Take your stinkin' Vitamin D3? You have a much safer natural vaccine available, but you want to spend billions on dangerous vaccines? That is complete and utter stupidity.
5,000-10,000 IU per day, every day, for months to get it up to the proper level.
How Much Vitamin D Do You Need?
"The title of the article in the Journal of the American Medical Association was "Effect of High-Dose Vitamin D3 on Hospital Length of Stay in Critically Ill Patients with vitamin D Deficiency" (Amrein K, V12, pp 520-30, Oct 16, 2014). For starters, as you folks learned in TW 2014, the evidence clearly shows that to diagnose a vitamin D3 level, the cut-off should not be 30 ng/dL (as in Lab Corp, Quest, etc). Instead,
as the incontrovertible evidence shows, 60-80 is an optimal vitamin D3 cut-off if you want to prevent heart disease, cancer, infections, diabetes, osteoporosis, depression, etc… The (study) summary said that this "high dose" (extremely wrong - it equated to (only) 3,000 IU D3 daily) did not cut down the death rate or the length of stay or the recurrence of problems. It made no difference. But this was incorrect. Because in the results section they clearly showed that folks with the most severe deficiencies (under 12 ng/dL) who were corrected with D3 had a monstrous 59% decrease in death rate in the hospital, compared with the placebo group which was not given vitamin D3."
Edited by MizzouTigerz at 11:15:20 on 11/27/20