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I view the anarcho-capitalistic state being advocated

Posted on: February 20, 2021 at 17:24:23 CT
tigerdb MU
Member For:
23.35 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
here as more "pie in the sky"/Utopia (or Pickletopia.)

A government that collapses and becomes an anarchistic society will be Somalia. When there are haves and have nots, the have nots will resort to whatever means necessary to better themselves (starving people aren't going to respect property rights). People in foreign countries are not going to respect boundaries.

Less government - sure, no government - not viable.
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Ummmm’s observation continues to be true - pickle MU - 2/20 13:51:28
     First, what is a voluntary society?(nm) - GA Tiger MU - 2/20 15:56:48
          Everything is upbto a vote of all the people. Anything less - DHighlander NWMSU - 2/20 16:05:42
               no (nm) - pickle MU - 2/20 16:40:53
               no(nm) - MizzouAstro MU - 2/20 16:08:55
                    According to Pizzle and his minions you cannot force me - DHighlander NWMSU - 2/20 16:18:11
                         just like the word "demand", you also don't know what - ashtray UF - 2/20 16:20:27
     and yet, you've never provided an alternative. - tigerdb MU - 2/20 14:39:11
          Barbacha.. they threw out the cops.. all of that. - TigerMatt - 2/20 18:31:54
          every idea has to have a first iteration - MizzouAstro MU - 2/20 15:37:51
               I can picture the debate among the founders - ashtray UF - 2/20 15:51:55
                    loyalist to Jefferson, lol your utopia has never existed (nm) - SwampTiger MU - 2/20 16:05:29
               it's such a dumb argument (nm) - SwampTiger MU - 2/20 15:45:16
          i’ve provided alternatives for almost ten years - pickle MU - 2/20 14:56:22
               alternative theories ABSENT of examples. - tigerdb MU - 2/20 15:28:39
                    i’ve given examples for almost ten years - pickle MU - 2/20 15:39:50
                         Name a county (just one) past or present, that is a - tigerdb MU - 2/20 15:43:30
                              why? (nm) - pickle MU - 2/20 15:52:59
                                   RE: why? (nm) - tigerdb MU - 2/20 17:52:02
                                   ^^^ Is committed to proving his uselessness on TB. - GA Tiger MU - 2/20 16:34:31
               How did anarchy work in Somalia? - tigerdb MU - 2/20 15:13:38
                    lol - pickle MU - 2/20 15:39:07
                    Somalia!(nm) - MizzouAstro MU - 2/20 15:38:08
                         Is there a better example of anarchy in recent history? - tigerdb MU - 2/20 16:03:37
                              LOL - MizzouAstro MU - 2/20 16:08:30
                                   I think the same of one who espouses anarchy as a viable - tigerdb MU - 2/20 16:23:01
                                        that article doesn’t support your argument (nm) - pickle MU - 2/20 16:39:38
                                        Somalia is an example of a collapsed government - MizzouAstro MU - 2/20 16:26:15
                                             The fact that you believe that I said "anarchy would lead to - tigerdb MU - 2/20 16:36:25
                                                  read your post wrong, my bad - MizzouAstro MU - 2/20 17:13:25
                                                       I view the anarcho-capitalistic state being advocated - tigerdb MU - 2/20 17:24:23
                                                            “the anarcho-capitalistic state” - pickle MU - 2/20 17:30:26
                                                                 LMFAO...you don't even know what "state" is(nm) - tigerdb MU - 2/20 17:38:48
                                                  Somalia wasn’t without government - pickle MU - 2/20 16:45:05
                                                       RE: Somalia was the closest thing to true anarchy in modern - tigerdb MU - 2/20 16:53:58
     Let's do this. What's the plan? nm. - MUTGR MU - 2/20 14:07:07
          eat some soup, maybe go to the liquor store, - pickle MU - 2/20 14:18:26
               RE: eat some soup, maybe go to the liquor store, - MUTGR MU - 2/20 14:22:50
                    chorizo (nm) - pickle MU - 2/20 14:24:17
               take it to the wall st board (nm) - SwampTiger MU - 2/20 14:22:49
     I think some people just aren't aware of just how - hefeweizen MU - 2/20 13:59:33
          The collective. So the choice is anarchy or communism. Is - hokie VT - 2/20 14:52:52
               Maybe stop posting emotional rants about collective policies - hefeweizen MU - 2/20 14:58:01
               individualism vs collectivism - pickle MU - 2/20 14:57:58
          And people don't realize they can actually leave - tman MU - 2/20 14:07:39
          RE: I think some people just aren't aware of just how - MOCO SON MU - 2/20 14:05:11
               It's not behind any mask. It is out front and loud. Which - hefeweizen MU - 2/20 14:07:37
                    gobolists like MOCO love government - ashtray UF - 2/20 14:31:55
                         RE: gobolists like MOCO love government - MOCO SON MU - 2/20 18:05:36

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