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individualism vs collectivism

Posted on: February 20, 2021 at 14:57:58 CT
pickle MU
Member For:
25.44 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
the choice is to embrace liberty or reject it. you do not embrace it because you deny the individual, you deny rights, and you’re a collectivist.
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Ummmm’s observation continues to be true - pickle MU - 2/20 13:51:28
     First, what is a voluntary society?(nm) - GA Tiger MU - 2/20 15:56:48
          Everything is upbto a vote of all the people. Anything less - DHighlander NWMSU - 2/20 16:05:42
               no (nm) - pickle MU - 2/20 16:40:53
               no(nm) - MizzouAstro MU - 2/20 16:08:55
                    According to Pizzle and his minions you cannot force me - DHighlander NWMSU - 2/20 16:18:11
                         just like the word "demand", you also don't know what - ashtray UF - 2/20 16:20:27
     and yet, you've never provided an alternative. - tigerdb MU - 2/20 14:39:11
          Barbacha.. they threw out the cops.. all of that. - TigerMatt - 2/20 18:31:54
          every idea has to have a first iteration - MizzouAstro MU - 2/20 15:37:51
               I can picture the debate among the founders - ashtray UF - 2/20 15:51:55
                    loyalist to Jefferson, lol your utopia has never existed (nm) - SwampTiger MU - 2/20 16:05:29
               it's such a dumb argument (nm) - SwampTiger MU - 2/20 15:45:16
          i’ve provided alternatives for almost ten years - pickle MU - 2/20 14:56:22
               alternative theories ABSENT of examples. - tigerdb MU - 2/20 15:28:39
                    i’ve given examples for almost ten years - pickle MU - 2/20 15:39:50
                         Name a county (just one) past or present, that is a - tigerdb MU - 2/20 15:43:30
                              why? (nm) - pickle MU - 2/20 15:52:59
                                   RE: why? (nm) - tigerdb MU - 2/20 17:52:02
                                   ^^^ Is committed to proving his uselessness on TB. - GA Tiger MU - 2/20 16:34:31
               How did anarchy work in Somalia? - tigerdb MU - 2/20 15:13:38
                    lol - pickle MU - 2/20 15:39:07
                    Somalia!(nm) - MizzouAstro MU - 2/20 15:38:08
                         Is there a better example of anarchy in recent history? - tigerdb MU - 2/20 16:03:37
                              LOL - MizzouAstro MU - 2/20 16:08:30
                                   I think the same of one who espouses anarchy as a viable - tigerdb MU - 2/20 16:23:01
                                        that article doesn’t support your argument (nm) - pickle MU - 2/20 16:39:38
                                        Somalia is an example of a collapsed government - MizzouAstro MU - 2/20 16:26:15
                                             The fact that you believe that I said "anarchy would lead to - tigerdb MU - 2/20 16:36:25
                                                  read your post wrong, my bad - MizzouAstro MU - 2/20 17:13:25
                                                       I view the anarcho-capitalistic state being advocated - tigerdb MU - 2/20 17:24:23
                                                            “the anarcho-capitalistic state” - pickle MU - 2/20 17:30:26
                                                                 LMFAO...you don't even know what "state" is(nm) - tigerdb MU - 2/20 17:38:48
                                                  Somalia wasn’t without government - pickle MU - 2/20 16:45:05
                                                       RE: Somalia was the closest thing to true anarchy in modern - tigerdb MU - 2/20 16:53:58
     Let's do this. What's the plan? nm. - MUTGR MU - 2/20 14:07:07
          eat some soup, maybe go to the liquor store, - pickle MU - 2/20 14:18:26
               RE: eat some soup, maybe go to the liquor store, - MUTGR MU - 2/20 14:22:50
                    chorizo (nm) - pickle MU - 2/20 14:24:17
               take it to the wall st board (nm) - SwampTiger MU - 2/20 14:22:49
     I think some people just aren't aware of just how - hefeweizen MU - 2/20 13:59:33
          The collective. So the choice is anarchy or communism. Is - hokie VT - 2/20 14:52:52
               Maybe stop posting emotional rants about collective policies - hefeweizen MU - 2/20 14:58:01
               individualism vs collectivism - pickle MU - 2/20 14:57:58
          And people don't realize they can actually leave - tman MU - 2/20 14:07:39
          RE: I think some people just aren't aware of just how - MOCO SON MU - 2/20 14:05:11
               It's not behind any mask. It is out front and loud. Which - hefeweizen MU - 2/20 14:07:37
                    gobolists like MOCO love government - ashtray UF - 2/20 14:31:55
                         RE: gobolists like MOCO love government - MOCO SON MU - 2/20 18:05:36

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