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Did your "special forces butty" get your fancy golf clubs...

Posted on: December 3, 2021 at 13:03:57 CT
Gyro STL
Member For:
22.00 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
you couldn't afford without the Delta Force discount?

Still can't believe you openly admitted that. LOL!!!!

Edited by Gyro at 13:32:30 on 12/03/21
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Getting to the age where I don't need anything - Diamond Dave MU - 12/3 10:32:23
     experiences over things - tigerinhogtown STL - 12/3 12:37:43
          yeah but you can take that too far - colonel angus beef KC - 12/3 12:47:25
               “and that’s what happened when i tried pegging” (nm) - pickle MU - 12/3 12:53:54
     Congrats it means you get what you want when you want it - TigerFan92 STL - 12/3 12:27:08
     We don't even do gifts at our house... - Gyro STL - 12/3 12:07:17
          Is she FAT like your wife?..... - UnWokeTiger MU - 12/3 19:36:08
          I know someone who would love to crawl into this every - Carlos Rossi KC - 12/3 12:22:04
               Did your "special forces butty" get your fancy golf clubs... - Gyro STL - 12/3 13:03:57
     ^^ can't hide independent wealth^^(nm) - Erwin Fletcher STL - 12/3 12:06:59
     getting there? I've been there since I could work. If I - SabertoothTiger MU - 12/3 11:49:15
     Been there for some time - ERB KC - 12/3 11:37:20
     For 10+ years I have bought my own gifts - TigerTim MU - 12/3 11:19:35
          tell me you gew up in a foster home without telling me(nm) - MizzouAstro MU - 12/3 11:33:31
               "st louis is getting another nfl team just you watch" - colonel angus beef KC - 12/3 11:56:15
          get yourself something sh*tty then act like a dick the rest - colonel angus beef KC - 12/3 11:31:10
               THANKS, SOCKS AGAIN....(nm) - TigerA MU - 12/3 11:35:59
                    yeah but like, used ones - colonel angus beef KC - 12/3 11:36:45
          ^^^^Kinda' brilliant^^^^^^(nm) - Diamond Dave MU - 12/3 11:29:38
          It's like 'Oh, damn - Billy got Dad got a Rolex!' (nm) - Newcatbirdseat MU - 12/3 11:27:32
               I'm not that fond of myself nm - TigerTim MU - 12/3 11:28:18
     Maybe a copy of The Eternal Optimist(nm) - Mormad MU - 12/3 11:08:10
          Lol. Fck off(nm) - Diamond Dave MU - 12/3 11:28:10
     I’ve become that annoying person that sees something they - MidwestLittleTiger STL - 12/3 11:06:07
     i generally get books and booze - colonel angus beef KC - 12/3 11:02:31
     My family just gets me Mizzou merch - Hickeytime MU - 12/3 10:59:23
          Time to start getting some Chiefs merch since they are your - Carlos Rossi KC - 12/3 11:55:33
               I’m good (nm) - Hickeytime MU - 12/3 12:10:39
          do they hate you?(nm) - TigerA MU - 12/3 10:59:43
               Damn - Hickeytime MU - 12/3 11:07:40
     i need a new grill(nm) - TigerA MU - 12/3 10:57:10
          I finally ponied up for a Weber gas grill a few years ago - Joeboo MU - 12/3 11:03:01
               mine is sitting out there covered and useless next - colonel angus beef KC - 12/3 11:03:52
                    ditto (nm) - TigerFan92 STL - 12/3 12:29:13
                    who has time to wait for charcoal? - ashtray UF - 12/3 11:45:22
                         then your sh*tty flameless gas grill takes 3xs longer to - colonel angus beef KC - 12/3 12:43:52
                              that's 100% false - ashtray UF - 12/3 12:51:02
                                   not my fault youre eating raw gas-smelling chicken - colonel angus beef KC - 12/3 12:57:50
                                        or you're just buying sh*tty gas grills (nm) - ashtray UF - 12/3 12:59:24
                                             thats what i thought so i went and bought a crazy one - colonel angus beef KC - 12/3 13:13:16
                                                  I've never heard of that brand. You got scammed (nm) - ashtray UF - 12/3 13:35:04
                                                       **** - colonel angus beef KC - 12/3 13:39:20
                         10 minutes max. do it while you are getting everything - TigerFan92 STL - 12/3 12:31:01
                    After nearly 15 years without a gas grill, broke down - Diamond Dave MU - 12/3 11:34:35
                    I got a Lynx ProSear - FootballRefugee MU - 12/3 11:20:29
                         looks like the same bullsh*t to me - colonel angus beef KC - 12/3 11:29:53
                              gets a lot hotter - FootballRefugee MU - 12/3 11:48:49
                                   but i dont want the heat controlled - colonel angus beef KC - 12/3 13:14:54
                    agreed(nm) - showme NWMSU - 12/3 11:13:21
                    you just need to do what I did - Joeboo MU - 12/3 11:12:15
                         my opinion is that they all need to be like that - colonel angus beef KC - 12/3 11:35:38
                    i wish pellets got better sears (nm) - TigerA MU - 12/3 11:06:40
          meth is a helluva drug. - colonel angus beef KC - 12/3 10:59:35
          gold or diamonds? (nm) - ashtray UF - 12/3 10:57:32
               Paul Wall(nm) - TigerA MU - 12/3 10:57:41
                    good choice (nm) - ashtray UF - 12/3 10:58:24
     did that a few years ago - FootballRefugee MU - 12/3 10:37:07
          Problem is - Diamond Dave MU - 12/3 10:40:56
               i know what you should get her - TigerA MU - 12/3 10:58:58
     Not only do I not need anything. I don't want anything - Eggs MU - 12/3 10:35:47
          I have told my family... my gift would be - bobbelcher MU - 12/3 12:00:48
          it's seriously about the good times - FootballRefugee MU - 12/3 10:37:59
               I'm an introvert and I agree completely - cnk ATL - 12/3 10:46:20
                    im an introvert in principle - colonel angus beef KC - 12/3 10:52:22
                         I also didn't care for eggs - ERB KC - 12/3 11:54:48
                         if I know the people I'm with really well - cnk ATL - 12/3 11:40:03
                              nah, ive already heard their bullsh*t - colonel angus beef KC - 12/3 11:55:13
                         Eggs is the worst (nm) - phrejd MU - 12/3 10:54:25
                              I'm the Cuonzo of Tigerboard handles - Eggs MU - 12/3 11:18:17
                                   yes. to all of it. (nm) - phrejd MU - 12/3 11:27:16
                              RE: Eggs is the worst (nm) - colonel angus beef KC - 12/3 11:02:48
                                   1 - phrejd MU - 12/3 11:30:32
                                        hes not my type - colonel angus beef KC - 12/3 11:32:37

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