Michael Shellenberger starts at a much higher plane of
awareness and intelligence than any republican He knows that climate change is man made, is a serious problem and
something has to be done on a large scale.
This video comes up now and then and the same arguments apply.
Nuclear is the most socialistic form of energy production there is. No nuclear power has ever been produced in a private capacity- its completely dependent on government.
And it still has the same problems.
2) the waste-no one it also because of NIMBY
3) terrorist potential, which is especially relevant now that 30% of the American people now openly support
Again I reject his premise. There is super ample land available for solar in this country that doesn't necessitate destroying even 1% of the current environment. they are called parking lots and roofs of buildings.
And wind is basically dual use as well.
Now wind is not appropriate in every situation due to birds and bats- but there is still plenty of available wind potential.
And then there is the fact that humans used to know a little about building so as to take advantage of nature
but we threw that out the window with the advent of air conditioning and central heating.
But now that you are arguing that climate change is real
and must be addressed- welcome to the discussion