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how many times do we have to do this? ONE SECOND

Posted on: June 17, 2020 at 07:13:42 CT
blake1771 MU
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19.01 yrs
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between popping the taser and him falling to the ground shot.

which means the officer was actually reacting to the pointing of the taser at him and it took 1 second to process this, react, fire and for Rayshard ****head that he was, to fall to the ground.

You continue, because you're a liar, to suggest that there is this time gap between the two when the reality is a time gap doesn't exist.

also, how do YOU know the officer who shot even knew that Rayshard had the other officer's taser?

The officer who shot had his taser. do you know for a fact that he knew that the other officer had been robbed of his?

have you ever been in a real fight? Your brain shuts down certain senses and you get tunnel vision, lose your hearing etc. You'll say well certainly they patted him down earlier. and they probably did. are you aware of the fact that sometimes cops MISS weapons during a pat-down? as far as I know, they hadn't placed him under arrest earlier and actually SEARCHED him for weapons; which is distinct and more thorough than a pat-down.

Edited by blake1771 at 07:16:13 on 06/17/20
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     When the taser is raised and aimed, the cop immediately - MizzouTigerz MU - 6/16 22:44:59
          how many times do we have to do this? ONE SECOND - blake1771 MU - 6/17 07:13:42
          He didn't have the gun. He dropped his taser, grabbed - TigerMatt STL - 6/16 22:59:24
               I watched the video. I'm inoculated to your lies. - MizzouTigerz MU - 6/16 23:55:18
     Don't know. Ask me about a PR-24 two-handed power - Tigrrrr! MU - 6/16 22:03:14
          You know very well that it can't be fired a second time - TigerMatt STL - 6/16 22:04:44
               Sounds like billy club time. A solid knock to the noggin - Fred G. Sanford MSU - 6/16 22:13:42
               Never used one. Never trained on one. They didn’t exist - Tigrrrr! MU - 6/16 22:10:40
                    What dies your cop facebook group say? (nm) - SwampTiger MU - 6/16 22:57:07
                         Open forum. Go read it yourself (nm) - Tigrrrr! MU - 6/16 23:03:11
                    Except the barbs arent connected to him. So how - TigerMatt STL - 6/16 22:43:37
                         How did he know it was a close miss? Sounds like the - Tigrrrr! MU - 6/16 22:59:17
                    RE: Never used one. Never trained on one. They didn’t exist - Uncle Fester USMC - 6/16 22:17:31

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