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Police Have No Duty to Protect You, Federal Court Affirms

Posted on: June 11, 2021 at 09:37:51 CT
pickle MU
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25.66 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
Yet Again

that’s what you get with socialism and gvmt.


Ryan McMaken

Following last February's shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, some students claimed local government officials were at fault for failing to provide protection to students. The students filed suit, naming six defendants, including the Broward school district and the Broward Sheriff’s Office , as well as school deputy Scot Peterson and campus monitor Andrew Medina.

On Monday, though, a federal judge ruled that the government agencies " had no constitutional duty to protect students who were not in custody."

This latest decision adds to a growing body of case law establishing that government agencies — including police agencies — have no duty to provide protection to citizens in general:

“Neither the Constitution, nor state law, impose a general duty upon police officers or other governmental officials to protect individual persons from harm — even when they know the harm will occur,” said Darren L. Hutchinson, a professor and associate dean at the University of Florida School of Law. “Police can watch someone attack you, refuse to intervene and not violate the Constitution.”

“The Supreme Court has repeatedly held that the government has only a duty to protect persons who are “in custody,” he pointed out.”

Moreover, even though the state of Florida has compulsory schooling laws, the students themselves are not "in custody":

“Courts have rejected the argument that students are in custody of school officials while they are on campus,” Mr. Hutchinson said. “Custody is narrowly confined to situations where a person loses his or her freedom to move freely and seek assistance on their own — such as prisons, jails, or mental institutions.”

Hutchinson is right.

The US Supreme Court has made it clear that law enforcement agencies are not required to provide protection to the citizens who are forced to pay the police for their "services."

In the cases DeShaney vs. Winnebago and Town of Castle Rock vs. Gonzales, the supreme court has ruled that police agencies are not obligated to provide protection of citizens. In other words, police are well within their rights to pick and choose when to intervene to protect the lives and property of others — even when a threat is apparent.

In both of these court cases, clear and repeated threats were made against the safety of children — but government agencies chose to take no action.

A consideration of these facts does not necessarily lead us to the conclusion that law enforcement agencies are somehow on the hook for every violent act committed by private citizens.

This reality does belie the often-made claim, however, that police agencies deserve the tax money and obedience of local citizens because the agencies "keep us safe."

Nevertheless, we are told there is an agreement here — a "social contract" — between government agencies and the taxpayers and citizens.

And, by the very nature of being a contract, we are meant to believe this is a two-way street. The taxpayers are required to submit to a government monopoly on force, and to pay these agencies taxes.

In return, these government agents will provide services. In the case of police agencies, these services are summed up by the phrase "to protect and serve" — a motto that has in recent decades been adopted by numerous police agencies.

But what happens when those police agencies don't protect and serve? That is, what happens when one party in this alleged social contract doesn't keep up its end of the bargain.

The answer is: very little.

The taxpayers will still have to pay their taxes and submit to police agencies as lawful authority. If the agencies or individual agents are forced to pay as a result of lawsuits, it's the taxpayers who will pay for that too.

Oh sure, the senior leadership positions may change, but the enormous agency budgets will remain, the government agents themselves will continue to collect generous salaries and pensions, and no government will surrender its monopoly on the use of force.
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Police Have No Duty to Protect You, Federal Court Affirms - pickle MU - 6/11 09:37:51
     Do you want them to? (nm) - Outsider MU - 6/11 11:26:41
     You gonna be attention whoring all day? (nm) - Tigrrrr! MU - 6/11 10:26:48
          you going to be cowarding all day? (nm) - SwampTiger MU - 6/11 10:34:55
               Pickles will be running away when anyone asks him a question - Tigrrrr! MU - 6/11 10:36:14
                    no, i answer questions. you never do (nm) - pickle MU - 6/11 11:06:12
                         No you dont(nm) - tman MU - 6/11 11:12:12
                              ^^^this^^^ (nm) - Tigrrrr! MU - 6/11 11:37:23
                                   answer the question - pickle MU - 6/11 11:39:11
                    Be fair, pickle has a lot of ass eating to do. - RHAYWORTH MU - 6/11 10:40:52
                         you are beyond retarded (nm) - pickle MU - 6/11 11:06:35
                         Advocates? You clearly don't understand that word. (nm) - kmawv8 KC - 6/11 10:55:27
                              it's the retardation (nm) - ashtray UF - 6/11 10:56:21
                         says the guy who advocates for child rape (nm) - ashtray UF - 6/11 10:53:54
                              That's directly YOUR natural rights position, shytehead. - RHAYWORTH MU - 6/11 11:00:12
                                   100% false. I don't advocate you raping children, PEDOWORTH - ashtray UF - 6/11 11:01:44
                                        I call bullshyte. You and pickle both have. - RHAYWORTH MU - 6/11 11:03:13
                                             Nearly everyone on this board has said that - kmawv8 KC - 6/11 11:11:07
                                                  No they haven't. Can a 4 year old consent to sex?(nm) - tman MU - 6/11 11:13:46
                                                       What does that have to do with this board celebrating - kmawv8 KC - 6/11 11:15:27
                                                            This thread has much more in it then that(nm) - tman MU - 6/11 11:18:11
                                                                 You responded to MY post. - kmawv8 KC - 6/11 11:19:43
                                                                      And you responded to one that had more to it then trying - tman MU - 6/11 11:21:54
                                                                           Can you really not read the few posts in this thread? - kmawv8 KC - 6/11 11:37:00
                                             you just proved my point - ashtray UF - 6/11 11:04:04
                                                  That is a sick, ridiculous argument. - RHAYWORTH MU - 6/11 11:06:15
                                                       only a pedophile thinks they need a law to stop themselves - ashtray UF - 6/11 11:07:11
                                                            Nope. It is about ramifications. (nm) - tman MU - 6/11 11:14:56
                                                                 So you believe there are pedophiles out there that are - kmawv8 KC - 6/11 11:17:04
                                                                      Actually yes. One of the principles behind deterrence - tman MU - 6/11 11:42:30
                                                                           I'll be perfectly honest with you. - kmawv8 KC - 6/11 11:50:39
                                                                                Do you believe their are degrees of mental illness - tman MU - 6/11 12:00:22
                                                                                     Of course there are degrees. - kmawv8 KC - 6/11 12:04:15
                                                                                          We can agree to disagree. For the truely deranged - tman MU - 6/11 12:17:52
                                                                      So you believe itis ok and there is no victim - tman MU - 6/11 11:19:39
                                                                           And now that I've answered your question very clearly - kmawv8 KC - 6/11 11:22:38
                                                                                What is your question. Please repeat it or link it(nm) - tman MU - 6/11 11:25:59
                                                                                     Posted it in the wrong place. - kmawv8 KC - 6/11 11:37:23
                                                                                          Well I answered it above(nm) - tman MU - 6/11 11:46:30
                                                                           No, I don't. - kmawv8 KC - 6/11 11:20:41
                                                                                just a heads up - pickle MU - 6/11 11:26:17
                                                                                     And you don't have a job(nm) - tman MU - 6/11 11:28:08
                                                                                          How would you know that?(nm) - kmawv8 KC - 6/11 11:42:15
                                                                                Yet you live in a fantasy land where people are just going - tman MU - 6/11 11:25:10
                                                                                     Who thinks that everyone will just follow it? - kmawv8 KC - 6/11 11:36:13
                                                                                          No one. But the group that wants natural rights - tman MU - 6/11 12:27:01
                                                            Some people think protecting the weak, is a good thing . - RHAYWORTH MU - 6/11 11:08:57
                         asstray is ready and waiting.(nm) - Tigrrrr! MU - 6/11 10:45:31
                         When has he "advocated for public exposure" - meatiger MU - 6/11 10:43:28
                              Ah yes, the usual argument via word smithing. - RHAYWORTH MU - 6/11 10:52:12
                                   i’ve never said that. “Legal” is your paradigm, not mine (nm) - pickle MU - 6/11 11:09:11
                                        You merely posted it. - RHAYWORTH MU - 6/11 11:13:09
                                             No, i’ve never posted it. “Legal” is your paradigm, not mine - pickle MU - 6/11 11:25:37
                                   why? would you have trouble controlling your urges if - ashtray UF - 6/11 10:54:52
                                        So you fantasize about other people's urges? - RHAYWORTH MU - 6/11 11:01:47
                                             you're the one that said you can't control your urges - ashtray UF - 6/11 11:02:25
                                                  No, you said that. Since, it seems you can't. - RHAYWORTH MU - 6/11 11:04:37
                                                       I never said I need a law to prevent me from doing it - ashtray UF - 6/11 11:05:44
                                                            You also don't believe that there is a victim if it occurs - tman MU - 6/11 11:17:06
                                                            Yet again, you lie. It's all you have. - RHAYWORTH MU - 6/11 11:07:36
                                                                 It's in this thread for all to read. - kmawv8 KC - 6/11 11:09:39
                                                                      it's pretty clear that's the natural rights crowd defense - RHAYWORTH MU - 6/11 11:11:18
                                                                 It's 100% fact - ashtray UF - 6/11 11:08:07
                                                                      I never said it, you merely claim that I have. - RHAYWORTH MU - 6/11 11:10:02
                                                                           Yes you did (nm) - pickle MU - 6/11 11:12:46
                                   so you think if something is illegal - meatiger MU - 6/11 10:53:32
                                        yes, he's that retarded (nm) - ashtray UF - 6/11 10:55:12
                              Why do you ignore his past posts of advocating that having - Tigrrrr! MU - 6/11 10:44:55
                                   why do you lie and make things up? (nm) - pickle MU - 6/11 11:07:09
                                   He's never said that. - kmawv8 KC - 6/11 10:57:20
                                        and Tigrrrr won't answer the questions asked of him about - ashtray UF - 6/11 11:00:34
                                             I was never fired from any job. Quit lying to protect your - Tigrrrr! MU - 6/11 11:03:18
                                                  lol - cnk ATL - 6/11 11:29:40
                                                  that’s not what i heard (nm) - pickle MU - 6/11 11:08:27
                                                  why were you fired from the PD? (nm) - ashtray UF - 6/11 11:04:20
                                   why do you ignore past posts of PEDOWORTH advocating - ashtray UF - 6/11 10:55:41
                                   why do you lie? (nm) - SwampTiger MU - 6/11 10:50:12
                                   he never called it "acceptable" - meatiger MU - 6/11 10:45:43
                                        Oh sure. And he never said age inappropriate - Tigrrrr! MU - 6/11 10:47:55
                                             So everything that makes people say "EWWWW" - meatiger MU - 6/11 10:50:16
                                                  Sex between an adult and a young teen doens't creep you out? - Tigrrrr! MU - 6/11 11:09:42
                                                       That is not what I said - meatiger MU - 6/11 11:27:57
                                                       you have no idea what my views and stances are - pickle MU - 6/11 11:11:31
                         liar (nm) - SwampTiger MU - 6/11 10:41:31
     No, its what you get with common sense. A trait - GA Tiger MU - 6/11 10:19:31
          go back to sleep, GAT - pickle MU - 6/11 10:21:39
     Simple and far better solution to this issue... - Outsider MU - 6/11 09:43:10
          Haven't some of the schools - meatiger MU - 6/11 10:15:30
               I'm not talking about a security guard (nm) - Outsider MU - 6/11 10:19:19
                    no sh*t(nm) - meatiger MU - 6/11 10:20:55
                         Why so angry, you brought it up.(nm) - Outsider MU - 6/11 10:22:41
                              I am not angry - meatiger MU - 6/11 10:25:32
                                   Nope (nm) - Outsider MU - 6/11 10:29:27
          it’s not just schools, you know - pickle MU - 6/11 09:47:07
          I'm skeptical (nm) - SwampTiger MU - 6/11 09:45:56
               Why? (nm) - Outsider MU - 6/11 09:48:39
                    RE: Why? (nm) - SwampTiger MU - 6/11 09:52:19
                         Ok. So what’s wrong with having admins and teachers armed?(nm) - Outsider MU - 6/11 09:53:20
                              idk, what? (nm) - SwampTiger MU - 6/11 10:34:02
                                   Exactly (nm) - Outsider MU - 6/11 10:35:41
                              what does this have to do with the topic? - pickle MU - 6/11 09:55:19
                                   Police report to the government. If they aren’t protecting - Outsider MU - 6/11 10:06:19
                                        Their first order of business - meatiger MU - 6/11 10:16:24
                                             And many of those laws are for the purpose of... - Outsider MU - 6/11 10:21:49
                                                  no (nm) - pickle MU - 6/11 10:26:28
                                                       Yes (nm) - Outsider MU - 6/11 10:30:12
                                                  No they are not - meatiger MU - 6/11 10:24:33
                                                       Wow! So who are people calling when there - Outsider MU - 6/11 10:28:54
                                                            all your examples are responses - meatiger MU - 6/11 10:35:18
                                                                 What do you think they do when they arrive... - Outsider MU - 6/11 10:37:56
                                                                      I said above - meatiger MU - 6/11 10:40:29
                                                                           I think the tinfoil hat is on a bit tight today my friend(nm) - Outsider MU - 6/11 10:42:57
                                                                                What did the police do during the rioting in MN - meatiger MU - 6/11 10:45:06
                                                                                     Who do they report to and what were they - Outsider MU - 6/11 10:46:56
                                                                                          That is the point - meatiger MU - 6/11 10:50:41
                                                                                               Oh, so you support police and agree with me that - Outsider MU - 6/11 10:58:14
                                                                                                    No I don't - meatiger MU - 6/11 11:00:05
                                                                                                         Sure you do. If the police system is trash... - Outsider MU - 6/11 11:01:54
                                                                                                              they are the same thing - ashtray UF - 6/11 11:03:00
                                                                                                                   Nope, they aren't. Not surprising you dont - Outsider MU - 6/11 11:05:31
                                                                                                                        are the police a private company? - ashtray UF - 6/11 11:06:30
                                                                                                                             Why do you spend so much time... - Outsider MU - 6/11 11:09:38
                                             their second order is revenue collection - meatiger MU - 6/11 10:16:47
                                        oh dear (nm) - pickle MU - 6/11 10:09:18
                                             You don’t know me well enough to call me dear (nm) - Outsider MU - 6/11 10:10:14

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