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On Sept 1, Little Joe will congratulate himself for a job

Posted on: August 25, 2021 at 07:50:14 CT
hokie VT
Member For:
8.61 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
well done.

Brilliantly done, virtual perfection. He will thank the brave men and women of our military for their small role in helping him accomplish his goal.

Chuckles The Veep will giggle.

Soon after, many many many stories will emerge of stranded and probably executed Americans. Little Joe will say that they had every opportunity to leave but chose to stay. It’s not his fault.

Chuckles The Veep will giggle.

Whispering Joe well then praise himself forgetting each and every one of the Afghan citizens who helped us during the war, get out of Afghanistan. That mission was also done flawlessly. He will thank the brave women and men of our military for their small role and helping him achieve this goal as well.

Chuckles The Veep will giggle.

There will be scores if not hundreds of stories of Afghan citizens beheaded, burned, executed or just slaughtered by the Taliban. Our president will say they had every opportunity to evacuate with others and chose to stay behind. It’s not his fault.

Chuckles the veep will giggle.

Many thousands of Afghan citizens will resettle in the United States. We will not be told where, or how many. They will not have been vaccinated or vetted in any significant way. Many will be terrorists, many will have the China virus.

Chuckles The Veep will giggle.
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     I should voluntarily go to the Maldives - El-ahrairah BAMA - 8/25 08:03:47
          the liberal mask is slipping for the so called - ashtray UF - 8/25 08:19:38
     On Sept 1, Little Joe will congratulate himself for a job - hokie VT - 8/25 07:50:14
          RE: On Sept 1, Little Joe will congratulate himself for a job - BH O'bonga MU - 8/25 07:56:25
          RE: 20K Americans are just chilling in that god awful country? - BH O'bonga MU - 8/25 07:44:29
               I get that it's tough for them right now - Sal CMSU - 8/25 07:48:20
                    Yeah, me neither. I figured they would bust their butts try - BH O'bonga MU - 8/25 07:55:13
                         why would you figure that? - ashtray UF - 8/25 08:20:36

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