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I’m well aware of that

Posted on: June 3, 2023 at 22:14:39 CT
Harold Jenkins
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Did Bieser get fired for being white? - Harold Jenkins - 6/3 22:06:29
     Why don't you just admit you are a racist?(nm) - TigerMatt KC - 6/4 14:20:32
          Why don't you just admit you are a weak little libtard who - Harold Jenkins - 6/4 15:51:34
     You are correct, you're a troll - MoArk MU - 6/4 13:15:26
          do you think Jackson is the most qualified person for - zounami MU - 6/4 13:16:59
               Of course he’s not. That’s not the question - *M* KC - 6/4 14:16:45
                    Don't be so pedantic. That was obviously implied in the - zounami MU - 6/4 14:19:20
     He stunk. It was time. But this new coach - TigerFan92 STL - 6/4 06:23:15
          His successor most likely will stink too. It’s impossible - SEMOTiger1 SEMO - 6/4 10:52:35
     He was fired for being white from the waist down - DRF(nm) - Carlos Rossi KC - 6/4 00:00:19
     . - Carlos Rossi KC - 6/3 23:56:21
     IMO DRF should contact Ryan Folmar the ORU coach - MU-TULSA MU - 6/3 23:16:11
     No but… DRF is a big diversity AD and is - noodle MU - 6/3 22:49:13
          You know what I dont care, as long as she brings in winning - MU-TULSA MU - 6/3 23:08:13
               RE: You know what I dont care, as long as she brings in winning - slamduncan KC - 6/3 23:20:22
                    RE: You know what I dont care, as long as she brings in winning - slamduncan KC - 6/3 23:28:15
                         RE: You know what I dont care, as long as she brings in winning - MIZSTU MU - 6/4 11:09:56
     If you think he did, prove it. And yes, - *M* KC - 6/3 22:23:10
          I asked the question dip****. Please tell me how he is an - Harold Jenkins - 6/3 22:26:39
               RE: I asked the question dip****. Please tell me how he is an - *M* KC - 6/3 22:28:22
                    So if he’s not an upgrade why hire him? - Harold Jenkins - 6/3 22:31:44
                         RE: So if he’s not an upgrade why hire him? - *M* KC - 6/3 22:34:28
                              How do you know that it wasn’t - Harold Jenkins - 6/3 22:52:06
                                   RE: How do you know that it wasn’t - *M* KC - 6/4 12:39:06
     Soccer and volleyball hires were both white (nm) - Hickeytime MU - 6/3 22:12:28
          I’m well aware of that - Harold Jenkins - 6/3 22:14:39
               RE: I’m well aware of that - Eadsbee2 MU - 6/4 11:12:04
                    Two white males were replaced with two white females - Harold Jenkins - 6/4 11:22:28
                         RE: Two white males were replaced with two white females - Eadsbee2 MU - 6/4 11:41:46
                              bfd what’s your point? - Harold Jenkins - 6/4 11:55:20
                                   RE: bfd what’s your point? - Eadsbee2 MU - 6/4 14:05:47
                                        "He wasn't DRF's idea"... how do you know that? (nm) - zounami MU - 6/4 15:24:09
                                             If you want to believe that the new guy in the athletic - Eadsbee2 MU - 6/4 15:54:30
                                                  you don't even know the guy's name... it's Kerrick - zounami MU - 6/4 18:29:06
               How is that not relevant?(nm) - Carlos Rossi KC - 6/4 00:33:29
                    Because my original post was about the baseball coach - Harold Jenkins - 6/4 11:36:26
     RE: Did Bieser get fired for being white? - BruceInLA MU - 6/3 22:10:31
          What the hell do you ever contribute other than complaining - Harold Jenkins - 6/3 22:17:17

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