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I don't see a winner in any of them

Posted on: November 1, 2019 at 09:15:01 CT
Mormad MU
Member For:
18.07 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
Biden is more of the same. He's probably safe because he'll do nothing of substance. I think like Hillary, being POTUS is more about legacy and a career achievement goal for him.

Warren, Bernie both want to upset the apple cart, but I don't see any way you can pay for what they want to do, if you believe debt is important at all.

Mayor Pete seems smart enough, and is somewhat pragmatic, but inexperienced.

Yang seems to be the most thoughtful guy in the group in some ways. At least he's willing to think outside the box with an eye toward the future.
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     Fact is your guy is a fraud and will be exposed as that - raskolnikov MU - 11/1 09:37:33
          Who says Trump is his guy? There's a big distinction(nm) - tigerNkc KC - 11/1 10:09:43
          What law did Trump violate. Specific statute please - Ragnar Danneskjold MU - 11/1 09:49:42
               Right out of the chute you have obstruction of justice and - raskolnikov MU - 11/1 09:55:32
                    list the statutes idiot - Ragnar Danneskjold MU - 11/1 09:59:35
                         Oh now you're stamping your feet - raskolnikov MU - 11/1 10:31:51
     Oh the Political Oracle has arrived to enrich us... - Gyro MU - 11/1 09:26:37
     RE: It must really suck to be a Dem these days. I mean it - sarasotatiger MU - 11/1 09:10:30
          lol Jesus(nm) - Ragnar Danneskjold MU - 11/1 09:33:53
          Um, they've been pushing for it for 3 years(nm) - hefeweizen MU - 11/1 09:20:59
          đź¤¦â€Ťâ™‚️ (nm) - MIZ45 MU - 11/1 09:15:51
     Should be demoralizing to all of us - Mormad MU - 11/1 09:05:15
          RE: Should be demoralizing to all of us - sarasotatiger MU - 11/1 09:11:13
               None of those democrats would be the loser - MIZ45 MU - 11/1 09:19:32
               I don't see a winner in any of them - Mormad MU - 11/1 09:15:01
                    More of the same? - Gyro MU - 11/1 09:27:28
                         Yes, more of the same - Mormad MU - 11/1 09:31:39
                              Money yes. - Toger STL - 11/1 09:59:39
          The choices of a free man.(nm) - Toger STL - 11/1 09:07:46
          incorrect (nm) - pickle MU - 11/1 09:07:25
          It wasnt my only choice and wont be this time(nm) - hefeweizen MU - 11/1 09:06:46
               it’s the only possible outcome - Ferg STL - 11/1 09:13:22
          There are other choices - ummmm MU - 11/1 09:06:32
               the moral choice (nm) - pickle MU - 11/1 09:07:43
               Oh yes, there's the non-participation trophy - Mormad MU - 11/1 09:07:32
                    No trophies are given out. But at least you don't feel - ummmm MU - 11/1 09:08:35
                    non-participation trophy? - pickle MU - 11/1 09:08:18
                         Sitting it out does nothing - Mormad MU - 11/1 09:09:21
                              Not exacty, but more similar to a peaceful, easy feeling. - Toger STL - 11/1 09:14:01
                              i don’t know what you mean by non-participation trophy - pickle MU - 11/1 09:13:42
                              The lesser of two evils is still evil. No thanks (nm) - hefeweizen MU - 11/1 09:10:23
                                   We desperately need a re-set button(nm) - Mormad MU - 11/1 09:11:01
                                        for you - pickle MU - 11/1 09:15:53
                                        no. it needs to be scrapped entirely (nm) - pickle MU - 11/1 09:14:13
                                        That button doesn't exist, but non-participation does. (nm) - ummmm MU - 11/1 09:11:38
               ^^^this(nm) - hefeweizen MU - 11/1 09:07:11

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