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After 30 minutes with a pro about 10 years ago, I fixed my

Posted on: June 25, 2024 at 10:09:09 CT
KCT-BoneTiger MU
Member For:
13.82 yrs
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slice and now have a slight hook that straightens out perfectly.

All it took was correcting the path of my back swing, which fixed the path to the ball going forward
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     it's adapted from Moe Norman I'm sure - o'lineydisciple MU - 6/25 12:23:37
     Before going completly crazy on that, just try setting up - playhard KC - 6/25 11:22:18
     I don’t trust anything at the range or simulator - El-ahrairah BAMA - 6/25 10:59:41
          Don't ever judge anything off those plexiglass things - playhard KC - 6/25 11:41:48
     Mike Bender Instagram - Shu MU - 6/25 10:43:40
     In 2k23 pga on the ps5 I'm pretty good(nm) - alstl MU - 6/25 10:28:52
          I'm sure I'd be inconsistent at that too (nm) - Sal CMSU - 6/25 10:32:03
     After 30 minutes with a pro about 10 years ago, I fixed my - KCT-BoneTiger MU - 6/25 10:09:09
          I would wax you and your push cart.(nm) - Carlos Rossi KC - 6/25 10:22:34
               Just stay away from his money spot (front 9 at Nickell)(nm) - Eggs MU - 6/25 10:24:01
                    this is the truest of all trues, but I do play Gustin too (nm) - KCT-BoneTiger MU - 6/25 13:01:27
                    LOL - the Asian Tour at Nickel.(nm) - Carlos Rossi KC - 6/25 11:04:30
     Like the Moe Norman/Todd Graves deal? - Eggs MU - 6/25 10:02:00
          Yeah very similar - Sal CMSU - 6/25 10:04:39
               Just order them from Cobra's site if you do it - Eggs MU - 6/25 10:09:22
                    Same here, it's very frustrating(nm) - Ron Swanson MU - 6/25 10:25:26
                    Over the weekend I played in a member guest at a club - Sal CMSU - 6/25 10:12:45

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