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Until poverty and especially crime are legitimately

Posted on: June 25, 2024 at 12:51:03 CT
Eggs MU
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25.42 yrs
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addressed, the same cycles will occur. Violent inner city culture, educated people with money flock to the burbs.

How do you address those things is where it gets hairy. At some point blacks have to realize that change comes from within and they have to fix it from the inside. The government is not going to save them.

Where government can help is end soft on crime policies. It doesn't work. Well meaning people in these communities are being terrorized by the criminals and nothing is being done to clean it up. That's step 1 IMO.
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St. Louis ranked #1 for affordable urbanism - McMuffin MU - 6/25 10:49:25
     Missouri needs St. Louis to be vital - JimD MU - 6/25 12:24:45
          Until poverty and especially crime are legitimately - Eggs MU - 6/25 12:51:03
               RE: Until poverty and especially crime are legitimately - cooter MU - 6/25 17:05:27
               One subtle thing about STL city population decline is - McMuffin MU - 6/25 13:36:18
          City County consolidation would fix everything overnight - McMuffin MU - 6/25 12:31:03
     If you don't have any money just steal some - mu7176grad MU - 6/25 11:28:48
          That is why I prefer running over walking - McMuffin MU - 6/25 11:20:12
     The MetroLink is free for gang bangers and there is plenty - TigerFan92 STL - 6/25 11:00:21
     I highly recommend the Kevlar District or Purple Drank - Carlos Rossi KC - 6/25 10:53:42

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