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They've tried to turn him into a 3-yard-out passer

Posted on: February 11, 2025 at 12:53:09 CT
Tptiger MU
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and eliminated the downfield game. Therefore every team can pack in the defense within 5 yards of the line and put pressure on every play without having to worry about the deep ball. He's not Alex Smith. I'm hoping with Rice and Worthy back next year they'll let them run some deep routes and loosen things up again.
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     They've tried to turn him into a 3-yard-out passer - Tptiger MU - 2/11 12:53:09
     You're clueless about the NFL as you are college - Diamond Dave MU - 2/10 17:17:17
     Attention whore here, nothing more. (nm) - JayRoy KC - 2/10 16:52:47
          a maladjusted person seeking fulfillment in an odd way (nm) - hou4mu MU - 2/10 17:20:05
               I knew the opinion, though true, would be unpopular here (nm) - zounami MU - 2/10 17:28:17
                    Whoosh. That’s the point flying over your head - hou4mu MU - 2/10 17:40:34
                         no, the point is that you're lashing out with an ad hominem - zounami MU - 2/10 18:08:30
                    He can be effective for 12+ more years. And your - Diamond Dave MU - 2/10 17:33:23
     Only in STL KC hating fans' wet dreams - Beakerbasher KC - 2/10 16:46:31
          RE: You underestimate the hate around the country..... - Stlmetz ARMY - 2/11 07:09:27
     Youd do realize that Brady wsa 9-8 in the 8 postseasons - tigerNkc KC - 2/10 16:41:16
          like I said, he had a much longer shelf life due to being a - zounami MU - 2/10 16:42:42
     give me the list of QBs that peaked at 29 - Joeboo MU - 2/10 15:49:24
          sue isn't serious, he thinks he drives TB click numbers - Macgrantt MU - 2/10 16:20:49
               sue isn't serious, he thinks he drives TB click numbers - Macgrantt MU - 2/10 16:41:45
               you've got it all figured out, Macgrantt... - zounami MU - 2/10 16:38:21
                    Sure do have you calca/zounami et al figured out - Macgrantt MU - 2/10 16:47:24
                         oh how I dream of becoming a moderator like you briefly were - zounami MU - 2/10 17:02:40
                              what's your view on why you're mobbed off most days - Macgrantt MU - 2/10 17:08:11
                                   double handles of a few disgruntled users (nm) - zounami MU - 2/10 17:19:11
                                        so as I expected, you think you're a victim, blameless - Macgrantt MU - 2/10 17:22:36
          for the record - Joeboo MU - 2/10 15:55:05
               none of them relied on their mobility/athleticism like PM * - zounami MU - 2/10 15:55:31
                    try again - Joeboo MU - 2/10 15:57:37
                         Rogers is the greatest running white QB by a wide margin.. - TheWildcat MU - 2/10 15:58:25
                              That's bullshlt. Steve is by far #1 in that category - alwaysright MU - 2/10 18:10:44
                              Tarkenton was before both of those guys(nm) - Diamond Dave MU - 2/10 16:34:28
                                   And not as good as either (nm) - TheWildcat MU - 2/10 16:43:29
                                        All 3 are HOF'ers. That's pretty damn good company for - Diamond Dave MU - 2/10 17:19:24
                              SY was a better runner than Rogers - Joeboo MU - 2/10 16:07:52
                                   Yea, I guess that may be true. I remember an aging Steve - TheWildcat MU - 2/10 16:13:00
                                        His run against the Vikings in 88 is prolly the greatest QB - alwaysright MU - 2/10 18:13:39
                    ... Peyton Manning was slower than molasses, a typical - zounami MU - 2/10 15:56:48
                    Aaron Rogers was a lot more mobile than PH is. (nm) - TheWildcat MU - 2/10 15:56:39
                         yep - Joeboo MU - 2/10 16:00:25
                              And though he doesn't have the SB wins, I still say - TheWildcat MU - 2/10 16:01:43
                                   Rogers age 37 season in 2020 is bonkers - Joeboo MU - 2/10 16:03:08
                         I strongly disagree with that, but for the sake of argument - zounami MU - 2/10 15:58:18
                              Rogers peaked from age 28-38 - Joeboo MU - 2/10 16:02:02
                              I am not sure it's disagreeable. Rogers was faster - TheWildcat MU - 2/10 15:59:58
                                   He didn't depend on it. He was a better passer than PM... - zounami MU - 2/10 16:02:32
                                        Who is PH? (nm) - Lt. J. Dangle MU - 2/10 16:06:38
                                             Pearl Harbor man, c'mon... - zounami MU - 2/10 16:14:31
                                                  I assumed it was a typo until I saw it done 3 different - Lt. J. Dangle MU - 2/11 09:06:24
                                        I am not arguing that Mahomes has more talent than Rogers - TheWildcat MU - 2/10 16:03:17
     Brady’s last superbowl win was against Atlanta - El-ahrairah BAMA - 2/10 15:31:14
          So those don't count?(nm) - Erwin Fletcher STL - 2/11 08:05:41
     Jesus Christ you are really dumb... - Carlos Rossi KC - 2/10 15:28:57
          don't shoot the messenger (nm) - zounami MU - 2/10 15:32:20
               So you are Jonesin... - Carlos Rossi KC - 2/10 15:36:22
                    jonesin for what? (nm) - zounami MU - 2/10 15:37:54
                         RE: jonesin for what? (nm) - Breadtruck MU - 2/10 17:29:42
     kind of a dumb take, man (nm) - Seagull MU - 2/10 15:27:39
          which part do you disagree with and why? (nm) - zounami MU - 2/10 15:35:54
               the entire premise is dumb (nm) - Seagull MU - 2/10 15:36:22
                    how so? (nm) - zounami MU - 2/10 15:38:05
                         watch the Patriots/Giants SB again - Seagull MU - 2/10 15:40:16
                              that's a non-sequitur (nm) - zounami MU - 2/10 15:40:52
                                   no, it's what you're basing your premise on - Seagull MU - 2/10 15:42:28
                                        you don't think Mahomes has been trending downward over - zounami MU - 2/10 15:45:15
                                             not at all - Seagull MU - 2/10 15:54:39
                                                  fair enough... we can agree to disagree (nm) - zounami MU - 2/10 15:55:10
                                                       He is mentally better. Mahomes used to try to play hero ball - TheWildcat MU - 2/10 15:57:48
                                                            You're engaging with a troll about a topic he - kmawv8 MU - 2/10 15:59:39
                                                                 no, he was discussing something you didn't want - 90Tiger STL - 2/10 16:37:18
                                                                      No. - kmawv8 MU - 2/10 20:51:18
                                                                      you mean people who pretend they don't follow the nfl - phrejd KC - 2/10 16:38:13
                                                                           another disgruntled KC fan who can't handle the truth (nm) - zounami MU - 2/10 16:40:04
                                                                 no, he's engaging in civil discourse unlike you (nm) - zounami MU - 2/10 16:05:58
     Even Brady - meatiger MU - 2/10 15:26:58
          but in the past, Mahomes could have scrambled and eluded - zounami MU - 2/10 15:31:42
               You don't follow the NFL (nm) - kmawv8 MU - 2/10 15:32:14
                    I don't have to follow it closely to draw such an - zounami MU - 2/10 15:32:42
                         "Closely" was never in your quote. - kmawv8 MU - 2/10 15:33:45
                              don't be so pedantic (nm) - zounami MU - 2/10 15:35:10
                                   your use of pedantic here is.....pedantic - Macgrantt MU - 2/10 16:16:58
     OK Jonesin(nm) - tman MU - 2/10 15:25:58
     "I don't follow the NFL" -zounami (nm) - kmawv8 MU - 2/10 15:25:52
          that doesn't stop him from being an expert on the NFL (nm) - Seagull MU - 2/10 15:28:14
               He doesn't play chess either, but it doesn't stop him from - Lt. J. Dangle MU - 2/10 16:11:59
               In case anyone thinks I'm making up a quote - kmawv8 MU - 2/10 15:29:34

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