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It will be interesting to see what the final jury

Posted on: April 10, 2021 at 20:04:51 CT
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23.78 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
instructions are that are submitted, but here's the State's amended proposed jury instructions on 3rd degree murder:


Here are the State's original proposed jury instructions on all charges:


The defense proposed jury instructions are available at the same site.

The final jury instructions approved by the judge are what the jury will be focused on at the end of the trial when they deliberate.

I'm not making any firm predictions, although I suspect he will be found guilty of one of the charges (at least).

Edited by MUTGR at 20:05:51 on 04/10/21
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Chauvin the murderer. - TigerMatt - 4/10 18:09:48
     Body cam shows he was on the shoulder - Calca STL - 4/11 09:05:30
     how long were his feet off the ground? (nm) - 90Tiger STL - 4/10 20:54:23
     Minneapolis will burn no matter what - mu7176grad MU - 4/10 18:54:29
          How does it feel to be an ignorant racist? - RamblinScramblin MU - 4/10 20:55:27
               It isn't racist. It is a prediction based on past events.(nm) - TigerMatt - 4/10 20:56:32
                    No dude, you’re racist thru and thru. - RamblinScramblin MU - 4/10 20:58:22
                         Nah, it's definitely not racist. Find a new line. (nm) - zounami MU - 4/11 03:41:41
          Of course. But it will be white supremacists causing the - TigerMatt - 4/10 19:00:39
     RE: Chauvin the murderer: Not true. The jury was shown a - BH O'bonga MU - 4/10 18:44:07
     Heres the thing - JG A - 4/10 18:40:13
          You just get dumber and dumber - Calca STL - 4/11 09:04:53
          You are one dumb mother f***** - RamblinScramblin MU - 4/10 20:57:18
               Simply for my amusement, random twit, - JG A - 4/10 21:21:38
          I agree (nm) - 90Tiger STL - 4/10 20:52:59
          It will be interesting to see what the final jury - MUTGR MU - 4/10 20:04:51
          It comes down to is it Murder or Manslaughter, manslaughter - MU-TULSA MU - 4/10 19:43:31
          You really should stick to opinions regarding - Newcatbirdseat MU - 4/10 19:16:44
               The best way to STFU idiots such as you - JG A - 4/10 19:27:42
          3 minutes and 27 seconds after last breath the cop kept - TigerMatt - 4/10 18:46:01
               Negligent - JG A - 4/10 18:46:33
                    I mean AM - JG A - 4/10 18:47:02
                         Another sign of your autism is your routine use of words - TigerMatt - 4/10 18:51:52
                              I love it when the irony is thicker - JG A - 4/10 18:56:55
                                   What irony? (nm) - MIZ45 MU - 4/11 07:57:44
          Any conviction will be thrown out on appeal - Spanky KU - 4/10 18:43:10
               hard to find 12 nonpartisan JGs anywhere - JG A - 4/10 18:45:40
                    Thank god. The one here is annoying enough. - RHAYWORTH MU - 4/10 19:59:38
                    Impossible to find impartial in the city that BLM burned - Spanky KU - 4/10 19:11:19
                         No sympathy. His actions are why he is in this mess.(nm) - TigerMatt - 4/10 19:26:12
                              Floyd? - Spanky KU - 4/10 21:30:28
          Was he naked? Oh no. From that 140lb estimate also added - TigerMatt - 4/10 18:41:35
               Cops wear 18 lbs of gear with all tactical gear on - Spanky KU - 4/10 18:51:01
                    Reyerson testified in court Chauvin had 30-40lbs of - TigerMatt - 4/10 18:59:25
                         Military in combat don’t carry 45 lb without their ruck - Spanky KU - 4/10 21:36:40
               RE: Was he naked? Oh no. From that 140lb estimate also added - BH O'bonga MU - 4/10 18:44:56
                    The belts alone exceed 10lbs, then you have shoes, the - TigerMatt - 4/10 18:49:15
                         RE: The belts alone exceed 10lbs, then you have shoes, the - BH O'bonga MU - 4/10 19:33:39
                              You'll have to take it up with the investigator and his - TigerMatt - 4/10 19:37:39
                                   RE: You'll have to take it up with the investigator and his - BH O'bonga MU - 4/10 20:26:39
          libtard math and science (nm) - TigerFan92 STL - 4/10 18:20:08
     That’s just a snapshot - tiger4real MU - 4/10 18:14:50

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