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P.C. Statement.

Posted on: April 14, 2021 at 02:28:31 CT
MizzouTigerz MU
Member For:
20.93 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:

Complainant has investigated the facts and circumstances of this offense and believes the following establishes probable cause:
On 12/1/2019, Osseo Police responded to an apartment on the 600 block of North Oaks Drive in Osseo, Hennepin County, Minnesota for a report of an assault and robbery. Police spoke with the identified adult female victim, VICTIM herein.

VICTIM reported that she was at the above-listed residence with her female roommate, WITNESS herein, the night before and two males came over to party. One male was identified as
DRIVER (DOB: 1/11/2001), DEFENDANT DRIVER herein, who was an acquaintance from high school.

The other male was unknown to VICTIM prior to that night and he was later identified as

At approximately 2:30 a.m., VICTIM and WITNESS told the two defendants to get a ride home, but the defendants were unable to find a ride. VICTIM and WITNESS allowed the defendants to stay over and sleep on the floor.

In the morning, WITNESS left for a short time to get $820 cash in order to pay VICTIM for rent. WITNESS returned and gave the $820 to VICTIM, then WITNESS left again for work. The defendants found someone to pick them up. While they were waiting for their ride to show up, VICTIM said that DEFENDANT WRIGHT made a comment that he didn't have to work today and told DEFENDANT DRIVER they should "Hit some
stains". VICTIM understood “stain” as slang for robbing somebody. VICTIM thought that DEFENDANT
WRIGHT was just joking around. DEFENDANT WRIGHT told DEFENDANT DRIVER and VICTIM he thought their ride was there and said he would be right back and was going to go check. DEFENDANT
WRIGHT left the apartment and came back about 5 minutes later and said their ride was here. VICTIM said she was going to leave at the same time as the defendants. The three of them were walking to the door to exit the apartment and DEFENDANT WRIGHT turned around and blocked the door preventing VICTIM from leaving. DEFENDANT WRIGHT then pulled a black handgun with silver trim out from either his right waistband or his right coat pocket and pointed it at VICTIM and demanded the rent money. VICTIM said "Are you serious?", DEFENDANT WRIGHT replied, "Give me the ****ing money, I know you have it". VICTIM then asked him if he was serious and he said, "I'm not playing around." The $820 cash was tucked into VICTIM’s bra and DEFENDANT WRIGHT placed his hand around VICTIM’s neck and choked her while trying to pull the cash out from under her bra. VICTIM was able to get loose from DEFENDANT WRIGHT and started to kneel down and scream. VICTIM heard DEFENDANT DRIVER tell her to give the money to DEFENDANT WRIGHT. DEFENDANT WRIGHT started yelling at VICTIM and told her to stop screaming. VICTIM was yelling at them to get out of her apartment because she said the cops are close. DEFENDANT WRIGHT then told her that he would shoot her and said "Give me the money and we will leave, give me the money and we will go". DEFENDANT WRIGHT then tried to choke VICTIM a second time and tried to take her money. DEFENDANT DRIVER was telling her to give DEFENDANT WRIGHT the money. DEFENDANT DRIVER then said, “Let’s go,” and the two defendants left and got into a white Cadillac and left the scene. Afterwards, VICTIM found that the cash was still in her bra.

VICTIM later identified both DEFENDANT WRIGHT and DEFENDANT DRIVER via photo line-ups.

I'm not sure I would have given this person a second bond. He was a clear danger to the community, and in all likelihood he was going to be found guilty and given a lengthy prison sentence.
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Right wingers: 2A shall not be infringed! - TigerMatt - 4/14 00:06:05
     He should have complied, what’s your point? (nm) - Outsider MU - 4/14 08:09:24
     Failed to make sure he gave the Court a good address, - MizzouTigerz MU - 4/14 02:00:43
          P.C. Statement. - MizzouTigerz MU - 4/14 02:28:31
               RE: P.C. Statement. - THEGROVE68 MU - 4/14 04:26:17
     RE: Right wingers: 2A shall not be infringed! - THEGROVE68 MU - 4/14 01:04:09
     or maybe we feel that we should work to change the law - blake1771 MU - 4/14 00:15:34
          The democratic process? It’s in the constitution. - El-ahrairah BAMA - 4/14 05:50:03
     He was killed for fleeing arrest for aggravated robbery - Spanky KU - 4/14 00:08:44
          Here Spanky.. this is the case no. 27-CR-19-29850 - TigerMatt - 4/14 00:22:02
               His bail was revoked - Spanky KU - 4/14 00:38:04
                    You keep parroting the same BS. Look at the case - TigerMatt - 4/14 00:39:53
                         You keep parroting the same BS...,his bail was revoked on - Spanky KU - 4/14 09:24:40
                         Spanky always resorts to dishonesty when he's wrong (nm) - ashtray UF - 4/14 08:21:08
                              like you did yesterday? repeatedly? - RHAYWORTH MU - 4/14 08:26:09
                                   Link? - ashtray UF - 4/14 08:30:34
          You can keep repeating the lie all you want, but it - TigerMatt - 4/14 00:15:00
               You're the one lying Matt. - RHAYWORTH MU - 4/14 08:34:19
               Spanky is a bootlicker - El-ahrairah BAMA - 4/14 05:51:06
               His bail was revoked on the aggravated robbery charge - Spanky KU - 4/14 00:20:50
                    Look at the case records instead of spewing bullshiit. - TigerMatt - 4/14 00:22:59
               does it matter if he had a warrant for robbery or a - blake1771 MU - 4/14 00:19:48
                    RE: does it matter if he had a warrant for robbery or a - THEGROVE68 MU - 4/14 01:09:53
                         ^^^ ate up bootlicker (nm) - TigerMatt - 4/14 01:28:04
                              RE: ^^^ ate up bootlicker (nm) - THEGROVE68 MU - 4/14 04:24:21
                                   No, you openly cheer when someone is killed by a cop. - TigerMatt - 4/14 04:31:24
                                        RE: No, you openly cheer when someone is killed by a cop. - THEGROVE68 MU - 4/14 05:35:51
                    It matters because right wing media is lying about the case(nm) - TigerMatt - 4/14 00:20:18
                         you listed one article from the gateway pundit. btw the left - blake1771 MU - 4/14 00:25:32
                              There was no lie about air fresheners - ashtray UF - 4/14 08:29:04
                              You want another article? - TigerMatt - 4/14 00:27:42
                                   how many air freshener stories do you want? - blake1771 MU - 4/14 00:42:11
                                        Purposeful misinformation as the case records are clear.(nm) - TigerMatt - 4/14 00:44:03

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