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RE: Believe me, I'm NOT a racist, but consider this:

Posted on: January 30, 2022 at 11:03:06 CT
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Believe me, I'm NOT a racist, but consider this: - Deputy Dawg MU - 1/30 08:29:09
     RE: Believe me, I'm NOT a racist, but consider this: - TBrown MU - 1/30 16:13:13
     Mid season? No. It’s harder to fire a black coach but - alwaysright MU - 1/30 15:32:20
     KA was arguably the worst coach in ncaa history - Jeff85 MU - 1/30 12:09:49
          NCAA history includes all divisions. - MizzouTigerz MU - 1/31 01:27:43
               KA better than 700 NCAA mbb coaches. Prove me wrong. - MizzouTigerz MU - 1/31 02:59:34
                    List the power 5 or 6 coaches with a worse 3 year run - Jeff85 MU - 1/31 16:00:59
                         Why do you children have no ability to understand context? - MizzouTigerz MU - 1/31 21:58:54
     I think Cuonzo is going to be here for another year. Just - thytiger MU - 1/30 12:00:35
     Ask this question again in May. It’s irrelevant now (nm) - the808bass MU - 1/30 11:46:15
     RE: Believe me, I'm NOT a racist, but consider this: - THINKINGTIGER MU - 1/30 11:20:53
     RE: Believe me, I'm NOT a racist, but consider this: - MUDude MU - 1/30 11:03:06
     We have had an AA head coach for 13 of the last 16 seasons. - DHighlander NWMSU - 1/30 10:44:15
          Yep - And Hiring Suzie Q as AD Proves the OP's Point(nm) - WrightWing MU - 1/30 23:51:49
     If you start a statement w/ that qualifier then you are - Sigma MU - 1/30 10:27:36
     Coach Martin is not going anywhere - Genco98 MU - 1/30 09:55:47
          Have you actually watched a game this season? The team is - DHighlander NWMSU - 1/30 10:46:03
     Hes coming off an NCAA berth and a roster rebuild. - STLTIGER MU - 1/30 09:26:25
          The roster rebuild is his fault. Nm - BandG MU - 1/30 10:18:20
          The team is improving - cal tiger MU - 1/30 09:33:22
               I believe that CM will coach hard until the end - STLTIGER MU - 1/30 09:36:58
                    I think his technical at the end of the half yesterday was a - DHighlander NWMSU - 1/30 10:57:00
                    Its all been for nothing, hes never been a good coach - cal tiger MU - 1/30 10:01:51
          You're the clueless 🤡 who wanted us to remain in the Big12 - zounami MU - 1/30 17:25:05
               After 10 glorious years in the SEC 0-2 vs Big XII - alstl MU - 1/30 21:08:44
          Typical wrong bullsh1t from you. Get a clue. Nm - BandG MU - 1/30 10:20:26
          You even have the SECN. Congrats. (nm) - Lerxst MU - 1/30 09:52:32
               I don't have the SECN and neither do most people(nm) - alstl MU - 1/30 12:50:57
                    There are over 100 million subscribers... 1/3 of the U.S. nm - BandG MU - 1/30 13:05:02
          Has nothing to do with conference - JayHoaxH8r MU - 1/30 09:51:48
          What? - El-ahrairah BAMA - 1/30 09:33:14
               Odom inherited a mess from Pinkel and went to 3 - alstl MU - 1/30 12:52:57
          RE: He made the NCAA tournament last year. Missouri isn't the - STLTIGER MU - 1/30 09:30:14
     Not if he had the same contract (nm) - zoomer 99 - 1/30 09:10:07
     RE: Believe me, I'm NOT a racist, but consider this: - hondo MU - 1/30 09:05:40
          They don't like the feeling of pine under their butt! nm - thytiger MU - 1/30 12:07:43
     Let's look at the facts before you go insane Ok..1st cm is - tigertix MU - 1/30 08:54:48
          He didnt bring in the Porters. Romar got fired - cal tiger MU - 1/30 09:04:32
               Mine was the short version your's is correct, he's still - tigertix MU - 1/30 09:07:23
                    CM is an average coach. The problem is his low ceiling... - zounami MU - 1/30 09:09:12
                         RE: CM is an average coach. The problem is his low ceiling... - Turk Tomich MU - 1/30 09:58:20
                         Agreed, A&M, Ol' Miss, MSU, UG, Vandy, USC should be - tigertix MU - 1/30 09:23:27
          stopped reading after "brought in the Porters" (nm) - zounami MU - 1/30 08:56:16
     He made the NCAA tournament last year. When was the... - Lerxst MU - 1/30 08:49:39
          Many believe the COVID "experience gap" effect played a - zounami MU - 1/30 08:55:11
               and they laid an egg against zero-u....nm - tigertix MU - 1/30 09:24:19
     Believe me, I'm NOT a racist, and white guilt has clouded - tigertix MU - 1/30 08:49:14
          True. Like, if you put a blind man on the FT line, - GA Tiger MU - 1/30 11:38:06
     If Kim Anderson wasnt white he never would have been - MrTruman2U MU - 1/30 08:32:03
          That's a really dumb take. If the criteria were merely... - zounami MU - 1/30 08:44:35

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