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ha ha ha - & you don't even understand concept of deep state

Posted on: February 11, 2022 at 07:52:19 CT
raskolnikov MU
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24.15 yrs
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Your ignorance is vast.

What Biden greed again please ? That just jumped out at me.

Care to define Marxism ya dipsht and then demonstrate Biden's practice of it.

You won't. You can't
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     No he's not...LOL...what a joke(nm) - Gyro STL - 2/11 13:16:40
     RE: Biden is singlehandedly destroying this country. Whether... - sarasotatiger MU - 2/11 11:43:50
     Trump could have not spent recklessly as well - Sal CMSU - 2/11 08:11:03
          People in Washington who want to cut spending in DC are - tigerdb MU - 2/11 08:19:48
               RE: People in Washington who want to cut spending in DC are - sarasotatiger MU - 2/11 11:47:27
               Was it a true 1% - meatiger MU - 2/11 08:47:27
                    it was a token gesture, that he knew wouldn't be supported - tigerdb MU - 2/11 08:50:37
                         But you think 10% would have been? (nm) - Sal CMSU - 2/11 08:52:37
                         don't disagree with that - meatiger MU - 2/11 08:51:31
                              The left hates Rand Paul - Sal CMSU - 2/11 08:54:36
                                   I know the left hates him - meatiger MU - 2/11 09:03:05
                                        What has he approached Fauci about - Sal CMSU - 2/11 09:09:04
                                             He has made his points - meatiger MU - 2/11 09:24:32
               Why is 1% a joke? (nm) - Sal CMSU - 2/11 08:22:42
                    You think 1% would do anything? (nm) - tigerdb MU - 2/11 08:25:54
                         Yes, it would cut spending by $30 billion - Sal CMSU - 2/11 08:29:05
                              10% would be a good starting point - tigerdb MU - 2/11 08:30:11
                                   lol barely anybody voted for 1% - Sal CMSU - 2/11 08:31:20
                                        No - I'm saying that 1% was a talking point/political - tigerdb MU - 2/11 08:33:36
                                             Got it, no spending cuts needed (nm) - Sal CMSU - 2/11 08:34:17
                                                  Yes Einsal, that's exactly what I said. (nm) - tigerdb MU - 2/11 08:35:40
                                                       I'll correct it for you, you'd only be for a spending plan - Sal CMSU - 2/11 08:38:17
                                                            Link, Einsal?(nm) - tigerdb MU - 2/11 08:43:59
                                                                 sure - Sal CMSU - 2/11 08:53:01
                         It's a step in the right direction, for sure. (nm) - kmawv8 MU - 2/11 08:27:02
                              and only 21 republicans voted in favor of it - Sal CMSU - 2/11 08:29:51
          The closest we got was - meatiger MU - 2/11 08:15:15
          If there is a hole in your roof, is it "reckless spending" - raskolnikov MU - 2/11 08:14:18
               I never said the gov't would spend zero dollars - Sal CMSU - 2/11 08:18:52
               If you use that as an excuse to hand out free money - kmawv8 MU - 2/11 08:15:26
     Did you know the US had a surplus in January? - Say_What MU - 2/11 08:08:39
          BUT AMERICA IS ENDING!!!!!!(nm) - Gyro STL - 2/11 13:17:19
          RE: Did you know the US had a surplus in January? - JayHoaxH8r MU - 2/11 09:07:39
          Newt gave Clinton one. - blake1771 MU - 2/11 08:23:38
          Budget surpluses don't take into account - mizzouSECedes STL - 2/11 08:21:51
     not singlehandedly - FootballRefugee MU - 2/11 08:05:51
     Final straw for the Uniparty will be start a war. - Newcatbirdseat MU - 2/11 08:02:52
     So it is about spending? - meatiger MU - 2/11 08:02:22
     Thank god trump's free **** didn't cause inflation(nm) - tigerdb MU - 2/11 07:53:03
          Context-free living(nm) - raskolnikov MU - 2/11 07:58:19
               beyond the free **** from both parties, trump's responsible - tigerdb MU - 2/11 08:01:53
                    Yup, I never liked that pandemic spending - mizzouSECedes STL - 2/11 08:27:39
                    They fear high interest rates more than inflation(nm) - meatiger MU - 2/11 08:03:08
                         raising interest rates a full point would leave interest - tigerdb MU - 2/11 08:04:51
                              exactly on the last part - meatiger MU - 2/11 08:09:37
          ha ha ha - & you don't even understand concept of deep state - raskolnikov MU - 2/11 07:52:19
               Biden declared a net worth of $175k when he ran as VP in - Emoji Man OU - 2/11 08:02:30
                    Stop reading your bullsht boy - Biden's net worth accrd to - raskolnikov MU - 2/11 08:21:12
                         Read it again fvckhead. I said his net worth was $175,000 in - Emoji Man OU - 2/11 08:28:22
                    LOL spermburper(nm) - tigerdb MU - 2/11 08:03:36
                         That’s a disgusting phrase. Did your dead gay dad call you - Emoji Man OU - 2/11 08:06:40
                              disgusting? Just own it junior. - tigerdb MU - 2/11 08:08:13
                                   Whoa! You’re really channeling the spirit of your dead gay - Emoji Man OU - 2/11 08:13:05
     What a powerful man you think he is - raskolnikov MU - 2/11 07:41:23

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