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RE: He and kazoo probably troll the high schools...

Posted on: September 23, 2018 at 22:06:17 CT
TennesseeWaltz1 UT
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Next player revolt... - TennesseeWaltz1 UT - 9/23 19:34:10
     Couldn't happen to a more deserving fan base... - Carlos Rossi KC - 9/24 13:17:47
     as much as I dislike tennessee i hope it doesn't happen... - SuperTone MU - 9/24 07:03:13
     Enjoy it - Truthful MU - 9/24 01:54:24
     I sure hope your admin handles it better than..... - catdaddy MU - 9/24 00:16:06
     TENNESSEE IS SOOOOOO BACK! - Carlos Rossi KC - 9/23 22:59:47
     Your post is idiotic, but I'm glad that this is happening. - dangertim MU - 9/23 22:17:57
     LOL - XRob MU - 9/23 22:04:56
     good, you deserve it(nm) - Kazoo MU - 9/23 22:01:42
          RE: Stick it up your kazoo... - TennesseeWaltz1 UT - 9/23 22:04:47
               loss by loss - Kazoo MU - 9/23 23:23:02
     That stuff doesn't happen when a team is winning..same for - bcoop199 KC - 9/23 21:49:36
     Your fans are no better - BigDave MU - 9/23 21:09:08
          RE: We didn't want another damn Yankee coach... - TennesseeWaltz1 UT - 9/23 21:34:27
     all of your trolling attempts would work much better - Jeff85 MU - 9/23 20:44:05
          Not working Jeff. He knows you’re a fvcking nerd and a - Emoji Man MSU - 9/23 22:02:09
               you 2 should get a room - Jeff85 MU - 9/24 08:43:21
                    RE: So have you and kazoo set the date yet? - TennesseeWaltz1 UT - 9/24 10:03:27
                         in Jeff’s defense, he’s a virgin. - Emoji Man MSU - 9/24 14:26:39
                         you and emoji - Jeff85 MU - 9/24 13:16:09
               RE: He and kazoo probably troll the high schools... - TennesseeWaltz1 UT - 9/23 22:06:17
                    im more of a man than even the ones you dream - Kazoo MU - 9/23 23:25:08
                         RE: You are a disgusting little creature... - TennesseeWaltz1 UT - 9/24 08:35:25
     It’s not all of us, but we know who those puzzies r(nm) - TigerFan92 MU - 9/23 20:33:59
     Once you go down that path, very few programs ever return - ozland LSU - 9/23 20:20:50
          What the hell would you call where they are now? - Mormad MU - 9/23 22:45:39
               lol - gmmm98 MU - 9/24 07:13:59
     Sofa king we todd it - Gary P. MU - 9/23 20:08:06
     Huge difference though - Nohawks MU - 9/23 19:44:20
          Bullshlt. They were down with the cause. It was all made - Emoji Man MSU - 9/23 22:04:37
               Shouldn't you be on a Fire Odom site ? - Nohawks MU - 9/24 06:49:14
          yeah, over a graduate student millionaire(nm) - MU98 STL - 9/23 19:47:07
     Trying to contaminate rest of the league. Gotta - GA Tiger MU - 9/23 19:39:33
     We're just the roadkill - don't blame us. - RayKinsella1922 SEC - 9/23 19:36:51
          RE: Pruitt is trying to instill toughness and discipline... - TennesseeWaltz1 UT - 9/23 19:42:57
               You all worshipped Sgt. Carter. Did this to yourselves. - Gary P. MU - 9/23 20:09:50
                    As I read your post it occurred to me - Nohawks MU - 9/23 20:18:33
               Happened to our softball team. Nm - BandG MU - 9/23 19:49:52
               Snowflake Nation rules the world. I suggest you fire - RayKinsella1922 SEC - 9/23 19:44:21
                    RE: A sensitive woman like Pat Head Summitt? - TennesseeWaltz1 UT - 9/23 19:51:03
                         She ded. - Gary P. MU - 9/23 20:10:45
                         Um, no. We're talking hugs. Kisses. You know showin' - RayKinsella1922 SEC - 9/23 20:00:02
                    It's time. Hot Vol women in orange checkers - Nohawks MU - 9/23 19:45:31
     RE: Next player revolt... - miketig MU - 9/23 19:36:40
          RE: Next player revolt... - JangoFett MU - 9/23 19:39:53

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