OT Rag, below you said about pickle and ummm
Posted on: January 1, 2024 at 11:56:02 CT
hokie VT
Member For:
9.07 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
"I know you think people like ummmm and pickle are idiots but they're really just ahead of the curve".
Sorry OT, if you think hating your country and disbanding government is ahead of the curve, your nuttier than squirrel turds.
And well, pickle really is an idiot. Incapable of debate or serious analysis, he responds with "L O L" or "wrong board" and thinks he's won a decisive and brilliantly articulated debate. He has bumper stickers. That's it.
And if he's ahead of anything, it would be a very, very slow curveball. More like an Eephus pitch. I believe he's an admitted anarchist with a one-size-fits-all solution to everything.
All taxation is theft, no, human being is illegal, and wrong board. Those are his three bumper stickers that he lives by.
Ummm on the other hand pretends to be more moderate. But he also believes that all taxation is theft although he says he wants some government to be better at governing the way the constitution intended. He'll correct me if that's in error.
But how can you say that "all taxation is theft" when it is taxation that funds the government, and he still want limited government…? By his definition, government is corrupt and illegitimate.
He is an anti-government, largely anti-American follower with bumper sticker slogans, that masquerade as being moderate. Crazy liberals, often sell themselves as moderates. Like Joe Biden, and bronco bomma. Nothing moderate about either of those two.
Don't know exactly where him stands on everything, but he is an absolutist regarding government, taxation, and the wars.
He's not much better than the pickle with a one-size-fits-all "solution" to everything.
Simple slogans, simplistic solutions. Pure sophistry.
Edited by hokie at 11:58:42 on 01/01/24