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So Rayshard Brooks...

Posted on: June 23, 2020 at 13:54:59 CT
Gyro STL
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22.09 yrs
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Falls asleep at a drive through because he's drunk. Cops show up and they treat him fairly. When he consents to a PBA which shows he's over .08 the officer concludes he's drunk and is under arrest.

So then Brooks says **** that and resists arrests. He pulls a taser from one officer and actually fires that taser at one of the officers, then he runs off and as he runs off he wildly fires at the pursuing officer's head. Then he's shot dead.

That's too bad, but I'm sorry where the **** am I supposed to feel sorry for this guy. This was all avoidable on his part. I don't care if he was a nice guy when the officers showed up. Get real people.
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So Rayshard Brooks... - Gyro MU - 6/23 13:54:59
     RE: So Rayshard Brooks... - HSCoach STL - 6/23 15:29:39
          Couple of things... - Gyro MU - 6/23 16:36:43
     He is dead for one reason, and one reason only - BigDave MU - 6/23 14:53:41
          self-defense is not a crime (nm) - pickle MU - 6/23 14:59:03
               It is if it's a case of imperfect self-defense... - Gyro MU - 6/23 16:39:42
     you shouldn't feel sorry for that criminal.(nm) - TigerFan92 STL - 6/23 14:50:38
     So the cop is right to pull a taser on him as it was - TigerMatt STL - 6/23 14:20:06
          RE: So the cop is right to pull a taser on him as it was - HSCoach STL - 6/23 15:31:26
          The standard for use of deadly force is not only lethality.. - Gyro MU - 6/23 14:29:51
               Matty think if the taser was successful he would have prayed - TigerFan92 STL - 6/23 14:52:09
     You forgot the part about having been convicted of beating - tigertix MU - 6/23 14:00:46
          And his fat white girl friend is suspected of starting the - hokie VT - 6/23 14:04:15
     take the bet. stand by your words (nm) - pickle MU - 6/23 13:56:05
          like a pit bull, you just can't let it go(nm) - tigerinhogtown STL - 6/23 14:13:21
               Like I said Asperger's... - Gyro MU - 6/23 14:30:49
          RE: take the bet. stand by your words (nm) - Gyro MU - 6/23 13:57:17
               take the bet. $2,000 (nm) - pickle MU - 6/23 14:00:31
                    RE: take the bet. $2,000 (nm) - Gyro MU - 6/23 14:08:13
                         you’ll take a bet on the election - pickle MU - 6/23 14:27:23

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