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Great post. Long season and variance happens.

Posted on: November 11, 2023 at 10:40:40 CT
trader_tiger83 MU
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11.63 yrs
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Memphis showed a lot of heart and elevated their game. We didn’t match their intensity except for about 10 mins in the first half. We will see what this team is made of in the first ten games.
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     We all know you're talking about zounami - phrejd MU - 11/11 11:23:52
          zounami is just an unhappy dude - El Zorro MU - 11/11 11:27:39
               then stop posting about me, you creepy weirdo (nm) - zounami MU - 11/11 11:47:39
     bizarre analysis, downplaying Kobe's impact last year... - zounami MU - 11/11 11:00:59
          What you capitalized kansass. I knew it ! nm - thytiger MU - 11/11 11:36:18
     Great post. Long season and variance happens. - trader_tiger83 MU - 11/11 10:40:40
          he's determined to be as wrong about Gates as he was about - zounami MU - 11/11 11:02:09
               What are you talking about? I LOVED the Drink hire - El Zorro MU - 11/11 11:22:26
                    you were the biggest Drink & Cook hater on the board (nm) - zounami MU - 11/11 11:48:52
          In the mean time lets get ready for some FOOTBALL. With - thytiger MU - 11/11 10:48:46
               Indeed. At least one of our coaches was able to beat Memphis - zounami MU - 11/11 11:04:07

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