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She does seem to make a lot of sense on paper, but I have...

Posted on: January 6, 2025 at 14:59:58 CT
Lerxst MU
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24.04 yrs
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no idea if she's a good coach or not. Born in Springfield. Played & coached at Drury before taking over the GCU. Seems like GCU was good before she got there, but she certainly hasn't screwed it up.

Makes $250,000 according to the internet. Who knows, but we could probably do worse.
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Molly Miller or bust - bagpipertiger MU - 1/6 13:52:25
     Just shut it down, use the resources elsewhere. - Diamond Dave MU - 1/7 12:28:06
          Lol, funny - *M* KC - 1/7 16:45:43
          RE: Just shut it down, use the resources elsewhere. - BruceInLA MU - 1/7 12:44:31
               RE: Just shut it down, use the resources elsewhere. - Panthera MU - 1/8 14:33:37
               RE: Just shut it down, use the resources elsewhere. - *M* KC - 1/7 16:46:14
     Decent musician(nm) - TigerFan92 STL - 1/6 22:54:04
          I'm all in lets get her. nm - thytiger MU - 1/7 15:06:40
          Mittie at Kansas Stare needs a look also - nomotiger MU - 1/6 20:00:42
               RE: some might say.... - Achmed MU - 1/7 16:17:41
     She does seem to make a lot of sense on paper, but I have... - Lerxst MU - 1/6 14:59:58
          She's a good coach, no idea if she can recruit at this - alwaysright MU - 1/7 18:47:36
          Good coach??? - cybertyger MU - 1/7 12:22:25
               RE: Good coach??? - Mizzhope MU - 1/7 13:11:07
          RE: She does seem to make a lot of sense on paper, but I have... - Achmed MU - 1/6 15:01:13
               RE: She does seem to make a lot of sense on paper, but I have... - TONYTIGR MU - 1/6 17:34:38
                    RE: She does seem to make a lot of sense on paper, but I have... - Achmed MU - 1/6 17:54:01
                         Incorrect. That was Amy Eagen. (nm) - go tigers MU - 1/6 19:32:55
                         RE: She does seem to make a lot of sense on paper, but I have... - Achmed MU - 1/6 17:57:20
               RE: She does seem to make a lot of sense on paper, but I have... - GreatScott MU - 1/6 17:08:13
                    Pretty sure - tigerden MU - 1/6 18:01:56
                    RE: She does seem to make a lot of sense on paper, but I have... - Achmed MU - 1/6 17:25:27
                    I don't know what Robin's is - bagpipertiger MU - 1/6 17:24:36

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