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"Alabama has to prove it on the field" - Kazoo - 9/24/18 18:52:32
soren pedo owned by finebaum today - Kazoo - 9/24/18 18:12:34
we must have more people digging for ore - Kazoo - 9/24/18 17:35:41
RE: So have you and kazoo set the date yet? - TennesseeWaltz1 - 9/24/18 10:03:27
Lock on the NFL, hard pass - Kazoo - 9/24/18 01:03:44
loss by loss - Kazoo - 9/23/18 23:23:02
RE: He and kazoo probably troll the high schools... - TennesseeWaltz1 - 9/23/18 22:06:17
RE: Stick it up your kazoo... - TennesseeWaltz1 - 9/23/18 22:04:47
good, you deserve it(nm) - Kazoo - 9/23/18 22:01:42
stick to womens hoops(nm) - Kazoo - 9/22/18 21:37:55
gusbus most overrated coach in football - Kazoo - 9/22/18 21:14:09
RE: Do you think we got screwed?(nm) - Kazoo - 9/22/18 18:42:26
are your feelings going to survive?(nm) - Kazoo - 9/22/18 18:13:04
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