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These deals with coaches, ADs, etc are almost always settled

Posted on: September 18, 2024 at 19:19:37 CT
pinkman MU
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7.27 yrs
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I think we are lucky to be rid of her. The settlement is a bonus.
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DRF Gets Buyout Lowered by $1M - optigr50 MU - 9/18 18:10:58
     RE: DRF Gets Buyout Lowered by $1M - Ragarm MU - 9/19 09:14:26
     terrible move by Choi(nm) - Harvey Specter MU - 9/19 08:22:39
          That was hiring her in the first place. Nm - BandG MU - 9/19 09:13:33
               Yeah, but what’s her replacement doing? Hiding? - tigersailor MU - 9/19 10:17:58
          Not really - Hickeytime MU - 9/19 09:02:16
          The only terrible thing about it is how long she has to pay - Erwin Fletcher STL - 9/19 08:46:02
     Did it ever come out why she left? nm. - MUTGR MU - 9/18 20:19:23
          She had a long history with Arizona. nm - ScottsdaleTiger MU - 9/18 21:08:44
               RE: She had a long history with Arizona. nm - CPA MU - 9/18 21:20:17
                    U of A Law School Grad and - ScottsdaleTiger MU - 9/18 22:15:36
                         RE: U of A Law School Grad and - CPA MU - 9/18 22:30:27
     These deals with coaches, ADs, etc are almost always settled - pinkman MU - 9/18 19:19:37
          Yep (nm) - SatoriTiger JC - 9/18 19:23:54
     No one has any explaining to do - SatoriTiger JC - 9/18 18:29:33
          choi said in April she would be held to the contract.(nm) - Harvey Specter MU - 9/19 08:23:05
          So why doesn’t this happen with coaching buyouts? - optigr50 MU - 9/18 19:03:47
               It happens often with coaching buyouts as well - SatoriTiger JC - 9/18 19:23:38
                    It Doesn't! I'm surprised more people aren't upset - optigr50 MU - 9/19 07:29:01
                         It is possible that she was made aware that they would - JeffB MU - 9/19 09:42:10
               I think that coaches' buyouts can be and are negotiated - JeffB MU - 9/18 19:19:20
                    they are often negotiated. Jimbo's was(nm) - MizzouAstro MU - 9/19 07:31:05
                    Generally When Coaches are Fired - optigr50 MU - 9/19 07:30:13
                    Or the KU method. Throw the coach under the bus and fire - pinkman MU - 9/18 19:54:36
                         The tactics of the poor & broke (nm) - Gary P. MU - 9/18 22:29:25
               perhaps because the numbers are usually much larger - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 9/18 19:15:45
     RE: DRF Gets Buyout Lowered by $1M - cybertyger MU - 9/18 18:18:37

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