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Was glad to see Trent Frazier a non-factor in Illini game

Posted on: December 23, 2019 at 08:37:34 CT
FIJItiger MU
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21.43 yrs
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I'm not sure Underwood even realized he played for them.
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Was glad to see Trent Frazier a non-factor in Illini game - FIJItiger MU - 12/23 08:37:34
     Who would have thought that Cuonzo would be the better - zounami MU - 12/23 08:40:35
          Underwood recruited himself into a problem - Domino MU - 12/23 09:14:40
               I think they still have a shot of finishing in the top 10 - FIJItiger MU - 12/23 09:17:20
          Cuonzo is a better coach and recruiter(nm) - itznotwillis MU - 12/23 08:53:42
               Cuonzo is a more skilled recruiter, but he's been - zounami MU - 12/23 08:56:25
          Underwood isn't a better recruiter - FIJItiger MU - 12/23 08:46:02
               He has out-recruited Cuonzo since 2017. Whether that's - zounami MU - 12/23 08:52:48
                    But that isn't Underwood recruiting - FIJItiger MU - 12/23 08:56:34
                         The work of assistants is credited to the head coach - thicks MU - 12/23 09:15:30
                              Mis-attributed to the head coach. But still mis-attributed - FIJItiger MU - 12/23 09:32:51
                                   A couple of specific denials - thicks MU - 12/23 09:39:46
                                        Forbidden might be too strong a word - FIJItiger MU - 12/23 09:43:28
                                             Key clause: - thicks MU - 12/23 10:08:24
                                                  I am of the opinion that is a mis-attribution (nm) - FIJItiger MU - 12/23 10:28:48
                              correct (nm) - zounami MU - 12/23 09:18:40
                         Probably not, but he chose and hired his assistants... - zounami MU - 12/23 08:58:53
                              Agree, 2 straight Braggin Rights wins for us - FIJItiger MU - 12/23 09:01:32
                                   Indeed. Hence the part about "Cuonzo is the better coach" (nm) - zounami MU - 12/23 09:02:36

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