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Yes but he is matchup dependent. A team like OU has no

Posted on: February 13, 2025 at 09:20:58 CT
FIJItiger MU
Member For:
22.11 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
Answer for him. Teams like UF and Bama with length really cause him to struggle. What worked so well last night for him results in a lot of wild shots being kind of flipped at the basket when opposing defenders have more length and mobile bigs.
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     I don't think anyone missed that (nm) - phrejd KC - 2/13 09:27:42
     Yes but he is matchup dependent. A team like OU has no - FIJItiger MU - 2/13 09:20:58
     Perfect matchup for him - wu-tangtiger MU - 2/13 09:19:21
     he better shoot 1000 3s a day this summer - tigerinhogtown STL - 2/13 09:19:16
          Or touch a weight or two! (nm) - shorty MU - 2/13 12:12:11
          No, 1000 from 4 feet using the glass and 1000 FT - Cole Thornton MU - 2/13 11:23:21
          Would be better if he shot zero, and stopped taking those - FIJItiger MU - 2/13 09:22:37
               He shot over 40% 3PT in ACC play his first two years - HissingPrigs77 MU - 2/13 09:25:31
                    When the Mizzou coaches helped East change his form - wu-tangtiger MU - 2/13 09:29:28
               He will likely concentrate on his outside game because it - TheWildcat MU - 2/13 09:24:25
                    Hope he also focuses on using the right hand around the rim - wu-tangtiger MU - 2/13 09:28:07
          more like 1000 free throws(nm) - TigerA MU - 2/13 09:20:14
     When the smallish looking #7 for OU got caught guarding - playhard KC - 2/13 09:17:16
          If it's the one I remember I'm not sure how that wasn't an - sprintcar STL - 2/13 09:37:29

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