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Why are you hopelessly devoted to enabling this child?

Posted on: July 19, 2016 at 07:47:52 CT
RayKinsella1922 SEC
Member For:
9.38 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
And why are you advocating the opposite sort of upbringing for her?

Not that I agree with 'hurting someone and making it stick' as you advocate.

But sometimes people lose it to such an extent, and are surrounded by so many yes-man enablers, that no one lets them in on what they are actually doing.

Why does it now seem like THIS may well have been a good chunk of Paige's upbringing?

We've tailored recruiting to make way for her four years.

We've given her all the best pitching time.

And right or wrong, EE did everything he knew how to do to give her all the best advantages he could.

And because she didn't like the manner in which he conducted himself, we get the end to last season and now this.

Not Right.


Never turn on your team, especially for petty personal preferences.

Work it out.

That's what real leaders do.

Edited by RayKinsella1922 at 08:03:31 on 07/19/16
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"Sometimes you've got to be able to listen to yourself - RayKinsella1922 SEC - 7/18 20:55:09
     Who hurt you? And why didn't it stick?(nm) - El_Tigre MU - 7/18 22:32:18
          Why are you hopelessly devoted to enabling this child? - RayKinsella1922 SEC - 7/19 07:47:52
               Let's clear a few things up. - El_Tigre MU - 7/19 17:26:07
                    RE: Let's clear a few things up. - DCDevilDog USMC - 7/19 20:31:29
                         You might want to be a little more careful... - bluetiger_ MU - 7/19 21:45:45
                              Excellent post(nm) - Bobk MU - 7/20 01:53:54
                    Excellent post, couldn't have said it... - bluetiger_ MU - 7/19 18:04:40
                         Couldn't have described what this 20 year old has done - RayKinsella1922 SEC - 7/19 20:11:27
                    When I saw this line I knew things were most definitely - RayKinsella1922 SEC - 7/19 17:40:58
               RE: Why are you hopelessly devoted to enabling this child? - DCDevilDog USMC - 7/19 13:50:27
                    Paige, you princess, just leave.(nm) - ROLLATIGER MU - 7/19 23:04:13
                    Fantastic post.(nm) - El_Tigre MU - 7/19 17:15:46
                    Stings like a biatch don't it? - RayKinsella1922 SEC - 7/19 14:38:05
                         RE: Stings like a biatch don't it? - DCDevilDog USMC - 7/19 21:05:35
                              You have nothing, and have defended same.(nm) - RayKinsella1922 SEC - 7/20 21:48:30
                    Lame nm - DollarSigns MU - 7/19 14:06:56
               RE: Why are you hopelessly devoted to enabling this child? - Brock9 MU - 7/19 11:53:33
                    It's just the opposite as far as I can tell. - RayKinsella1922 SEC - 7/19 12:03:03
                         Agree.(nm) - ROLLATIGER MU - 7/19 23:06:28
               RE: Why are you hopelessly devoted to enabling this child? - BruceInLA MU - 7/19 11:21:14
                    Enlighten me as to the actual situation. I'd love t hear it(nm) - RayKinsella1922 SEC - 7/19 11:22:14
                         RE: Enlighten me as to the actual situation. I'd love t hear it(nm) - BruceInLA MU - 7/19 13:40:58
                              Bruce, the whole purpose of this board is for speculation - RayKinsella1922 SEC - 7/19 14:24:01
                                   RE: Bruce, the whole purpose of this board is for speculation - BruceInLA MU - 7/19 15:26:43
                                        As was your previous response your way of saying - RayKinsella1922 SEC - 7/19 15:34:04

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