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He would fit in well with the lefty-loons at MSNBC or The

Posted on: February 25, 2022 at 07:47:53 CT
Fourth and Long MU
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     RE: Why are you so afraid of his politics? - Ernest T. Bass MU - 2/25 16:31:32
          Resorting to name calling? Of course - El Zorro MU - 2/25 17:37:42
     You realize you don’t have to read him, right? - MNTIGER MU - 2/25 13:52:06
     FDM(nm) - oleMIZZOU MU - 2/25 13:24:03
     Truth hurts, don't it - Cole Thornton MU - 2/25 11:58:25
     What does this have to do with Mizzou football? (nm) - VillageTiger MU - 2/25 10:47:32
          Nothing(nm) - Genco98 MU - 2/25 12:12:56
     Stop being a dumb pussy (nm) - Cosmo MU - 2/25 10:41:26
     snowflake(nm) - MenInBlack MU - 2/25 10:05:42
     Matter is entitled to express an opinion - namres MU - 2/25 10:03:15
          No fear - El Zorro MU - 2/25 10:13:54
               Why do I see only tweets about Mizzou basketball? - ERB KC - 2/25 13:23:58
                    RE: Why do I see only tweets about Mizzou basketball? - El Zorro MU - 2/25 17:38:32
     you aint wrong.(nm) - SuperTone MU - 2/25 09:40:31
     It was a joke. - Jmill88 MU - 2/25 09:32:50
     He voted for Biden, and makes poor GOP memory jokes - Tigerfish MU - 2/25 09:20:21
     I just don't give a shyt either way. I wouldn't - SabertoothTiger MU - 2/25 08:39:30
          This (nm) - eatatjoes MU - 2/25 09:09:03
     Seems like you follow Dave and his work. Has there ever - HDTiger MU - 2/25 08:39:30
     Tommy's quote is likely accurate (nm) - mizzouSECedes STL - 2/25 08:31:04
          um, no - sfprman MU - 2/25 15:55:06
     Can't handle a joke? That was a dumb comment by TT. - mizzou john MU - 2/25 08:30:35
     to be fair, Tuberville's assine comment should be open - MizzouAstro MU - 2/25 08:06:05
          If Matter saw the light and was a "righty".... - El Zorro MU - 2/25 08:09:14
               i don't really care what he thinks or tweets politically(nm) - MizzouAstro MU - 2/25 08:10:14
                    Same. I don't follow his Twitter and don't care what he says - phrejd MU - 2/25 08:17:10
                         not seeing tweets you don't like is the easiest thing in the - MizzouAstro MU - 2/25 08:34:24
                              No way man. We all need to focus all our attention and time - phrejd MU - 2/25 08:51:52
     Not smart for him or for Gabe to wear their lefty politics.. - El Zorro MU - 2/25 08:03:40
          He's wrong to put both sports and politics on the same - pinkman MU - 2/25 21:08:13
          Neither Dave nor Gabe are too far left - Gamagrass MU - 2/25 08:42:49
               Lol wow ignorance or just programmed(nm) - TigerFan92 STL - 2/25 11:04:09
               To quote John McEnroe "You cannot be serious" - El Zorro MU - 2/25 10:12:20
                    Why don't you just unfollow him if he bothers you so much? - GeorgiaTiger76 MU - 2/25 11:23:46
                         Easy - El Zorro MU - 2/25 17:41:48
                    If he’s “obsessed” with leftist politics, you are as - Cosmo MU - 2/25 11:02:36
                    RE: To quote John McEnroe "You cannot be serious" - t-shirt fan MU - 2/25 10:25:36
          You might be right, but that TT comment deserved ridicule. (nm) - mizzou john MU - 2/25 08:31:23
          matter works for a lefty newspaper. he's fine(nm) - TigerA MU - 2/25 08:29:47
     He would fit in well with the lefty-loons at MSNBC or The - Fourth and Long MU - 2/25 07:47:53
     Matter doesnt mattter anymore - drywallerdave MU - 2/25 06:53:47
     Sometimes he just can't help himself nm - pinkman MU - 2/25 00:07:20
     RE: Dave Matter dooshenozzle* - TigerFan92 STL - 2/24 23:12:26
          RE: Dave Matter dooshenozzle* - sarasotatiger MU - 2/25 02:34:18
     Why can't he do both? He has a right to have an opinion - go tigers MU - 2/24 23:06:53
          having an opinionn is ok, using his platform isn't - fatrat MU - 2/25 06:36:28
               gee....what would happen if. - Mizzou1990 MU - 2/25 07:16:21
                    Journalism started dying in the 80's - BigDave MU - 2/25 07:26:58
                    and the same folks crying now - JayHoaxH8r MU - 2/25 07:24:42
                         Nope - El Zorro MU - 2/25 08:02:11
          He does report FACTS! - Genco98 MU - 2/25 06:11:16
               It's a fact that Soviet Union dissolved and is crony - mizzou john MU - 2/25 08:33:03
               Nope, his far left OPINION is all over the place - El Zorro MU - 2/25 08:10:07
                    whatever, Vlad - sfprman MU - 2/25 15:57:59
                         Again, a “lib” has to resort to name calling - El Zorro MU - 2/25 17:40:40
                              Putin parrot - sfprman MU - 2/25 20:17:25
          RE: Why can't he do both? He has a right to have an opinion - THINKINGTIGER MU - 2/24 23:17:18
               Yes on both sides I agree - Genco98 MU - 2/25 06:56:42
     I bet you he dislikes most of his readers (nm) - zoomer 99 - 2/24 22:27:50
          I imagine that he appreciates his readers, since they help - go tigers MU - 2/24 23:12:26
     I once liked Matter - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 2/24 22:23:14

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