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Gubmit creates a crisis and then convinces everyone

Posted on: May 25, 2020 at 15:05:04 CT
Newcatbirdseat MU
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7.71 yrs
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it's the only thing that can fix it. It does this by restricting certain freedoms, for good, and enlarging its power, for good.

This concocted, phony virus responde hoax is interesting because it's clearly based on cooked books and doctored numbers backed a by a massive and coordinated gov't media propaganda campaign, yet so many people seem content with the gubmit being able to snap its fingers and impair/ruin a business or investment account; they seem comfortable with being imprisoned in their homes; and they dutifully wear masks everywhere, because the gubmit says so, even though that's a crock of **** as well. Anything to be safe. Oh, and let's get the seemingly unlimited stolen cash flowing as well.

So yeah, this virus scam is going to have a long lasting impact on freedom here. Now they know just how far they can take it, and it's real far.
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     Why in the world would you think there would be? - raskolnikov MU - 5/25 14:53:25
          What if there is no plan that would work. If so, there - GA Tiger MU - 5/25 15:03:04
               Ha ha ha ha. COME ON - you alter plans but you have one(nm) - raskolnikov MU - 5/25 15:10:19
                    so make your plan - ashtray UF - 5/25 15:12:22
                         B/c the plan is to encompass a nation response. Putz(nm) - raskolnikov MU - 5/25 18:28:50
                              my plan is probably different from yours, putz - ashtray UF - 5/25 20:01:00
          You might call it one of those black and white things. Miine - GA Tiger MU - 5/25 14:29:12
               i’m sure there are some shades of gray and nuance in there - pickle MU - 5/25 14:37:56
          What people do for and TO themselves should be - GA Tiger MU - 5/25 14:26:45
               Not endangers, only harms. And the harm has to be causally - ummmm MU - 5/25 14:32:13
                    But a relevant and equivalent example can be - GA Tiger MU - 5/25 14:55:22
                         GAT - pickle MU - 5/25 17:46:23
                         Gubmit creates a crisis and then convinces everyone - Newcatbirdseat MU - 5/25 15:05:04
                              Maybe. Let me know when you got an example.(nm) - GA Tiger MU - 5/25 16:10:58
                    And the "harm" has to be related to an infringement - ummmm MU - 5/25 14:35:53
                         No it doesn't. It just MIGHT be related to - GA Tiger MU - 5/25 15:04:41
     Just don't do anything except develop a vaccine. - Newcatbirdseat MU - 5/25 13:42:29

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