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Floyd is much deader than all of them. Nm

Posted on: June 8, 2020 at 15:14:35 CT
hokie VT
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92 shot, 27 dead in Chicago this weekend - Calca STL - 6/8 14:59:25
     RE: 92 shot, 27 dead in Chicago this weekend - MOCO SON MU - 6/8 15:45:58
     Black Lives don't Matter to liberals if they are killed by - North co-co champs MU - 6/8 15:34:08
          ^^^ one dumb MFer.(nm) - TigerMatt STL - 6/8 15:38:06
     Floyd is much deader than all of them. Nm - hokie VT - 6/8 15:14:35
          You bring up an interesting point, although I don't know if - cnk ATL - 6/8 15:23:19
               RE: You bring up an interesting point, although I don't know if - scan MU - 6/8 15:37:53
                    true, I'm not saying that's how all serial killers acted - cnk ATL - 6/8 15:42:08
          It was just interpersonal relationship stuff between Chauvin - North co-co champs MU - 6/8 15:20:42
               Dumbest one yet. That is state vs individual that - TigerMatt STL - 6/8 15:22:40
                    We get it. You think it's okay for the individual to murder - North co-co champs MU - 6/8 15:25:25
                         damn - pickle MU - 6/8 15:40:50
                         No one said that. You are making sh*t up because you - TigerMatt STL - 6/8 15:26:42
                              You can't even explain the context and what the phrase... - North co-co champs MU - 6/8 15:29:00
                                   It very much matters. The cop is the enforcement arm of - TigerMatt STL - 6/8 15:33:47
                                        What does that have to do with whether a black life matters - North co-co champs MU - 6/8 15:35:06
                                             it’s the reason for the name and movement, dummy (nm) - pickle MU - 6/8 15:41:23
                                                  To save 10 black lives a year and ignore all the others... - North co-co champs MU - 6/8 15:42:03
                                                       People who volunteer for The Ocean Conservatory must - TigerMatt STL - 6/8 15:45:20
                                                            Stay on topic. Why don't the other lives matter to BLM?(nm) - North co-co champs MU - 6/8 15:48:57
                                                                 I am staying on topic. What you cannot comprehend is that - TigerMatt STL - 6/8 15:50:09
                                                                      We agree then. BLM is about saving 10 black lives a year... - North co-co champs MU - 6/8 15:52:31
                                                                           Maybe you should actually pay attention. - TigerMatt STL - 6/8 15:54:26
                                                                                2010? 70,000 blacks have killed blacks since that supposed - North co-co champs MU - 6/8 16:03:21
                                                                                     I'm not a Democrat. I don't know why you spot garbage out - TigerMatt STL - 6/8 16:06:17
                                                                                          You are a walking talking Democrat talking point (nm) - North co-co champs MU - 6/8 16:07:24
                                                                                     There have been many more since then dummy. (nm) - TigerMatt STL - 6/8 16:04:37
                                                                                          And yet you couldn't find any (nm) - North co-co champs MU - 6/8 16:06:28
                                                                                               You just keep your head in the sand. - TigerMatt STL - 6/8 17:05:14
                                                                                You need to produce your own thoughts rather than just - North co-co champs MU - 6/8 15:56:01
                                                                                     No dummy.. I showed you examples of protest against inner - TigerMatt STL - 6/8 15:59:37
                                                                                          2010? 70,000 blacks have killed blacks since that supposed - North co-co champs MU - 6/8 16:03:52
                                             It is the name of the movement dummy. It stems from the - TigerMatt STL - 6/8 15:37:12
                                                  What about blacks killing other blacks? That is the thing - North co-co champs MU - 6/8 15:40:55
     BLM only applies to blacks killed by policy, not for... - Deputy Dawg MU - 6/8 15:07:39
     Damn racist cops(nm) - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 6/8 15:07:31
          Yep---it appears - mu7176grad MU - 6/8 15:28:15
     the issue is the State versus the individual - pickle MU - 6/8 15:00:48
          Murder is not "interpersonal relationship and interaction"(nm) - North co-co champs MU - 6/8 15:03:43
               lol (nm) - ashtray UF - 6/8 15:36:01
               oh my (nm) - pickle MU - 6/8 15:09:12
               Most of those murders - meatiger MU - 6/8 15:06:52
                    They are "murders" being undermined because they - North co-co champs MU - 6/8 15:08:33
               is there a way to murder someone without interpersonal - cnk ATL - 6/8 15:06:51
                    It's called "murder" (nm) - North co-co champs MU - 6/8 15:07:25
                         right, so how do you murder someone without interacting - cnk ATL - 6/8 15:11:54
                              Same thing as saying Murder is just biological evolution... - North co-co champs MU - 6/8 15:13:28
                                   what??? (nm) - pickle MU - 6/8 15:16:57
                                   that doesn't make any sense(nm) - cnk ATL - 6/8 15:16:02
                                        To a dumb f*ck like you it doesn't (nm) - North co-co champs MU - 6/8 15:17:15
                                             fair enough(nm) - cnk ATL - 6/8 15:17:46
                                   You just keep making dumber and dumber posts.(nm) - TigerMatt STL - 6/8 15:14:46
                                        No... I've exposed you and your leftists moon-battery.... - North co-co champs MU - 6/8 15:16:56
                                             You literally are one of the dumbest MFers to have ever - TigerMatt STL - 6/8 15:18:26
                                                  lol, I fvcking own you (nm) - North co-co champs MU - 6/8 15:19:41
                                                       Seriously.. you are so stupid you can't even comprehend - TigerMatt STL - 6/8 15:20:38
                                                            ^ thinks murder is just "interpersonal relationship" stuff(nm) - North co-co champs MU - 6/8 15:21:54
                                                                 Explain how murder can not be interpersonal and how - TigerMatt STL - 6/8 15:23:42
                                                                      Explain how it matters in any context .... - North co-co champs MU - 6/8 15:27:26
                                                                           Because BLM is focused on State vs Individual not - TigerMatt STL - 6/8 15:29:43
                                                                                How can anyone claim Black Lives Matter if they... - North co-co champs MU - 6/8 15:32:52
                                             this is hilarious - pickle MU - 6/8 15:18:05
                         Which is an interpersonal interaction(nm) - TigerMatt STL - 6/8 15:08:05
                              Iam could get it reduced to interpersonal holocausting(nm) - Eggs MU - 6/8 15:10:08
                                   Those were just "interactions"... nothing to see (nm) - North co-co champs MU - 6/8 15:10:52
                              Your desire to downplay murder is no surprise... you're - North co-co champs MU - 6/8 15:09:04
                                   no one is downplaying murder - pickle MU - 6/8 15:10:40
                                        You are. You think they are just "interactions" (nm) - North co-co champs MU - 6/8 15:11:08
                                             oh my god (nm) - pickle MU - 6/8 15:12:42
                                                  You said it. And your leftists bretheren all followed... - North co-co champs MU - 6/8 15:14:38
                                                       Murder is an interpersonal interaction. Murder requires - TigerMatt STL - 6/8 15:16:34
                                                            Every moment of life is... meaning it has no point of... - North co-co champs MU - 6/8 15:19:07
                                                                 Keep going. The stupidity you are putting on display is - TigerMatt STL - 6/8 15:19:50
                                                                      ^ thinks murder is just "interpersonal relationship" stuff(nm) - North co-co champs MU - 6/8 15:22:20
                                                  North co-co Champs is an example of why democracy is - TigerMatt STL - 6/8 15:13:59
                                                       ^ thinks murder is just "interpersonal relationship" stuff(nm) - North co-co champs MU - 6/8 15:15:47
                                                            ^^^ thinks one person can kill another person without it - TigerMatt STL - 6/8 15:17:45
                                   I'm not downplaying murder. But you are too stupid - TigerMatt STL - 6/8 15:10:09
                                        Stop downplaying murder as just simple "interactions from - North co-co champs MU - 6/8 15:11:55
                                             Jesus you are dumb.(nm) - TigerMatt STL - 6/8 15:12:40
               Yes.. it is.(nm) - TigerMatt STL - 6/8 15:05:49
                    It's murder. But not surprised you'd like to downplay it(nm) - North co-co champs MU - 6/8 15:10:28
                         No one is downplaying it. You are just being stupid.(nm) - TigerMatt STL - 6/8 15:19:11
     that highly funded police system - meatiger MU - 6/8 15:00:16
          In Chicago? The city run by democrats for the last 50 years? - Calca STL - 6/8 15:05:36
          Why are democrats in blue counties killing themselves and - North co-co champs MU - 6/8 15:04:23
     Those gun free zones, gun laws and BLM work so well (nm) - mizzouSECedes STL - 6/8 15:00:02

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