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Why don't you just unfollow him if he bothers you so much?

Posted on: February 25, 2022 at 11:23:46 CT
GeorgiaTiger76 MU
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I don't get it. The guy shares his opinions. If it bothers you, don't follow him on Twitter. You can still access most of his Mizzou stuff on stltoday.com if you want that but not his political opinions.
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     RE: Why are you so afraid of his politics? - Ernest T. Bass MU - 2/25 16:31:32
          Resorting to name calling? Of course - El Zorro MU - 2/25 17:37:42
     You realize you don’t have to read him, right? - MNTIGER MU - 2/25 13:52:06
     FDM(nm) - oleMIZZOU MU - 2/25 13:24:03
     Truth hurts, don't it - Cole Thornton MU - 2/25 11:58:25
     What does this have to do with Mizzou football? (nm) - VillageTiger MU - 2/25 10:47:32
          Nothing(nm) - Genco98 MU - 2/25 12:12:56
     Stop being a dumb pussy (nm) - Cosmo MU - 2/25 10:41:26
     snowflake(nm) - MenInBlack MU - 2/25 10:05:42
     Matter is entitled to express an opinion - namres MU - 2/25 10:03:15
          No fear - El Zorro MU - 2/25 10:13:54
               Why do I see only tweets about Mizzou basketball? - ERB KC - 2/25 13:23:58
                    RE: Why do I see only tweets about Mizzou basketball? - El Zorro MU - 2/25 17:38:32
     you aint wrong.(nm) - SuperTone MU - 2/25 09:40:31
     It was a joke. - Jmill88 MU - 2/25 09:32:50
     He voted for Biden, and makes poor GOP memory jokes - Tigerfish MU - 2/25 09:20:21
     I just don't give a shyt either way. I wouldn't - SabertoothTiger MU - 2/25 08:39:30
          This (nm) - eatatjoes MU - 2/25 09:09:03
     Seems like you follow Dave and his work. Has there ever - HDTiger MU - 2/25 08:39:30
     Tommy's quote is likely accurate (nm) - mizzouSECedes STL - 2/25 08:31:04
          um, no - sfprman MU - 2/25 15:55:06
     Can't handle a joke? That was a dumb comment by TT. - mizzou john MU - 2/25 08:30:35
     to be fair, Tuberville's assine comment should be open - MizzouAstro MU - 2/25 08:06:05
          If Matter saw the light and was a "righty".... - El Zorro MU - 2/25 08:09:14
               i don't really care what he thinks or tweets politically(nm) - MizzouAstro MU - 2/25 08:10:14
                    Same. I don't follow his Twitter and don't care what he says - phrejd MU - 2/25 08:17:10
                         not seeing tweets you don't like is the easiest thing in the - MizzouAstro MU - 2/25 08:34:24
                              No way man. We all need to focus all our attention and time - phrejd MU - 2/25 08:51:52
     Not smart for him or for Gabe to wear their lefty politics.. - El Zorro MU - 2/25 08:03:40
          He's wrong to put both sports and politics on the same - pinkman MU - 2/25 21:08:13
          Neither Dave nor Gabe are too far left - Gamagrass MU - 2/25 08:42:49
               Lol wow ignorance or just programmed(nm) - TigerFan92 STL - 2/25 11:04:09
               To quote John McEnroe "You cannot be serious" - El Zorro MU - 2/25 10:12:20
                    Why don't you just unfollow him if he bothers you so much? - GeorgiaTiger76 MU - 2/25 11:23:46
                         Easy - El Zorro MU - 2/25 17:41:48
                    If he’s “obsessed” with leftist politics, you are as - Cosmo MU - 2/25 11:02:36
                    RE: To quote John McEnroe "You cannot be serious" - t-shirt fan MU - 2/25 10:25:36
          You might be right, but that TT comment deserved ridicule. (nm) - mizzou john MU - 2/25 08:31:23
          matter works for a lefty newspaper. he's fine(nm) - TigerA MU - 2/25 08:29:47
     He would fit in well with the lefty-loons at MSNBC or The - Fourth and Long MU - 2/25 07:47:53
     Matter doesnt mattter anymore - drywallerdave MU - 2/25 06:53:47
     Sometimes he just can't help himself nm - pinkman MU - 2/25 00:07:20
     RE: Dave Matter dooshenozzle* - TigerFan92 STL - 2/24 23:12:26
          RE: Dave Matter dooshenozzle* - sarasotatiger MU - 2/25 02:34:18
     Why can't he do both? He has a right to have an opinion - go tigers MU - 2/24 23:06:53
          having an opinionn is ok, using his platform isn't - fatrat MU - 2/25 06:36:28
               gee....what would happen if. - Mizzou1990 MU - 2/25 07:16:21
                    Journalism started dying in the 80's - BigDave MU - 2/25 07:26:58
                    and the same folks crying now - JayHoaxH8r MU - 2/25 07:24:42
                         Nope - El Zorro MU - 2/25 08:02:11
          He does report FACTS! - Genco98 MU - 2/25 06:11:16
               It's a fact that Soviet Union dissolved and is crony - mizzou john MU - 2/25 08:33:03
               Nope, his far left OPINION is all over the place - El Zorro MU - 2/25 08:10:07
                    whatever, Vlad - sfprman MU - 2/25 15:57:59
                         Again, a “lib” has to resort to name calling - El Zorro MU - 2/25 17:40:40
                              Putin parrot - sfprman MU - 2/25 20:17:25
          RE: Why can't he do both? He has a right to have an opinion - THINKINGTIGER MU - 2/24 23:17:18
               Yes on both sides I agree - Genco98 MU - 2/25 06:56:42
     I bet you he dislikes most of his readers (nm) - zoomer 99 - 2/24 22:27:50
          I imagine that he appreciates his readers, since they help - go tigers MU - 2/24 23:12:26
     I once liked Matter - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 2/24 22:23:14

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