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So it is ok for cops to endanger the public...(nm)

Posted on: July 6, 2021 at 14:32:57 CT
TigerMatt MISS
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25.43 yrs
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MN police just can't stop killing people - meatiger MU - 7/6 13:48:40
     what % of deaths are police responsible in Minn.? - fatrat MU - 7/6 17:52:28
     They need to be defunded - mu7176grad MU - 7/6 15:41:42
          grow up (nm) - pickle MU - 7/6 15:48:37
               Get a job axxhole - mu7176grad MU - 7/6 17:25:31
     This wouldnt happen in Pickles world as the - tman MU - 7/6 14:52:52
          Well in your world, one person is dead, several others - TigerMatt - 7/6 14:55:55
               Well in the real world, the exception proves the rule. - MizzouTigerz MU - 7/6 16:41:43
                    You should be quoting scripture about the City of Refuge - TigerMatt - 7/6 17:00:48
                    you’re trying to justify it again - pickle MU - 7/6 16:51:53
               Well in your world things like this won't happen - tman MU - 7/6 15:23:36
                    No, and nobody has ever made that argument. (nm) - kmawv8 KC - 7/6 15:25:37
                         And how do you deal with it? No one has given - tman MU - 7/6 15:26:50
                              Well, it certainly wouldn't be handled by deadly chases - TigerMatt - 7/6 15:32:36
                                   So car jackers and armed robbery suspects would know if they - Tigrrrr! MU - 7/6 16:37:25
                                        you’re being stupid - pickle MU - 7/6 16:49:26
                                   Be careful princess. Don’t ever do anything that might get - hokie VT - 7/6 15:35:36
                                        Too bad it wasn't your family that died. Maybe you'd - TigerMatt - 7/6 15:38:30
                                   Why. Do you not personally have thoughts on - tman MU - 7/6 15:34:56
                                        Because no individual would set rules and impose - TigerMatt - 7/6 15:37:47
                                             There is nothing voluntary about car jacking or armed - Tigrrrr! MU - 7/6 16:38:16
                                                  why are you stupid? (nm) - pickle MU - 7/6 16:39:17
                                                       Are we having a discussion now? - Tigrrrr! MU - 7/6 16:42:28
                                             No, I understand your premise and it is a nice theory - tman MU - 7/6 15:41:53
                                                  No one is expecting everyone to respect property rights. - TigerMatt - 7/6 15:46:05
                                                       But in absence of any type of government or authority - tman MU - 7/6 15:50:35
                                                            Like I said, you are demanding a one size fits all model - TigerMatt - 7/6 15:54:35
                                                                 No I am not. I am asking for you opinion on how to handle - tman MU - 7/6 16:04:43
                                                                      Quit demanding others to educate you and start reading. - kmawv8 KC - 7/6 16:13:16
                                                                      Being a criminal would be even more costly. If you are - TigerMatt - 7/6 16:11:39
               Let’s never pursue criminals. Someone might - hokie VT - 7/6 15:00:13
                    Riddle me this, batman. - kmawv8 KC - 7/6 15:22:15
                         i'll let you in on a clue. first of all not all - blake1771 MU - 7/6 17:30:32
                              but mostly their incompetence - ashtray UF - 7/6 20:11:39
                         The problem with your absurd and juvenile argument is that - hokie VT - 7/6 15:29:36
                              C - kmawv8 KC - 7/6 15:44:06
                                   The police capturing a criminal can be a deterrent to - MizzouTigerz MU - 7/6 18:05:10
                                        especially if they're black - ashtray UF - 7/6 20:10:23
                                   Thanks for playing, your grade will be mailed. Off you go. - hokie VT - 7/6 16:40:19
                              It isn't carjacking but we are seeing what happens - tman MU - 7/6 15:31:58
                                   Well that is because government restricts rights of property - TigerMatt - 7/6 15:57:28
                                   In what scenario is there no victim? - kmawv8 KC - 7/6 15:44:43
                                        good luck (nm) - pickle MU - 7/6 15:48:58
                                        In your world apparently as the carjacking would have never - tman MU - 7/6 15:47:45
                                             That makes no sense. - kmawv8 KC - 7/6 16:05:11
                                             This is an argument only statists like yourself make.(nm) - TigerMatt - 7/6 15:50:05
                                                  Your position is one a theorologist would make(nm) - tman MU - 7/6 16:05:40
                    another straw man. always with emotional fallacies - pickle MU - 7/6 15:06:41
                         Will crime happen in your world? - tman MU - 7/6 15:24:33
                              Pay attention. - kmawv8 KC - 7/6 15:26:28
                                   Humor me, how are you going to deal with those - tman MU - 7/6 15:27:53
                                        You've proven you're a statist and don't care to - kmawv8 KC - 7/6 15:31:01
                                             exactly - pickle MU - 7/6 15:33:37
                                             So you cant do it. Typical. It should be - tman MU - 7/6 15:33:16
                                                  Then look it up. - kmawv8 KC - 7/6 16:00:08
                                                  You fail to grasp the basic concept that no single person - TigerMatt - 7/6 15:34:13
                                                       You pick the level it should be handled at and explain - tman MU - 7/6 15:38:32
                                                            Who am I to pick? I am not a ruler. What works for one area - TigerMatt - 7/6 15:42:12
                                                                 You are providing thoughts for a board discussion - tman MU - 7/6 15:45:00
                                                                      The problem is if any of us presents one model, it will be - TigerMatt - 7/6 15:49:18
                                                                           Of course ideas will be challenged, or attacked, if you - tman MU - 7/6 15:59:59
                                                                                You have it backwards. Statists don't look at the - TigerMatt - 7/6 16:06:52
                    False dichotomy (nm) - TigerMatt - 7/6 15:03:08
               some people don’t think before they type - pickle MU - 7/6 14:56:56
     But this one time a random policeman let a stolen - kmawv8 KC - 7/6 14:50:56
          if it saves just one life (nm) - ashtray UF - 7/6 15:03:57
     Police were trying to catch a driver who was in a stolen - MizzouTigerz MU - 7/6 14:26:52
          Hope he's insured. "Hello Geico? Can I get a liability - Tigrrrr! MU - 7/6 16:41:53
          The carjacker should give the police driving lessons(nm) - El-ahrairah BAMA - 7/6 14:39:27
          So it is ok for cops to endanger the public...(nm) - TigerMatt - 7/6 14:32:57
          tell it to the victim’s family - pickle MU - 7/6 14:30:58
               The police are going to blame it on the victim and the - TigerMatt - 7/6 14:40:36
                    What if the westbound driver - Sal CMSU - 7/6 14:42:40
                         if that were the case, the cops would likely have already - SwampTiger MU - 7/6 14:46:26
                              Publicly? - mizzouSECedes STL - 7/6 14:55:09
                                   I think so unless it wasn't yet clear - SwampTiger MU - 7/6 15:06:46
                                        I think the cop was going north - Sal CMSU - 7/6 15:14:42
                                             The south bound car wouldn't have been in the intersection - TigerMatt - 7/6 15:29:42
                                             you're right (nm) - SwampTiger MU - 7/6 15:21:49
                              That's probably true (nm) - Sal CMSU - 7/6 14:47:08
               What part of 'Sounds like felony murder by the robber. The - MizzouTigerz MU - 7/6 14:34:22
                    The cop killed the victim - pickle MU - 7/6 14:37:27
                         Stop adding to what words I choose, and holding up your - MizzouTigerz MU - 7/6 16:25:52
                              did you not post this as justification? - pickle MU - 7/6 16:38:45
                                   No. I provided context. There is no justification for - MizzouTigerz MU - 7/6 17:56:24
                                        you’re being dishonest (nm) - pickle MU - 7/6 17:59:35
                                             You are a liar, just like your father. - MizzouTigerz MU - 7/6 18:11:08
                                                  you’re also an idiot (nm) - pickle MU - 7/6 19:46:16
                         no he didnt. if the person who committed the crime didnt - bluesox7 MU - 7/6 14:45:57
                              Let's pretend the accident didn't happen. What is the - TigerMatt - 7/6 14:54:13
                                   CVCF, Restitution, Ending the criminal's reign of terror. - MizzouTigerz MU - 7/6 16:36:46
                              If the cops didn't chase him there wouldn't be an accident. - kmawv8 KC - 7/6 14:49:35
                                   hard to call this an accident (nm) - pickle MU - 7/6 15:27:15
                                   Grand Theft Auto is a serious offense. heck yes you chase - bluesox7 MU - 7/6 15:19:58
                                        If it's such a serious offense, why don't they waste their - kmawv8 KC - 7/6 15:24:11
                                             sure they do. what can they do? goal should be to - bluesox7 MU - 7/6 15:25:22
                                                  They don't. I reported a stolen car and they flat out told - kmawv8 KC - 7/6 15:27:45
                                                       well i dont know where you live, - bluesox7 MU - 7/6 15:29:16
                                                            What did they do to investigate it? (nm) - kmawv8 KC - 7/6 16:00:42
                                                                 There was a string of these going on in Como at the time - bluesox7 MU - 7/6 16:02:28
                                                                      you didn’t answer the question (nm) - pickle MU - 7/6 16:10:37
                                                                      Of course, you didn't answer my question. - kmawv8 KC - 7/6 16:03:03
                                                                           yes, but by the time they found it, the girlfriend had - bluesox7 MU - 7/6 16:14:13
                                                                                LMFAO - pickle MU - 7/6 16:37:30
                                                                                They didn't investigate it. - kmawv8 KC - 7/6 16:17:51
                              the driver wasn’t involved in the deadly wreck - pickle MU - 7/6 14:48:27
                                   no it isnt. that is SUCH backward ass thinking. - bluesox7 MU - 7/6 15:20:57
                                        who is condoning crime? (nm) - SwampTiger MU - 7/6 15:46:59
                                        you’re an idiot (nm) - pickle MU - 7/6 15:23:07
                                             well coming from you thats a compliment. - bluesox7 MU - 7/6 15:25:53
                                                  it isn’t a compliment and wasn’t meant to be one - pickle MU - 7/6 15:28:15
                                                       any kind of so called insult you put on others, - bluesox7 MU - 7/6 15:30:55
                                                            you are so far out of your element it isn’t funny - pickle MU - 7/6 15:38:41
                                                                 well i know right from wrong... and your wrong - bluesox7 MU - 7/6 15:50:53
                                                                      there it is (nm) - pickle MU - 7/6 16:01:57
                         And injured another victim while destroying their property(nm) - TigerMatt - 7/6 14:42:49
          "trying" to catch - ashtray UF - 7/6 14:28:54
     socialist monopolies incentivize incompetence (nm) - ashtray UF - 7/6 14:18:55

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