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California is famously a place many people live in for a...

Posted on: June 28, 2024 at 11:04:41 CT
Gyro STL
Member For:
22.09 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
short time and then move somewhere else. You can't disagree with that first point.

Second, people in California have a unique financial conundrum to deal with in the sense that you can buy property when the market is down, sell it high and move somewhere and get three times the house. Those states you mentioned are also burgeoning tech centers attracting tech workers because of affordable (although decreasingly so) real estate.

You're a bit out of your element here as a lifelong small town guy.
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The biggest challenge I see for dems - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 6/28 10:36:20
     Job One keep Trump from power - raskolnikov MU - 6/28 11:46:30
          This wasn't a bad night - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 6/28 11:53:36
               80 yr old guy with the flu under restrictions of two & one - raskolnikov MU - 6/28 12:16:00
                    Debate terms his team demanded - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 6/28 12:25:05
     Easy solution to that - *M* KC - 6/28 11:02:58
          If they can convince her to do it - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 6/28 11:08:32
               I don't think she'll resist. The problem they have isn't - *M* KC - 6/28 11:14:14
                    They don't have a problem with blacks, women, or black women - Wildcat KSU - 6/28 11:15:27
                         They will have a problem with some black women - *M* KC - 6/28 11:27:41
                              ^^^ trooph ^^^(nm) - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 6/28 11:44:01
                         RE: They don't have a problem with blacks, women, or black women - BH O'bonga MU - 6/28 11:24:07
     I've always thought this was a problem with Harris... - Gyro STL - 6/28 10:45:36
          In 2028, the primary process will pick the - SparkyStalcup MU - 6/28 11:40:42
          Nothing hypocritical or phony about the party of - Outsider MU - 6/28 11:14:00
          Not Avenatti? - Wildcat KSU - 6/28 10:59:34
               That corpse soundly beat Donald Trump... - Gyro STL - 6/28 11:01:53
                    Looks like - Wildcat KSU - 6/28 11:05:08
                         Trump still has a problem... - Gyro STL - 6/28 11:09:17
                              You guys - Wildcat KSU - 6/28 11:13:13
                                   yarp (nm) - 90Tiger STL - 6/28 11:21:26
               lol(nm) - Th8tnTiger MU - 6/28 11:00:38
          Newsome has destroyed california - RHAYWORTH MU - 6/28 10:55:39
          "chops"? (nm) - 90Tiger STL - 6/28 10:46:09
               Governing California is a pretty good test for the... - Gyro STL - 6/28 10:46:52
                    Jesus H Christ - Wildcat KSU - 6/28 11:03:03
                    Why do you think that about Givernor Newsom? - Spanky KU - 6/28 10:52:21
                         It's the 5th largest economy in the world... - Gyro STL - 6/28 10:54:19
                              And it's the poorest run state in the US.(nm) - Spanky KU - 6/28 11:03:26
                                   LOL, this is just untrue... - Gyro STL - 6/28 11:06:02
                                        Are you stoned? CA is the worst run state in the US(nm) - Spanky KU - 6/28 11:17:17
                                             Simply false(nm) - Gyro STL - 6/28 12:20:43
                                                  Yet you offer no actual rebuttal(nm) - Spanky KU - 6/28 12:23:42
                                                       You offered a conclusory statement... - Gyro STL - 6/28 12:24:48
                                                            RE: You offered a conclusory statement... - Spanky KU - 6/28 14:03:22
                                        Neither of those states are $50 Billion in debt (nm) - mizzouSECedes STL - 6/28 11:12:36
                                             CA is $601B in debt despite Balanced Budget requirement - Spanky KU - 6/28 11:24:24
                              It's a fair point(nm) - Eggs MU - 6/28 10:57:08
                                   I'm not saying he's a perfect candidate... - Gyro STL - 6/28 10:59:43
                                        And he's got more name recognition than others - Eggs MU - 6/28 11:02:59
                                             Make no mistake... - Gyro STL - 6/28 11:05:21
                    His approval rating in his own liberal state is 44% - Eggs MU - 6/28 10:49:51
                         California had more votes for Trump - haeffb MU - 6/28 11:02:41
                              Wait, I thought it was 45 million drag queen LGBTQ voters?(nm) - Gyro STL - 6/28 11:11:37
                         California is not as uber liberal as everyone thinks it is.. - Gyro STL - 6/28 10:52:34
                              Those are pretty huge cities though - Eggs MU - 6/28 10:53:35
                                   Legislature is controlled by the crazy left(nm) - hefeweizen MU - 6/28 10:55:27
                                        Arnold got along pretty well with the crazy left... - Gyro STL - 6/28 10:56:17
                                             He vetoed more than a quarter of the bills sent to him dude - hefeweizen MU - 6/28 10:59:37
                                                  He also famously worked with the other side... - Gyro STL - 6/28 11:00:41
                                                       Why dont Dem governors employ bipartisanship?(nm) - hefeweizen MU - 6/28 11:02:35
                                                            Bc they're wannabe dictators (nm) - mizzouSECedes STL - 6/28 11:16:13
                    Sure, and the results and outcomes are the test, agreed? (nm) - 90Tiger STL - 6/28 10:47:24
                         California's GDP has grown faster than... - Gyro STL - 6/28 10:50:10
                              California is 28th in GDP growth - Spanky KU - 6/28 11:02:35
                                   Oh North Dakota? Went from $10 million to $10.5 million GDP - Gyro STL - 6/28 11:10:59
                                        Percentages are numbers neutral - mizzouSECedes STL - 6/28 11:14:31
                              So is their homeless welfare rolls - RHAYWORTH MU - 6/28 10:59:51
                              Must be why their population is declining(nm) - hefeweizen MU - 6/28 10:51:11
                                   Growth = more money = higher cost of living... - Gyro STL - 6/28 10:54:50
                                        Why are they losing population?(nm) - hefeweizen MU - 6/28 10:55:54
                                             It was your premise, you explain(nm) - Gyro STL - 6/28 10:56:37
                                                  RE: It was your premise, you explain(nm) - hefeweizen MU - 6/28 11:01:29
                                                       California is famously a place many people live in for a... - Gyro STL - 6/28 11:04:41
                                                            The Stanford study clearly states that policy is why the - hefeweizen MU - 6/28 11:05:40
     won't matter, they will all just vote against Trump (nm) - 90Tiger STL - 6/28 10:44:14
          Yup. There will be people who vote for and against Trump - Eggs MU - 6/28 10:45:21
               the only impact I can see is turnout. how many won't vote a - 90Tiger STL - 6/28 10:46:56
     In many ways they have over played their hand - Eggs MU - 6/28 10:42:23

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