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3 minutes and 27 seconds after last breath the cop kept

Posted on: April 10, 2021 at 18:46:01 CT
TigerMatt MISS
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25.43 yrs
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kneeling on Floyd. He did not render assistance and prevented the paramedics from doing so.

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Chauvin the murderer. - TigerMatt - 4/10 18:09:48
     Body cam shows he was on the shoulder - Calca STL - 4/11 09:05:30
     how long were his feet off the ground? (nm) - 90Tiger STL - 4/10 20:54:23
     Minneapolis will burn no matter what - mu7176grad MU - 4/10 18:54:29
          How does it feel to be an ignorant racist? - RamblinScramblin MU - 4/10 20:55:27
               It isn't racist. It is a prediction based on past events.(nm) - TigerMatt - 4/10 20:56:32
                    No dude, you’re racist thru and thru. - RamblinScramblin MU - 4/10 20:58:22
                         Nah, it's definitely not racist. Find a new line. (nm) - zounami MU - 4/11 03:41:41
          Of course. But it will be white supremacists causing the - TigerMatt - 4/10 19:00:39
     RE: Chauvin the murderer: Not true. The jury was shown a - BH O'bonga MU - 4/10 18:44:07
     Heres the thing - JG A - 4/10 18:40:13
          You just get dumber and dumber - Calca STL - 4/11 09:04:53
          You are one dumb mother f***** - RamblinScramblin MU - 4/10 20:57:18
               Simply for my amusement, random twit, - JG A - 4/10 21:21:38
          I agree (nm) - 90Tiger STL - 4/10 20:52:59
          It will be interesting to see what the final jury - MUTGR MU - 4/10 20:04:51
          It comes down to is it Murder or Manslaughter, manslaughter - MU-TULSA MU - 4/10 19:43:31
          You really should stick to opinions regarding - Newcatbirdseat MU - 4/10 19:16:44
               The best way to STFU idiots such as you - JG A - 4/10 19:27:42
          3 minutes and 27 seconds after last breath the cop kept - TigerMatt - 4/10 18:46:01
               Negligent - JG A - 4/10 18:46:33
                    I mean AM - JG A - 4/10 18:47:02
                         Another sign of your autism is your routine use of words - TigerMatt - 4/10 18:51:52
                              I love it when the irony is thicker - JG A - 4/10 18:56:55
                                   What irony? (nm) - MIZ45 MU - 4/11 07:57:44
          Any conviction will be thrown out on appeal - Spanky KU - 4/10 18:43:10
               hard to find 12 nonpartisan JGs anywhere - JG A - 4/10 18:45:40
                    Thank god. The one here is annoying enough. - RHAYWORTH MU - 4/10 19:59:38
                    Impossible to find impartial in the city that BLM burned - Spanky KU - 4/10 19:11:19
                         No sympathy. His actions are why he is in this mess.(nm) - TigerMatt - 4/10 19:26:12
                              Floyd? - Spanky KU - 4/10 21:30:28
          Was he naked? Oh no. From that 140lb estimate also added - TigerMatt - 4/10 18:41:35
               Cops wear 18 lbs of gear with all tactical gear on - Spanky KU - 4/10 18:51:01
                    Reyerson testified in court Chauvin had 30-40lbs of - TigerMatt - 4/10 18:59:25
                         Military in combat don’t carry 45 lb without their ruck - Spanky KU - 4/10 21:36:40
               RE: Was he naked? Oh no. From that 140lb estimate also added - BH O'bonga MU - 4/10 18:44:56
                    The belts alone exceed 10lbs, then you have shoes, the - TigerMatt - 4/10 18:49:15
                         RE: The belts alone exceed 10lbs, then you have shoes, the - BH O'bonga MU - 4/10 19:33:39
                              You'll have to take it up with the investigator and his - TigerMatt - 4/10 19:37:39
                                   RE: You'll have to take it up with the investigator and his - BH O'bonga MU - 4/10 20:26:39
          libtard math and science (nm) - TigerFan92 STL - 4/10 18:20:08
     That’s just a snapshot - tiger4real MU - 4/10 18:14:50

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