RE: no it doesn’t (nm)
Posted on: February 8, 2024 at 06:35:08 CT
Member For:
17.61 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
Thanks Pickle You gave me and the State of Mo. to ignore the 13th amendment and enslave my GF and her Family just Like the good Ole times..... Now I just gotta figure out how she and them will accept this Pickle world fact...
And I don't know who taught your Civic and Govt classes but they must of been idiots. Because States clearly gave up their rights to go against the Constitution and Bill Of Rights... now on the subject of Federal Law you can make a case that States Can resist those decisions. But the Amendments stand supreme.
You can refute that Constitution is the American Final Say but you would be wrong. If no Constitution you have no Republic just a loose association of States and Regions.