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RE: That is the flimsiest "argument" I have ever seen

Posted on: December 16, 2020 at 16:31:34 CT
GA Tiger MU
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25.80 yrs
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in my life, as well as grossly hypocritical.

How worried were you about freeing up capital to drive the economy when dems raise taxes on the rich. Or anyone.
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     Maybe, just maybe, all the press this is getting - Sarazen KC - 12/16 16:24:28
          re-think college, we need skilled trades(nm) - tigerinhogtown STL - 12/16 16:26:54
               not everyone can be a plumber (nm) - ashtray UF - 12/16 16:28:20
                    RE: not everyone can be a plumber - yea butt - tigerinhogtown STL - 12/16 16:36:53
     RE: - sarasotatiger MU - 12/16 15:58:54
          RE: That is the flimsiest "argument" I have ever seen - GA Tiger MU - 12/16 16:31:34
          awww yes, the year of jubilee(nm) - tigerinhogtown STL - 12/16 16:05:33
               RE: awww yes, the year of jubilee(nm) - sarasotatiger MU - 12/16 16:11:05
                    RE: awww yes, the year of jubilee(nm) - sarasotatiger MU - 12/16 16:17:26
                         I thought teachers and people that worked for non-profit - tigerinhogtown STL - 12/16 16:22:29
                              RE: I thought teachers and people that worked for non-profit - sarasotatiger MU - 12/16 16:28:32
                              I think some public sector employees get their loans - ashtray UF - 12/16 16:26:31
     of course but libtards have zero common sense(nm) - TigerFan92 STL - 12/16 15:50:32
     and I pity every company who is struggling today - ashtray UF - 12/16 15:36:02
          Not even remotely similar.... - Spanky KU - 12/16 15:38:12
               what's the difference? (nm) - ashtray UF - 12/16 15:38:35
                    No-one is proposing wiping away the business debt - Spanky KU - 12/16 15:39:58
                         RE: No-one is proposing wiping away the business debt - sarasotatiger MU - 12/16 16:25:16
                              ALL student debt....No-one is proposing doing away - Spanky KU - 12/16 16:26:47
                                   oh, so now you move the goal posts again - ashtray UF - 12/16 16:27:54
                                        No goal posts have been moved. Try again(nm) - Spanky KU - 12/16 16:29:51
                                             obviously they were - ashtray UF - 12/16 16:40:07
                                                  Nope. You are just failing and flailing in your attempt to - Spanky KU - 12/16 16:49:09
                                                       who said anything about ALL student debt other than you? (nm) - ashtray UF - 12/16 16:53:13
                                                            “In this moment of national reckoning on racial injustice, - Spanky KU - 12/16 17:01:03
                                                                 holy sh*t - ashtray UF - 12/16 17:02:02
                                                                      Biden owes his office to the extreme left of the Party(nm) - Spanky KU - 12/16 17:04:13
                         just hand them money to stay afloat - ashtray UF - 12/16 15:43:09
                              And? That does not wipe away their business debt, does it?(nm) - Spanky KU - 12/16 16:22:19
                                   it replaces debt that they would normally have to issue - ashtray UF - 12/16 16:23:33
                                        No... they would not have that debt without - Spanky KU - 12/16 16:25:25
                                             RE: No... they would not have that debt without - ashtray UF - 12/16 16:27:07
                                                  Check your premise..... The gummint IS the People(nm) - Spanky KU - 12/16 16:31:25
                                                       not with all this election fraud (nm) - ashtray UF - 12/16 16:40:30
                                                            Even with all the election fraud.(nm) - Spanky KU - 12/16 16:49:35
                                                                 impossible - ashtray UF - 12/16 16:53:34
                                                                      Only to the dumb(nm) - Spanky KU - 12/16 16:54:26
                                                                           you would have to be completely dumb to think - ashtray UF - 12/16 16:58:54
                                                                                as we have been told repeatedly, there is no evidence - Spanky KU - 12/16 17:02:16
                                                                                     I haven't seen you post that (nm) - ashtray UF - 12/16 17:16:30
                                                                                          'as we have been told' does not mean 'as I have been saying' - Spanky KU - 12/16 17:45:40
                                                                                               so, if you follow Spanky logic... - ashtray UF - 12/16 20:12:26
                         Just interest free money for them - meatiger MU - 12/16 15:43:06
                    force vs choice(nm) - tigerinhogtown STL - 12/16 15:39:34
                         taxpayers don't have a choice (nm) - ashtray UF - 12/16 15:43:55
                              true, thanks for making my point(nm) - tigerinhogtown STL - 12/16 15:49:01
                                   I think you made mine (nm) - ashtray UF - 12/16 15:49:46
                                        now get a room please(nm) - meatiger MU - 12/16 15:50:29
     RE: "I pity every young man and woman who is struggling today - TigerJackSwartz MU - 12/16 15:27:33
     I wish we would say this to billionaires - meatiger MU - 12/16 15:26:48
          What billionaires and large companies had their debt - Spanky KU - 12/16 16:29:14
               RE: What billionaires and large companies had their debt - ashtray UF - 12/16 16:42:05
                    That money was paid back. - Spanky KU - 12/16 16:52:46
                         you dummy... that's because they made a profit on - ashtray UF - 12/16 16:57:09
                              The money was PAID BACK!!! - Spanky KU - 12/16 17:05:07
                                   false - ashtray UF - 12/16 17:17:36
                                        440 went out...442 came back(nm) - Spanky KU - 12/16 17:59:44
                                             442 came back on capital gains from 105 that went out - ashtray UF - 12/16 20:13:09
          well considering it is the same people that thought - tigerinhogtown STL - 12/16 15:33:02

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