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Can I go?(nm)

Posted on: May 13, 2020 at 13:54:37 CT
cnk ATL
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25.35 yrs
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Leaving for FLA tomorrow... - Gyro MU - 5/13 13:20:46
     I thought you hated boomers(nm) - tigerinhogtown STL - 5/13 14:37:35
     are you taking your other kid with you?(nm) - dangertim MU - 5/13 13:54:15
          lol (nm) - pickle MU - 5/13 14:06:22
     Say hey to GA if you pass through.(nm) - Toger STL - 5/13 13:53:50
          I intend to(nm) - Gyro MU - 5/13 13:57:25
     I thought you were opposed to things opening back up(nm) - tigersknowbest MU - 5/13 13:51:21
          RE: I thought you were opposed to things opening back up(nm) - dangertim MU - 5/13 13:53:48
     Very nice. Been looking at Hawaii or Tahiti for August - HandBanana MU - 5/13 13:48:25
          We're driving, otherwise we wouldn't be going... - Gyro MU - 5/13 13:51:57
               Have a coworker been planning their Japan trip for years - HandBanana MU - 5/13 14:03:41
     Pulling the wool over some retirement folks? - Carlos Rossi KC - 5/13 13:37:59
     Take the infant to Golden Corral. They are safer than ever - Barnburner KC - 5/13 13:25:03
          30 years ago that place wasn't so bad - BigDave MU - 5/13 14:03:18
          Because they are closed? When open, they are the main - HandBanana MU - 5/13 13:50:25
               They are not all closed(nm) - Barnburner KC - 5/13 14:05:41
          Yeah I doubt my wife will approve that(nm) - Gyro MU - 5/13 13:44:04
               who wears the pants, H.I.? (nm) - pickle MU - 5/13 14:00:08
               it has a sneeze guard - Iam4Mizzou MU - 5/13 13:44:33
                    And the chocolate fountain you can finger test - HandBanana MU - 5/13 13:50:59
     do as i say, not as i do (nm) - pickle MU - 5/13 13:22:13
     where you going?(nm) - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 5/13 13:21:50
          Florida(nm) - Iam4Mizzou MU - 5/13 13:22:17
               why did you meltdown on the football board this morning?(nm) - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 5/13 13:25:53
                    why? I'll tell you why - Iam4Mizzou MU - 5/13 13:36:19
                         I feel ya, my dude(nm) - cnk ATL - 5/13 14:00:25
                         LOL(nm) - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 5/13 13:59:46
                              also, the back fat is the best - Iam4Mizzou MU - 5/13 14:01:05
                         time to go on a bigfoot hunting trip. Get an RV and stop in - SabertoothTiger MU - 5/13 13:45:29
                              Can I go?(nm) - cnk ATL - 5/13 13:54:37
                                   sure. why not?(nm) - SabertoothTiger MU - 5/13 14:41:22
                              if we live off the land you will lose the back fat. It - SabertoothTiger MU - 5/13 13:47:03
                         you just haven’t earned it yet, baby (nm) - pickle MU - 5/13 13:38:04
                    why wouldn't he? (nm) - phrejd MU - 5/13 13:26:52
                         he's one angry ass mexican today - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 5/13 13:29:19
                              that's not just today. he was broken a few years ago (nm) - phrejd MU - 5/13 13:33:22
                                   The broken thread - meatiger MU - 5/13 13:44:25
                                   1210 days ago to be precise(nm) - tbluck STL - 5/13 13:40:58
                                        RE: 1210 days ago to be precise(nm) - Iam4Mizzou MU - 5/13 13:42:10

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