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If it's the one I remember I'm not sure how that wasn't an

Posted on: February 13, 2025 at 09:37:29 CT
sprintcar STL
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10.20 yrs
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offensive foul. The little dude tried to hold his ground straight up and Mitchell just bounced him back a couple feet. Kind of reminded me of Shaq back in the day. If the bigger guy can just knock you out of the way there's no possible way to guard them. That worked well for Mitchell last night but he can't do that against guys his size.
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     I don't think anyone missed that (nm) - phrejd KC - 2/13 09:27:42
     Yes but he is matchup dependent. A team like OU has no - FIJItiger MU - 2/13 09:20:58
     Perfect matchup for him - wu-tangtiger MU - 2/13 09:19:21
     he better shoot 1000 3s a day this summer - tigerinhogtown STL - 2/13 09:19:16
          Or touch a weight or two! (nm) - shorty MU - 2/13 12:12:11
          No, 1000 from 4 feet using the glass and 1000 FT - Cole Thornton MU - 2/13 11:23:21
          Would be better if he shot zero, and stopped taking those - FIJItiger MU - 2/13 09:22:37
               He shot over 40% 3PT in ACC play his first two years - HissingPrigs77 MU - 2/13 09:25:31
                    When the Mizzou coaches helped East change his form - wu-tangtiger MU - 2/13 09:29:28
               He will likely concentrate on his outside game because it - TheWildcat MU - 2/13 09:24:25
                    Hope he also focuses on using the right hand around the rim - wu-tangtiger MU - 2/13 09:28:07
          more like 1000 free throws(nm) - TigerA MU - 2/13 09:20:14
     When the smallish looking #7 for OU got caught guarding - playhard KC - 2/13 09:17:16
          If it's the one I remember I'm not sure how that wasn't an - sprintcar STL - 2/13 09:37:29

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