21:08:44
               You must have inside noledge nm - STRIPES - 7/19 21:22:27
          I was thinking Nubs and Buffs - Cosmo MU - 7/19 19:59:06
               Zero chance NU wants back in the Big12. nm - Nebraska99 STL - 7/19 20:15:02
                    Your football program has really taken off since leaving - KSUcat KSU - 7/19 22:27:34
                         As opposed to KU, KSU, ISU and WV if they had stayed? - DHighlander KC - 7/19 23:16:32
                              NU has a history and more of a rivalry - KSUcat KSU - 7/20 08:50:07
                    No one wants back in.(nm) - zodiac6 JC - 7/19 20:24:06
                    You're probably right - Cosmo MU - 7/19 20:17:18
     Ol' Smoke and Mirrors Bill - Diamond Dave MU - 7/19 19:50:10

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