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Maybe just drop usage of such terminology

Posted on: January 31, 2025 at 08:14:37 CT
FIJItiger MU
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22.19 yrs
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That is going to result in at least a 10 - 15% improvement in your life and happiness from that simple change. You don’t want to be lumped into the group of people referring to things as beta, nobody respects those guys.
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          Well, she was a female pilot. So probably not. - AllThingsKC KC - 1/31 08:42:12
          This is the question (nm) - mizzouSECedes STL - 1/31 08:25:56
     Sometimes the jokes just write themselves (nm) - hefeweizen MU - 1/31 07:45:03
          Pete Hegseth right now - Bosalphus KC - 1/31 07:49:03
               yep, it completely validates his point (nm) - zounami MU - 1/31 07:49:51
          That's quite the leap - Wildcat KSU - 1/31 08:49:22
               your interpretation of what I wrote is certainly a leap (nm) - zounami MU - 1/31 08:54:00
                    I applied your broad statement to the specific topic alluded - Wildcat KSU - 1/31 09:05:44
                         Careful, you going to be labeled a demlib if you keep - kmawv8 MU - 1/31 09:11:19
                    Do you have proof that this is an example of standards - kmawv8 MU - 1/31 08:56:58
                         The DoD made "DEI" a top priority under the Biden admin... - zounami MU - 1/31 09:02:38
                              RE: The DoD made "DEI" a top priority under the Biden admin... - meatiger MU - 1/31 09:27:36
                                   it couldn't have been too long ago, given her relatively - zounami MU - 1/31 09:36:42
                                        So you have no idea - meatiger MU - 1/31 10:00:10
                                             wrong... I explained why she's most likely a Biden era - zounami MU - 1/31 10:03:54
                                                  RE: wrong... I explained why she's most likely a Biden era - meatiger MU - 1/31 10:08:27
                                                       she was recruited under DEI policies & standards, and now - zounami MU - 1/31 10:09:54
                                                            lol(nm) - meatiger MU - 1/31 10:14:20
                              Do you have proof that this female pilot went through - kmawv8 MU - 1/31 09:04:03
                                   highlander made an excellent point about this... - zounami MU - 1/31 09:05:30
                                        Neither you or Highlander know in this case - Wildcat KSU - 1/31 09:06:55
                                             by "the normal ones" do you mean the merit-based, non-DEI - zounami MU - 1/31 09:14:55
                                                  She made about 249 previous flights - meatiger MU - 1/31 09:29:06
                                                       impressive... didn't kill dozens of people until her 250th - zounami MU - 1/31 09:35:24
                                                            making stuff up - sks MU - 1/31 10:18:11
                                                                 wrong, and highlander made an excellent point about this... - zounami MU - 1/31 13:48:29
                                                  You're only proving my point - Wildcat KSU - 1/31 09:16:49
                                                       we'll never know with absolute 100% certainty... - zounami MU - 1/31 09:18:12
                                                            Your deductive reasoning skills - meatiger MU - 1/31 09:30:40
                                                                 I oppose racial discrimination in all forms. Period. (nm) - zounami MU - 1/31 09:36:01
                                                                      I do as well - meatiger MU - 1/31 09:54:25
                                                                           Then you should oppose DEI, as I do (nm) - zounami MU - 1/31 09:56:32
                                                                                Have I ever said I agree with it? - meatiger MU - 1/31 09:58:40
                                                                                     you defend and rationalize it... not a good look (nm) - zounami MU - 1/31 10:04:49
                                                                                          I have not defended it - meatiger MU - 1/31 10:07:00
                                        You can just say no. It was a pretty direct question. (nm) - kmawv8 MU - 1/31 09:06:51
          Being a female does nothing to reduce the standards - StaleyTiger MU - 1/31 08:48:59
               The fact that some women can do the job as well as - alwaysright MU - 1/31 14:40:09
               yet here we are, with 67 people dead... - zounami MU - 1/31 08:55:50
                    Answer the follow up question. Because DH's post assumes - kmawv8 MU - 1/31 08:57:32
                         highlander made an excellent point about this... - zounami MU - 1/31 09:05:18
                              Again, that didn't answer the very direct question (nm) - kmawv8 MU - 1/31 09:10:06
                                   it did actually... work on your reading comprehension (nm) - zounami MU - 1/31 09:16:04
          isnt that how you have children? - colonel angus beef KC - 1/31 08:38:50
               He was forced into having DEI children because - Carlos Rossi KC - 1/31 09:15:47
          One of my friends from high school was a helicopter - tgr MU - 1/31 08:38:31
          RE: not a surprise... when standards are lowered to check boxes - sks MU - 1/31 08:37:38
          Don’t believe female is considered a lower standard (nm) - FIJItiger MU - 1/31 07:44:28
               why do you think men & women have separate sports? (nm) - zounami MU - 1/31 07:47:35
                    As in they are inferior at all activities? Why would - FIJItiger MU - 1/31 07:51:47
                         ^^^thinks piloting combat aircraft is just sitting in a - hefeweizen MU - 1/31 07:57:01
                              I don't think they were standing while piloting it, were - tgr MU - 1/31 08:42:15
                              it reveals how clueless he is (nm) - zounami MU - 1/31 08:09:59
                                   Clueless is forgivable, Fiji is willfully ignorant. He has - DHighlander NWMSU - 1/31 08:20:37
                                        Can you elaborate, from your position of wisdom, why - FIJItiger MU - 1/31 08:22:55
                                             The real question is not "Why WOULD a woman - DHighlander NWMSU - 1/31 08:30:25
                                                  Ok then answer that question then - FIJItiger MU - 1/31 08:35:08
                                             Clearly she didn't use her helicopter blinker - mizzouSECedes STL - 1/31 08:29:37
                                                  Any time there is an incident and one of the people involved - DHighlander NWMSU - 1/31 08:35:44
                                                       I would like to think this is unlikely with the pilot - mizzouSECedes STL - 1/31 08:46:36
                                                            I agree. But quotas of any kind create doubt in the groups - DHighlander NWMSU - 1/31 09:03:21
                                                                 Do you know there were quotas for the pilots and - kmawv8 MU - 1/31 09:07:39
                                                                      btw, here was Biden's pick to lead the FAA... - zounami MU - 1/31 09:19:49
                                                                           ah, yes, gotcha questions - meatiger MU - 1/31 09:55:36
                                                                                you're discrediting yourself as a partisan hack by - zounami MU - 1/31 10:00:11
                                                                                     90% of the cabinent heads are that way - meatiger MU - 1/31 10:02:40
                                                                      There are all kinds of class-action lawsuits over this... - zounami MU - 1/31 09:17:19
                                                                 correct, and justifiably so (nm) - zounami MU - 1/31 09:05:51
                              I couldn’t do it obviously. As a male(nm) - FIJItiger MU - 1/31 08:03:21
                                   as a beta male, correct, you probably couldn't (nm) - zounami MU - 1/31 08:05:54
                                        Pretty hard to find examples of someone writing beta male - FIJItiger MU - 1/31 08:07:45
                                             a classic "I know you are but what am I" response (nm) - zounami MU - 1/31 08:08:53
                                                  Agreed, classic (nm) - FIJItiger MU - 1/31 08:11:48
               Are the standards the same in boot camp?(nm) - hefeweizen MU - 1/31 07:46:19
                    For piloting an aircraft? I presume, are there different - FIJItiger MU - 1/31 07:47:54
                         military, airline, ATCs have struggled to meet DEI quotas... - zounami MU - 1/31 08:03:26
                              the military has ZERO DEI quotas - burnt ARMY - 1/31 09:19:42
                                   Wrong. The DOD made DEI its top priority.... - zounami MU - 1/31 09:20:23
                              I can’t muster being aggrieved over something I don’t - FIJItiger MU - 1/31 08:06:06
                                   and that's what makes you such a beta (nm) - zounami MU - 1/31 08:11:35
                                        Maybe just drop usage of such terminology - FIJItiger MU - 1/31 08:14:37
                                             Eh, i'd save your breath on these guys...anyone who - playhard KC - 1/31 08:26:04
                                                  work on your reading comprehension, comrade (nm) - zounami MU - 1/31 09:37:06
                                                  You realize that zounami is not anointing himself as a beta - Lt. J. Dangle MU - 1/31 09:33:34
                                             spoken like a true beta (nm) - zounami MU - 1/31 08:17:14
                                                  See, I rest my case(nm) - FIJItiger MU - 1/31 08:20:58
                         I didn't ask you that. Are there different standards in - hefeweizen MU - 1/31 07:55:52
                              Sorry, was attempting to keep it at least somewhat topical(nm) - FIJItiger MU - 1/31 08:04:40
                                   nice cop-out (nm) - zounami MU - 1/31 08:12:08
                         There are different standards everywhere equality is pushed. - alwaysright MU - 1/31 07:53:13
                              correct, and it's not "equality", it's the opposite... - zounami MU - 1/31 08:04:21
     Sec. Def. Hesgeth said the crew was "fairly experienced" - BH O'bonga MU - 1/31 07:17:16
          It was reported to helicopter flights along the river are - alwaysright MU - 1/31 07:50:52
               Maybe it was common, but flying across the path of landing - BH O'bonga MU - 1/31 08:16:14
                    but, isn't it wonderful she was given the opportunity? (nm) - zounami MU - 1/31 08:18:09
          I served under men in the military who were experienced - alstl MU - 1/31 07:41:36
               exactly, and DEI (racial & gender quotas) only exacerbate - zounami MU - 1/31 07:43:29
          some people, no matter how "experienced", will never be - zounami MU - 1/31 07:35:52
               maybe it was, maybe it wasn't - Bosalphus KC - 1/31 07:38:13
                    This kind is extremely rare. The deadliest aviation crash - zounami MU - 1/31 07:41:08
          "fairly experienced" is a relative concept - FIJItiger MU - 1/31 07:33:32
               True. For example, I'm not very experienced at chess, yet... - zounami MU - 1/31 07:39:13
                    Oh my. Dude, come on. You cannot be serious (nm) - Lt. J. Dangle MU - 1/31 09:35:36
                         some people are naturally more skilled & talented... - zounami MU - 1/31 09:46:11
                              Just say that instead of making up some anecdotal tale - Lt. J. Dangle MU - 1/31 10:46:50
                                   making up? (nm) - zounami MU - 1/31 13:45:36
          I used to fly into Reagan a lot. There were always - Erwin Fletcher STL - 1/31 07:32:27
          It's probably routine in DC - Bosalphus KC - 1/31 07:23:55
               Yep - meatiger MU - 1/31 08:05:47
               Yeah - if you don’t have clearance you will have some F-18’s - Carlos Rossi KC - 1/31 07:33:19

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