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It's funny. I often beat guys straight up who have lower

Posted on: July 8, 2024 at 09:35:49 CT
Carlos Rossi KC
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9.45 yrs
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handicaps than I do. Then there is always the "there is no way you are a 8 handicap" argument when they lose.

Here's the deal. I play the ball down, and I don't cheat. This makes you a better player. Also, the handicap is supposed to take distance (or tees you play from) into the equation, but it is not enough.

I am not going to be the guy who plays from the blue tees when everyone else is playing from the whites, but you put me on the white tees and it is just a different game.

Also - some people are really vain and have a reverse handicap issue. I could see Trump being this guy.

I will usually even reduce a couple of strokes off if we are all playing from the whites.

Edited by Carlos Rossi at 09:37:01 on 07/08/24
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     I'm getting a little yippy on 3 footers, (humble brag - playhard KC - 7/8 08:57:08
          only one way I've found - o'lineydisciple MU - 7/8 09:01:23
               I typically make them when i practice, not all of them, i - playhard KC - 7/8 09:22:16
          You're extremely proud of your golf game. (nm) - kmawv8 KC - 7/8 08:59:37
               I couldn't break 80 from most "regular" courses from the - playhard KC - 7/8 09:19:56
                    RE: I couldn't break 80 from most "regular" courses from the - kmawv8 KC - 7/8 09:21:34
                         I think you and i have different opinions of what a good - playhard KC - 7/8 09:25:15
                              It's funny. I often beat guys straight up who have lower - Carlos Rossi KC - 7/8 09:35:49
                                   I've not kept a handicap for years, there's just as many - playhard KC - 7/8 10:01:43
                                   Perfect. The other guy that is extremely proud of his - kmawv8 KC - 7/8 09:37:11
                                        I shot my first ever even par 9 holes a few weeks ago - Eggs MU - 7/8 09:44:01
                                             It's easier said than done, but if we just keep the ball in - playhard KC - 7/8 10:04:22
                                                  It's all about the course - Eggs MU - 7/8 10:17:39
                                             Nice work.(nm) - Carlos Rossi KC - 7/8 09:54:02
                                        Nah - I don't play that much anymore...nothing to be too - Carlos Rossi KC - 7/8 09:38:59
                                             Your posts on the subject suggest otherwise. (nm) - kmawv8 KC - 7/8 09:44:04
                              I never said you were a good golfer (nm) - kmawv8 KC - 7/8 09:26:15
                                   Ha (nm) - phrejd KC - 7/8 09:32:00
                                   lol(nm) - TigerA MU - 7/8 09:30:35
     Close to Starkville may need to incorporate that into the - TigerFan92 STL - 7/8 08:44:46
          Mossy Oak is MS State's home course - Sal CMSU - 7/8 08:45:50

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